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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Galentine's Day box

To my delight, she's a Kissin' Kid, one with red hair and those unique violet eyes like Alice Helene has.  I've chosen the name Rowena Skylar for this young lady. 
She's even got earrings!  None of my other Cabbies have that.
Oh, and guess what?  Rowena has a brick inside her torso!  It serves no purpose that I know of other than making her easy to sit up.  This is significant because my other two dolls with bricks (Andrea Doria and Cleopatra Chantale) are Growing Hair Kids.  My childhood Kid Honoria also had a brick, but she was NOT a Growing Hair Kid.  I thought she might have been, but Mama says no.  So I'm not as crazy as I thought, and not all Kids with bricks are Growing Hair Kids.  I wonder if that means that Honoria was a Hasbro Kid rather than a Coleco Kid?  I'll never know. 

Tucked underneath Rowena Skylar was a mini Kid with some accessories...and red hair and brown eyes.
I love these mini Kids!  They always make good little companions for my larger dolls.  Tammi Jane is this one's name, and her birthday is in January. 
Rounding out the Cabbage Patch loot are these shoes.  I figure that Gwenda Cecile will get these, as big as her feet are.
Treesa also included this cute plush cat, meant to be a pet for eighteen-inch jobs.  It reminds me a lot of my own black and white cat, Bobbie.  I can't remember if River Song has a pet yet.
Several years back I had a stuffed cat that doubled as a keychain, and I kid y'all not, the name on his tag was "Joplin."  Perfect for my tornado nerd sensibilities.  The string that held him to my purse eventually broke, but I've still got Joplin somewhere.  Maybe I could keep the trend going and name this cat something goofy like Wichita or Woodward or Tuscaloosa.  Just a thought.

Of course no box from Treesa is complete without at least one Build-a-Bear trinket, and in this case the trinket is an ear bow.
Summer Daisy will be wearing that with her pink and black dress.

Treesa also remembered that I'm tinkering around with a dollhouse, so she sent me some little dolls for that.  I've got four of those wooden dolls that have wire frames.  Looks like three kids and a mom.  Two of 'em have Melissa and Doug stamped on one foot.
The other dollhouse doll is...I think she's one of those Barbie Extra Mini Minis, complete with her own little Yorkie.  I always liked these Extra Minis and Mini Minis; Mattel went all out for them.
I also like how she's blonde and green-eyed.  Just a couple'a days ago I was telling Mama about a Barbie I had with blonde hair and green eyes.  Right pretty she was, and then guess what???  I gave her to a little kid that I loved!

Also tucked in with the dollhouse bunch was this angel ornament.  She's part cardboard, so I think she might be handmade.  She's cute, and I love her unusual hair.  Most of the angel dolls I've seen are blonde.
Treesa, you certainly do know how to make a gal happy!  And I commend all of y'all for reading and remembering what I like.  Treesa remembered that I like Kissin' Kids, Barb the Evil Genius remembered that Booful Beans is my favorite of the Baby Beans, and ALL of y'all know that I like red hair.  I think I mention that every other post, LOL.  Speaking of red hair, Alice Helene has red hair under her hood, and she has the same lilac eyes as Rowena Skylar does.  Automatic sisters; look, they're even both wearing pastels!
I appreciate Rowena having these eyes, by the way; I have a few Cabbies with unique eyes, and two of 'em came from Treesa.  There's Rowena Skylar here, and then there's also Owen Presley.  Babyland General calls his eyes hazel.
To me hazel is a mix of brown and gray like my mother has and my grandmother had.  Nevertheless, Owen Presley is another special little guy.  I wish finding clothes for him were easy because he deserves a dolling up like the other Kids.  

As usual, Treesa, thank you.  That's another one checked off my wish list!



  1. I like the name Rowena Skylar. I think the 'brick' in her torso is actually her kissing mechanism. Cabbage Patch Kissin' Kids were supposed to make a soft kissing noise when you squeezed them, if I remember right.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Oh, really! Once again I had no idea! Goodness, there's a lot more to learn than I thought about these Cabbies. I really love her, though. Mama likes her too!

    2. Another type of Cabbage Patch Kids that I believe had a 'brick' inside were the 1990s era Birthday Kids. These Kids each came with a birthday party accessory like a kazoo or a party horn that they could really 'blow' when they were squeezed. Do you happen to remember if your Honoria had an open mouth?
      Signed, Treesa

    3. That, I do remember. No, her mouth wasn't open. I also remember being kinda weirded out at the time by her having one dimple. Cabbies didn't make a lot of sense to me back then, LOL.
