Saturday, December 28, 2024

Not really a smiling sort of day

My badge says "smile"...

...but it's not really a smiling type of day.  Visibility is down past a quarter of a mile in my area; I don't recommend driving in crap like this.
Could be worse, I s'pose.  Look at the Weather Channel's headline for this morning.
Tornadoes!  In December!  That's...actually not uncommon for that part of the country.  They see severe weather year around.  Look back to the Enigma Outbreak if you don't believe me.

So the weather's not great, and my sciatica hurts, and I watched "The Angels Take Manhattan" all the way through for the first time last night, so I'm just...kinda bummed today.  Hell, I knew what was coming for Amy and Rory, but just the same, watching one's favorite Doctor get his hearts broken isn't exactly a barrel of laughs.  So I scooped up Ernest John and brought him to work with me.

I'm only now realizing that the poor laddie has had a chop to his locks!  

How long have I owned Ernest John now???  Four months?  Five?  And I'm only now noticing this?  Five points from Hufflepuff for Moony being a dolt, and drat these destructive little kids and their scissors!

So that's that!  It's a Saturday, and Saturdays are always mega-slow at work, so I'll probably devote the day to Ryan Hall and pray that no one is killed.  The Mississippi-Louisiana border is in the crosshairs today, where Vicksburg, Rolling Fork and Inverness are both located.  Vicksburg got hit in 1953 (in the wintertime), Inverness got it in 1971 (also late winter), and last year was Rolling Fork's turnJackson and Hazlehurst are also in the warned area, and they too have been hit hard in the past.  Mississippi in general is no stranger to violent tornadoes, and tornadoes that do form tend to be obscured by hills and trees, making the storm spotters' jobs difficult.  So today I'm praying for Dixie Alley.  Hard.

Love and hugs,


  1. Oh boy! You certainly have some crappy weather where you live RM. Looks like a perfect day for staying inside and playing with your dolls. :) I hope you had a lovely Christmas with your family.
    Big hugs,

    1. It's not as bad as it sounds; I only post about the weather when something weird is going on. And yes, Christmas was lovely. Nice and quiet. How was yours?
