December 1st. I'd just learned that Twyla Boogeyman's eyes glow in the dark, and I was planning on doing a post on that. It fell through, but I still have the picture I took.
I don't talk much about Twyla, but she's always been one of my favorite Monster High characters due to her smaller size and her coloration. Unfortunately my Twyla is falling victim to time just like Lagoona Blue has, and her hair looks pretty nasty. I'm hoping I can save it.
December 2nd. Bae Day Monday was for Jesmars. I only have the one, Candela Laura, still in her fall dress. Here she'd offered to help me shake out the winter quilts so that the family can avoid another spider bite (that lovely saga is
The ninth and the sixteenth are for Lily Ledy and Tsukuda, respectively. I don't have any of those, but I'm looking forward to seeing the other folks' dolls. The quilts got a clean bill of health, by the way; I guess the only spider in the pile was the one that bit me.
December 3rd. Autumn Leah (right) finally arrived in the mail (she was listed as "out for delivery" for a solid twenty-nine hours). Here she leans on Gwenda Cecile; my friends on Failbook wanted to see them both.
Y'all have met Autumn Leah, but I never talked about Gwenda Cecile, even though the two arrived around the same time. Gwenda Cecile is a poseable Kid from the Hasbro era, with thick, pale blonde braids and bright blue eyes. She has a head mold that reminds me of the crazy-expensive Coleco #19 head, which has a big toothy smile.
December 7th. It was a Saturday, and I'd been to work and Mama hadn't. When I came home that evening I found this.
December 12th is about as random as they come. This headshot of Rosemary turned up in my Failbook memories.

Rosemary doesn't look like that anymore! She's got a new wig and no eyelashes, and I need to fix that latter bit.
December 15th. I was putting
Jazzie's post together and decided to fool around with the rest of my Barbie dolls. For some reason I included Marlo, even though she ended up not being in the post.
Y'all know how I like opposites, and Dionne and Marlo are about as opposite as it gets. New and old, red and blue, brunette and blonde, black and white.
Since I once compared Marlo to Midge, here they are together. Marlo is slightly in front of Midge here; in reality the two are the same size.
Hmmm, maybe she doesn't favor Midge as much as I thought she did. She doesn't look much like
TNT Barbie either. It doesn't really matter much, but I like to nitpick.
Lastly, here's Marlo with Jazzie.
These two don't look a lot alike either, but that's to be expected since there's at least twenty years separating their production dates. I have to admit that even though Marlo can't pose worth a doggone, she IS photogenic. I need to think of some other scenarios for her.
December 16th. This is a Failbook memory, of Yasmina and Raya together.
I don't remember why I had them together, but I did. I've always loved Yasmina's yellow, slightly creepy eyes.
December 18th. Another Failbook memory.
Imani was so new that I didn't have her whole outfit yet. I only had her sleep sack.
December 18th, present day. Shelley (left) got a new dress that coordinated with Barbie's. Y'all can see what happened next.
Now Shelley needs some shoes of her own! I'd like to find a similar outfit for Midge too, so she and Barbie can pose together again.
December 21st. Saturdays on that Cabbage Patch group I like are called Seasonal Saturdays, and the Saturday before Christmas doesn't get more seasonal than this.
Besties Elisabeth Clara and Shelley Fred are ready to deck the halls...or they would be if we were bothering with a tree. My goofy tree at the library is up, but both Mama and I are too crippled up to put a big one together, and Uncle Man-Child would be of no help if we tried. So Elisabeth and Shelley are just chilling out, staying warm. Elisabeth's left pants leg has the Grinch on it.
Everyone oughta love the Grinch! Unlovable as he's supposed to be, he's...pretty darn lovable.
December 22nd. Two radically different Barbie dolls.
Malibu P.J. is on the left and Isolde is on the right. I think they're discussing the differences in their joints and how P.J. can sit comfortably with her legs outstretched.
December 23rd. Bae Day Monday is for Tri-Ang Pedigrees. Again, I have one, my beloved Kitrick Randolph Fergus.
My friend from Newfoundland got her first Tri-Ang Pedigree doll a few days ago, and we had a discussion about Tri-Ang eyes. Because the paint used was absolute crap, these dolls have very distinctive eyes.
Kit's eyes used to be brown, and the Newfoundland doll's eyes appear to have once been green. Now both of them have...well, mud-colored eyes!
December 24th. Failbook memory from 2020.
I apparently had just gotten Justine-Marie, because I showed this random headshot to everyone.
December 26th. This popped up in the mail. Another gift from Mama.
Nathan Hunter looks fine in his blue corduroy suit, but it's nice to change things up a bit. This should hold him until the end of winter.
December 27th. I took this in preparation for another series of posts.
Barbie and Sindy. Mattel and Marx.
December 28th, the
not-too-smiley day that really wasn't that bad (for me, anyway). Courtney got a new outfit in the mail.
Any of my balloon-headed Skipper dolls would've looked alright in this, but I love hot pink with dark hair. Oh, and fringe. I love fringe.
December 30th. Friend from Newfoundland needed a way to fill in the last Monday, so she declared it IC and UT Day. These factories were both based in Taiwan, and Cabbies from there have their own special attributes. In this case I have one of each; Shelley Fred is an IC3, while Elisabeth Clara is a UT2 and has the cheeks to show for it.
UT Cabbies have VERY rosy cheeks, and IC Cabbies have very pretty complexions when they haven't discolored (some of 'em do). Shelley Fred is lucky and has not discolored so far; indeed, his face reminds me a little of porcelain. This porcelain look is also common for IC kids.
Later that same day. Fluff and Farrah cuddle.
Farrah is the younger of my two Malibu Barbies. I unfortunately don't know where her older sister is. However, I do have a rough idea about where to look. I'm very fond of the Malibu Barbie line, so I'd like to have 'em all together.
Still December 30th. Two of my blue-eyed girls.
Danica and Martina, complete with That One Hair for both dolls. By the way, it should be remembered that blue-eyed Furga dolls can look possessed if the camera's flash is wrong. Martina, Caroline, Eva, and Gia have all fallen victim to this.
I was restless on the evening of the thirtieth, and while waiting for Mama to come home I ventured outside with Martina.

We were both in the mood to enjoy the last few hours of mild temperatures before a strong cold front pushed in. The last week of December has been delightfully mild (with tornadoes for the south), and the first week of January is predicted to be "colder than a well-digger's butt," as my family puts it. With snow. Blaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!!
And with that, the year has come to an end! It was an okay year, free of a lot of tragedy and illness...well, for me, at least. I know that people in Appalachia are still digging out from Hurricane Helene; that recovery is gonna take a long time yet. But for me, thank God, all is well. My family has a home, we're all alive and well, we've got enuff money to pay bills, that's a lot to be thankful for. And
the eclipse...that was the highlight of my year, and I hope I never forget it. As to you, my dear readers, I thank all of y'all for popping in with comments or with views, for the gifts, for everything. This blog would be pointless without readers.
I love y'all, and happy new year!