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Saturday, March 15, 2025


Follow-up to this morning's post.  As y'all can tell, I'm okay and Clio Teresa is okay, ergo the house, the library, and the city of Malden are all okay.  Clio came with me, as a doll inevitably will when I'm feeling a mite depressed.

Malden dodged a bullet once again, thank God, but Kennett (south), Poplar Bluff (northwest), and Piedmont (farther northwest did not).  Big Mouth Reed Timmer shot a rocket into the tornado at Kennett, though I don't know what for.  It was a big so-and-so, but my boss told Mama that most of the damage was around Burger King and some of the business district.  My boss is okay, her sister who lives at Piedmont is okay, and my assistant manager and her family are okay.  The tornado that hit Poplar Bluff took out a trailer park on the western side, and I'm sorry to say that at least three people got killed.  Their library took some damage and will be closed today, and...gosh, I don't know how bad it is at Poplar Bluff, but it's definitely not good.  I don't know much about the situation at Piedmont either, but a couple'a residents died there too.  Piedmont is a little bitty place, so even one death is too many.  Hell, one death is too many, period.

This sweeping change of subject is a mite spur-of-the-moment, but at the last minute this morning I remembered that Treesa asked for a picture of Rowena Skylar and Alice Helene together, but with Alice's hood off.

Alice's hair is brighter than Rowena's, to the point of carrot red.  As to Rowena's kissing mechanism, I haven't tried it yet, but Treesa says she should make a little kissing sound.  Kisses from sweet little dollies sound good right now.

I'll keep y'all updated on the mess here in Missouri.  It got hectic enuff last night that Cape Girardeau's lead meteorologist got dehydrated and dern near passed out.  He speaks for the whole viewing area when he says he hopes this is the event of the year...but I have a sneaking suspicion that we're just getting started.

God bless,


  1. Maybe, instead of being called Cabbage Patch Kids, Rowena Skylar and Alice Helene should get the nickname 'carrot top kids', lol.
    Signed, Treesa

  2. Glad you're safe, Moon. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks, girlie! This outbreak was not as kind to lots of other people, so I feel pretty blessed.
