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Friday, September 13, 2024

Summer's here?

Yep, she's here.  Summer McKinny, that is.  It's time for me to pull my head out of the cabbage patch and look at Girl of the Year 2025.  This is her.  She is...sigh, a blonde.
She bakes, crafts, walks dogs, and wants to start a small business.  From the looks of her collection she appears to be girly and...maybe a little into kawaii stuff???  I dunno.  

Okay, bad stuff first.  Summer is blonde and blue-eyed, an overused combo.  I can get over the blue eyes since we haven't had a blue-eyed GOTY since Grace Thomas, and ten years has been a minute.  The last blonde was Kira Bailey...and now that I think of it, four years is long enuff for a little girl to forget.  Little girls ARE the target audience of these dolls, after all.  But we old biddies remember.  Heck, Summer's highlights are even pink, just like Isabelle Palmer's!  Secondly, Summer appears to be Caucasian.  American Girl had been doing a good job with diversity with Corinne and Kavi being released close together.  I've also run into children of Italian decent who were/are delighted with Lila Monetti being "like them."  That said, children of all races like to bake, walk dogs, and do crafts.  It wouldn't have been hard to have designed Summer as a little black doll, or a biracial doll like our dearly departed Evette Peeters.  Or a Hispanic girl!  We haven't had a Hispanic girl since Luciana!

Now the good stuff.  Summer's head mold looks like a Nanea head.  In the past I've derided the Nanea sculpt as childish, but it's not yet been used for a Girl of the Year.  Spoiler alert, I don't have a Nanea head in my collection!  I like the highlights in her hair (even if they are pink) and I like that her hair is straight (even if it is blonde).  And y'all may remember how I love rainbows and rainbow-colored things.  Therefore, it's probably obvious why I love Summer's dress.  Oh, and Summer is wearing glasses.  No Girl of the Year has been bespectacled, even though there are plenty of us out there who need glasses.

Oh my...I don't know about y'all, but I may need this doll.  I don't need her...but I may need her.  How about y'all?  Are y'all excited for Summer's release, or would y'all rather burn her at the stake?  OR do y'all not give a crap?  LOL, I know you'll let me know.

Much love,

Thursday, September 12, 2024

A rare find

Or at least she's a rare find in my collection.  Meet Nerida.
I gave away the last two mermaids I had in my collection (one of them can be seen here).  Mattel's playline mermaids are usually very pretty, but they're not easy to pose and they're dern near impossible to redress.  They are good for play in the pool or the tub, though; indeed, I loved pretending that my handful of childhood Barbie dolls were mermaids.  Nerida feels pretty watertight, so she'd serve her purpose as a plaything well.  Unfortunately, this particular plaything has an attribute that's sent collectors silly.  Look at this face.  The head is the "Odile" head and is commonly seen on Barbie mermaids, but this paint job is something else. 
She's got a drop-dead gorgeous face.  One doesn't often see shaded lips and subtly blushed cheeks on a play doll.  Heck, I don't even know of any Barbie Looks dolls that are painted quite like this.  The other mermaids in this particular wave didn't get a paint job like this either.  They've all got beautiful coloration (I love the green one), but their paint is not unique in any way.

A lot of my dolly friends have put this head on an Obitsu body or a pale Made to Move body, but I think I'll leave Nerida as she is for the time being.  I like the soft colors on her body, and being a mermaid in a group of landlubbers, she's unique.  If the forecast for today holds true then she may soon have ample places to swim; Francine is movin' in!

Edit, 9/17/2024:  This post shows y'all how little of an impact the Fidgie Friends made on my dolly world.  I completely forgot that Boba Bubbles is also a mermaid, and that review was only two weeks ago.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Ain't no mama like the one I got

I like the Four Tops, but I'd love to horsewhip the one responsible for that " my word, my word, she'll obey" business.  If he's insisting that I skydive I'm smacking his face and dumping his rear.  I'll take "Reach Out I'll Be There" instead.  LOL, anyway, on September 1st Mama said to me "Well, I've been very naughty.  Do you want to know what I got you or do you wanna be surprised?"  I elected to be surprised, and yesterday this popped up in the mail. 
I LOVE TRAINS, LOL!!!  Mama said this onesie was sized for a Preemie, but it proved too small for Nathan Hunter.  It is not, however, too small for a bean-butt like Esmond Brant.  I love how the red looks with his coloration.  I don't know how easy it is to find clothes like this for bean-butts, but the outfits I do find are largely all the same.  I love knitwear, but sometimes I want a change.  The tag on the front suggests to me that this is a Play Along or Jakks Pacific outfit, by the way.
But I speak too soon, as Andrea Doria's dress is also tagged like this.  She's so complete that this dress has to be original to her.
In that case I'm doubly glad that this fits Esmond, since Kids from the Jakks and Play Along eras can run small.  That gives Esmond more clothing options in the future too.

The train onesie was a surprise, but these next few outfits I knew about ahead of time.  This one has gummy bears on it!
I forget exactly how long I've had Valencia Rose...<pauses to look>...I've had her about eight years, and in those eight years I've not once gotten her a new outfit, one that I put on her and just left her in for an extended period.  That dry spell ended on the evening of September 6th, LOL.  Val and Candela Laura are my overalls Kids, and Val takes that to the extreme end of things in that she won't wear dresses.  Y'know, just like some real little girls won't.  Candela Laura will, but she'd prefer to be comfy in jeans or rompers.

Alexandra Claire is nowhere near as picky.  She's been wearing slacks ever since I bought her, but she also loves dresses.  Case in point.
I presumed that Alexandra is a TRU Kid, because she's quite large.  But her tag says "Play Along," so I don't know.  I don't know much about TRU Kids, but I do know that they're bigger than your typical Cabbie, and Alexandra is bigger than the average Cabbie.  When I told Mama this, she delivered.  I need to get Alexandra some shoes; I said the other day that barefoot season is quickly coming to a close.

Allie Kathleen is also barefoot at the moment.  Good thing Cabbie shoes are easy to come by.  Anyway, here's her new getup.
Autumnal flowers, stripes, and polka dots for the win.  This ensemble comes with two bows, but they're good-sized bows so I only used one.  This outfit is sized for an average sixteen-inch Cabbie, which Allie more or less is.  She's a little on the small side, but she manages just fine.

To be fair, I  want to quickly say hello to my new tuftie.  His name is Ernest John, after a character in The Importance of Being Earnest, and he's got some crazy-long arms!
On September 2nd my favorite Cabbie group had a Bae Day Monday for bald and tufted Cabbies.  I have nine baldies, but I had no tufties to show.  I think tufties are adorable, by the way.  So Ernest has a lemon tuft, and since he's a Preemie with the #4 head that automatically means brown eyes.  Y'all may remember that I'm fond of brown-eyed blondes, and Ernest sweetens the deal by having a bit of a tan.  He is NOT a baked potato, just a little sun-kissed.
He doesn't have a binky yet, but that's easily remedied.  Now...I'd love to know why Coleco always saddled a particular eye color with a particular Preemie head.  This only holds true for Caucasian Preemies, but...

*#1 heads have blue eyes, like Cara Raelean and Stella Rae do.
*#2 wasn't used for Preemies that I know of, so I'm left guessing what color eyes they'd have had.
*#3 heads have green eyes.
*#4 heads have brown eyes.

Like I said, that only holds true for Caucasian dolls.  The majority of Afro-American Cabbies have brown eyes, just like all five of my AA kids do.  I've seen a small number that have some other color...but that number is very, VERY small.

So as y'all can see, the snafu with my mail on Tuesday/Wednesday was an isolated thing.  Unfortunately I do have some bad news on that end.  My favorite mail carrier is a childhood friend that I'll call K.  Sometime in August K dropped a hunting rifle butt-first onto her right big toe.  The toe was broken and the nail is gonna come off, and K is reaching the end of her time in a walking boot.  The thing is, she can't drive in a walking boot, so she can't deliver our mail.  Her doctor told her she's also got nerve damage, and she'll need some kinda injection in that toe.  K told me that if the injections don't take she won't be able to do her job, and knowing that hurt.  She's got a teenage daughter and a preteen son, and we ALL know how expensive teenagers can be.  K just seemed really down when I talked to her, so if y'all pray, please pray for her.  Send vibes, light candles, whatever.  I hate it when my buddies are injured or sick or bummed out.  That includes y'all out there reading!

Now I'm gonna set the negativity and Ernest John aside for a minute and show y'all my gifted haul.
I also have some stuff that I bought myself (I bought a yellow swing dress!), but I'll show that...oh, some other time.  Self-bought stuff isn't as special as gifts, especially gifts from one's mama!  Our birthdays are just around the corner and I need to think of something really special for her.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Revisiting a failed line

Yes, the #FailFix dolls were here and gone before one could snap their fingers.  It was irate parents with their knickers in a knot that ultimately spelled doom for the line, though a lot of dolly fans also conjecture that the term "fail" in the title had something to do with the FAIL of the line.  Apparently the outraged adults thought the dolls were saying "I've failed at looking perfect, so I'm a failure, period."  There was some rebuttal, with those supporting the dolls saying...basically what I'd say if my makeup was a flop:  "I've got a special occasion today and I look horrible.  Can you help me fix myself up?"  #FailFix commercials and packaging implied that the latter scenario was indeed the case, at least with @Loves.Glam and @Dance.Stylz (and @SlayitDJ, but I don't have her yet).  Glam is preparing for an opening night of some stripe, DJ is headed off to a DJing gig, while Dance is going to...well, dance class!  @Preppi.Posh is the bookish one of the bunch, so she doesn't mention a specific occasion.  Maybe she wants to look nice for class.
Not looking nice at such events isn't the end of the world, but it can definitely put a damper on your day.  So I think the flack was a little on the ridiculous side, but they didn't ask me.  Miss Emily did point out that the hobbies of the bunch were racially stereotypical; @Dance.Stylz, a black doll, apparently likes hip-hop, @Kawaii.Qtee is Asian-American and likes anime, and @Preppi.Posh is bookish and is very, very white.  I feel Emily's complaint there.  Not all Afro-Americans like hip-hop, not all Asian-Americans are obsessed with anime, and not all white folks are bookish.  Luckily, this bit wasn't heavily advertised, and I assign my own personalities to my dolls anyway, so this bit can be rectified.  Plus, @Dance.Stylz's box says only "dance class," not "hip-hop class."  She could just as easily be a tap dancer or a ballet dancer or a breakdancer...ooo, I love a skilled breakdancer!  But still, the stereotypes apparently were there and for some folks it was annoying.

The fall of #FailFix stung for me, since they were a lot more aesthetically pleasing than the Boxy Girls and since their gimmick was easy to handle.  They were also colorful, didn't take up...well, not TOO much space, and their fail faces were a riot.  The blind bag gimmick also came into play regarding the dolls' dresses and makeup, and there was always a chance that one might get a sparkle or night variant, though (spoiler alert) all of mine are the day variant.  That includes my Mika, a.k.a. @Kawaii.Qtee.  Mika will not be present in this post today since she's in storage like too many of my dolls, but she's still around.  Here's a reused picture.
I admit that I'm still not over my hatred of these dolls' names, but then a lot of social media handles are dumb.  Dumb can be original, after all...and on social media EVERYONE has to have an original handle.  Anyway, here's my new girls in fail mode...
...and here's how they look gussied up.  

Unlike the Fidgie Friends, #FailFix dolls all had different head shapes, both on their fail faces and on their unmasked faces.  They also had different body shapes, but we'll get to that.

Now...@Loves.Glam is the one in black and gold, and she didn't get a lot of love from bloggers and collectors.  She was the easiest one to find on secondary market, and I don't see a lot of owner pics of her.  She has beautiful hair, I'll say that much right now.  It isn't every day one sees wine-colored hair on a doll; indeed, Adora and Chardonnay are my only two.
I've chosen the name Adora for this one.  It just...kinda fits her.  Like Mika I had to give Adora a hairwash after combing out her fail hair, and I didn't get all that hair gom out but she looks okay.  Indeed, she's put-together enuff that she reminds me a little of a Bratz doll...without the brat factor, LOL.
All of these dolls come with some sort of bauble for their hair, and Adora came with...THESE???
Adora is the only one of my dolls who came with a hair bob that is NOT meant to be worn permanently.  I have to ask y'all:  how am I supposed to curl all of Adora's hair when she's only got two of these things???  Why bother when her hair is already pretty curly as it is?  I just tossed those into the accessory bag and moved on.  Pity that Adora didn't get something like a crown or a clip that tied in with her dress.

Moving on, y'all remember when I said #FailFix dolls were more engaging than Fidgie Friends?  I think I may have figured out why.  I never noticed this with Mika, but Adora has follow-me eyes, kinda like Unique Eyes dolls do.
I like the Unique Eyes dolls, BTW.  I'm searching for one that really sets my heart aflame-a.  As another addendum, it's a pity that such a function wasn't implemented for #SNAPSTARS.  They were social media-themed like #FailFix and were actually meant to be photographed.  Sigh...I need to root my #SNAPSTAR doll out of storage and finally review her.  Their failure was a lot more predictable than #FailFix was.  Anyway, I think Adora cleaned up well, but I kinda miss her fail eyeshadow; it reminded me of the aurora borealis.  Oh well, I've still got the fail mask, and Adora's peachy eyeshadow looks like the sunset so I won't complain.

Just for shizzles, here are Adora's three looks.  
The evening getup looks okay, but I think I understand why this particular doll wasn't the most popular.  A lotta black...though some kids like black.  I did.  Anyway, Adora's nighttime look has golden paint on her forehead, kinda like some Bollywood stars wear.  Maybe that's why Adora is attending a red carpet event; maybe she's a Bollywood fan, or even a starlet.  Sky's the limit!

Back on track, Danae is the name I picked for @Dance.Stylz.  I knew ahead of time that Danae's hair would need washing after being brushed out, and indeed the interim between brushing and washing was hilarious.
Reminds me of the porcupine scene from Homeward Bound, and what Chance asks the porcupine what it did to get such outrageous hair.  Luckily Danae is not a porcupine (I've worked with porcupine quills and they can be a bitch), so I was able to wash out her hair without jabbing my cuticles.  She looks okay now.
Danae's microbraids handle differently from Mika's and Adora's unbraided hair.  I was able to break up the heavily gelled curls with my hands and finger comb the worst of the tangles out, but a simple brushing didn't take out the kinks.  Hence the hairwash.  Now here's a better look at Danae's face.
That fleck in her left eye came off with a moistened fingertip.  I kinda wish her unmasked face had more 'tude, like her fail face did.  I also wish her lips weren't so dern bright, but they at least match her clothes and hair.  AND they're not bubblegum pink; this is a pretty fuchsia shade.

Here are Danae's three looks.  I wish I could've gotten that night look; that purple looks amazing with her dark coloring.
Despite my harping, wishing for this or wishing for that, I like Danae a lot.  She's got beautiful coloring and could easily become my favorite of these dolls.  By the way, this is what I mean when I say these dolls have different bodies.  Danae is taller than Adora.
There are three body shapes in all, though I forget who has what.  A quick glance at Mika's review told me that she and the deluxe doll @2Dreami have petite bodies.  Danae is taller than Adora, so that would mean that Danae is tall and Adora is curvy.  

Lourdes (@Preppi.Posh) is also curvy, and she's the one I was least interested in initially, because...well, because she's blonde and blue-eyed, that's why!  Except she's brown-eyed, and her eyes are a different shade of brown than Danae's.
I like that combo a lot better.  I had a blonde Barbie with brown eyes once, and she was a knockout.  Regardless of eye color, Lourdes has a sweet little face underneath her fail mask.  And dig this as well:  she has pink glasses!
Isn't every day that a fashion doll has specs, let alone cute pink ones.  When my mom was young glasses were black and goofy, and when I was young glasses were brown and boring, but now...now if you want 'em those frames can be your favorite color.  I even ran into one lady who had Piet Mondrian-style frames, or like I called 'em when I was little, rainbow bricks.

Lourdes's hair bauble is a giant plastic clip that looks like a butterfly.  I like this clip because it also looks like a hair bow.  A BIG hair bow.
Regarding her three looks, I like Lourdes's night getup the best (again), because it's shimmery and dominantly blue.
Oh, and fun little fact:  I tried to tell the eBay seller what I named this doll, and eBay flagged my review saying I had to revise it!  Apparently "Lourdes" is abusive language.  Idiotic.  

One Redditor noted that #FailFix clothes were a little on the low-quality side, and I'll give 'em that; my dolls' dresses look good, but they're easily snagged and the fabric is thin.  I also noticed some quality issues with my Mika, mostly in and around the eyes.  Again, a reused picture.
When I mentioned during the Fidgie Friends review that "glass" eyes have problems of their own, Mika was one of the dolls I was referring to.  Her eye makeup has a lot of cracks, and her eyes themselves have this weird pattern like ripples in a pond.  Adora and Danae dodged both those bullets, but Lourdes has ripples in her right eye (and some eye wonk).  Her eye paint is fortunately okay.
I do want to apply some sealant to Mika's paint and see if that'll prevent future damage, but for now she looks okay...as far as I know, LOL.  For the record, Mika and Lourdes aren't the only dolls I've got with inset eye issues; Skyler Bradshaw (Rainbow High) has chips in her eyes that look a little like water spots...
...and I've got PLENTY of dolls with wonky eyes (examples here, here, and here).  I tolerate eye wonk on playline dolls like this since I've got a touch of strabismus myself, especially when I'm tired.

But wait, there's more!  Apparently there were also pets that went with this line, and since they look funny in fail mode I got one.  This is @ArteePup, but I'll be calling her Bluebelle.  She is the pet of one of the dolls I don't yet have, @PrettyArtee.
Apparently @PrettyArtee is an art enthusiast (hence her handle name), and she's no better at giving her dog a makeover than she is at her own.
Looks like the poor poochie got caught in a small tornado, LOL.  For the record, this dog is an Afghan hound, and this breed has A LOT of hair.  Professional grooming is an absolute must for such a dog as that.  Now...obviously the premise of these pets is the same as for the dolls:  fix up their flopped grooming and let them strut their stuff.  This goober even has a foamy mask like the girls do!
One of my favorite YouTube channels is Girl With the Dogs, and I know from her experiences that a lot of dogs and nearly all cats hate having their faces washed.  Vanessa also says that grooming animals from kittenhood/puppyhood makes things a lot easier.  Anyway, here's Bluebelle's before and after.  She cleaned up nicely.
Fun fact:  there is hair dye that's safe for dogs, though few people do it.  I certainly wouldn't, though I doubt my dogs would give a crap.  Besides, this is the doll world, and anyone can have trippy hair if they want.  Anyway, Adora, Lourdes, and Mika have coordinating pets too, and I plan on gathering those up in the future.  Lourdes owns a Pomeranian, Mika's pet is a cat, and Adora has a mini horse.  I repeat...A MINI HORSE!!!  Mini horses are awesome, though they do require an owner who knows how to deal with horses.  It's a horse, after all, and horses have to be trained, big or small.  But I love mini horses.  I like Pomeranians too; when I adopted my chinchilla I had the option to also adopt a senior Pomeranian, but I only had enuff money for the chinchilla's adoption fee and the dog had an owner lined up anyway.  Ooo, he was a sweetie, though!  And of course y'all know my opinions on cats.  Anyway, Bluebelle is minimally jointed, unlike her companion dolls.  She can turn her head, but that's it.
Still, she's an Afghan.  While I'd never want an Afghan hound for myself (too much maintenance), I do respect the breed and anyone who has the time and money to keep their dog looking and feeling nice.  Barbie had an Afghan once (because why wouldn't she?), and that's a Barbie pet that I wouldn't mind scrounging it up.  My Barbie dolls don't have a lot of pets, and I need to change that.  Mama thinks that Bluebelle would make a nice companion for Zooey Electric, and...she's not too far off!
But then again, neither Bluebelle nor Zooey look thrilled about being paired up.  Maybe Zooey isn't a dog person. 

As a last addendum, Toy Sisters has a guide that shows the day, sparkle, and evening variants of each of these dolls.  I'm glad of that, because only owning day variants, I was curious about the others.  I wonder what the odds of getting each variant were?


Monday, September 9, 2024

Pulling together

Yeah, I know I posted earlier today, but Tropical Storm Francine pulled herself together.  These screenshots were taken approximately twenty hours apart. 
She's predicted to be a hurricane by the time she makes landfall, and she is predicted to make a direct hit on the Bootheel.  Landfalling tropical systems usually mean at least one tornado, so I'll have to keep a sharp lookout.
If the cone of uncertainty holds true, then Ohio may get a taste of this too.  So my friends up there, be vigilant!  Run to the grocery store for some non-perishable grub, just in case the power goes out.  We certainly will.

Unfortunately my current budget will not allow for the purchase of another popcorn Cabbage Patch Kid.  I've done that twice now in the face of a hurricane, thus why Idalia Gale and Beryl June are named what they are.  Hmmm...if I were to add another girl...what would I use as a middle name?  "Francine September" has a certain je ne sais quoi, but I can hear what Mama would say.  She'd dry heave, just like she did when I suggested that Beryl's middle name be "Tempest."  As usual, Booful Beans thinks my names are a riot.
I'm being a good girl and not buying anything, but I can still goof around.  And who knows, maybe I'll find a popcorn at the local secondhand store!  Yeah right, dare to dream!

Batten down the hatches, y'all, and pray for the Gulf Coast!

Stormy love,