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Monday, March 17, 2025

Making it right

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!  This post was supposed to go out on Saturday, but when all hell broke loose with the tornadoes I decided to reschedule.  The tornado that hit Poplar Bluff has been rated an EF3, and as far as I know the death toll stands at one, not three as initially thought.  Wayne County, where Piedmont is, lost eight people at three different campsites.  Two of 'em apparently drowned when their camper got tossed into a river. Fremont got destroyed, and learning that broke my heart because they've already been hit hard once.  I'm missing some towns here in Missouri, and Mississippi got hit hard too, so this was just a terrible outbreak, plain and simple.  Oh, and get this:  the big-shot engineers have been called to Diaz, Arkansas to look for EF5 damage.  If found this will make the first recorded EF5 since Moore, Oklahoma got hit in 2013.  Even bigger, it'll be only Arkansas' second F5/EF5.  That's right, second.  The first/only tornado that strong hit and wiped out Sneed in 1929.  For a last little eyebrow raiser, Sneed and Diaz are both in Jackson County.  Pretty wild!  I wonder when we'll know?

Now that that's out of the way, devout readers of this blog will remember that I'm fond of Furga dolls, and they also may remember that last month I ordered a new one and got a golf club cover instead.  I messaged the seller and got a refund, but goodness only knows where the poor little doll ended up.  To soothe my psychological wounds I bought this little gal (before we went on our budget, of course).
The lost doll's name was Anita, and she would have looked like this but in rougher shape.  If I ever go looking for an Anita again I'll look for one in better condition.  I don't know what the new girl's name is, but she's a character!  I've yet to find another Furga doll with this exact face, by the way.  I've found 'em with similar head molds, but not this exact one.
Xanadu, I know you like teeth, and this pet has 'em.  She's also got a warpy hip and some age-related wear and tear to her clothes, the latter of which can be fixed.  I'm not sure how to fix the hip, unless a warm hair drier might help it relax.  Here's a better look at her bum hip, or rather, how said hip makes her stand.  I've got a gimpy leg too, so I can relate.
The hair is another, more minor issue.  My other Furga dolls have hair that is at least manageable, but the new girl's hair is...well, it's not in terrible shape, but it could do with a deep conditioning.
It's not as red IRL as it looks, either.  Most of the red-haired Furga dolls I've run into have carrot red hair like my Columba and Tam's Teresa.  My doll's hair isn't ugly, mind y'all, but it needs a little TLC.

In terms of height the new doll is close in size to Martina and shorter than Simona.
That's about all I have to say about her!  She's got a gimpy leg, but she's not letting it dampen his spirits.  Furga dolls can be moody little goobers, but not this one!  I think I'll name her "Ilaria," which means "cheerful."  We all need a little more cheer in our lives, as nutty as this world is and as bad as the weather's been.   

Happy St. Pat's,

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