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Friday, December 13, 2024

Big haul

A friend of mine from church (hereafter referred to as Ms. P, her first initial) wanted to off-load a ton of her daughter's Barbie stuff, and due to my Failbook posts the first person she thought of was Yours Truly.  She said it was one box, but it ended up being FIVE boxes of stuff.  Two cars, a disassembled house, a ton of furniture, several Ziploc bags of clothes, and a box of nineties-era Barbies.  Wait until y'all see how diverse and well-kept this bunch is.  First things first:  this is Barbie.  I don't know which, but she's a pretty one.
This is also Barbie, one of the Little Debbie dolls.  Her accessories are presumably mixed in with the rest of the clothes.
This is Bridesmaid Barbie, from Midge's wedding party.
And of course, this is Barbie, one of the pioneers.  I actually have this one already, and I'll probably redress her.
Hi, Barbie!  Hi, Barbie!  Hi, Barbie!  Hi, Barbie!  Four of 'em are Barbie!  Now...let's see who's NOT Barbie.  The oldest one of the bunch is definitely not Barbie.
I have a reproduction Midge, but this gal is the real McCoy.  Ms. P told me that this is her childhood Midge.  Apparently back in the day Ms. P and her friends were allowed to take their dolls to school and play with them during free time, so that's exactly what they did.  Ms. P says that she had (and still has) one bubblecut Barbie, one Midge, a Fashion Queen Midge with the wigs, one Scooter, one Francie, and one or two Ken dolls (no Allan!).  She may have had Skipper too, but I can't remember; I asked to see these dolls and she'll hopefully bring them to me one day.  ANYWAY, Christmas rolled around, and the children got to play Secret Santa, giving each other something worth no more than a dollar.  When the gift exchange occurred a little boy handed Ms. P this Midge doll...an item worth more than the one dollar limit.  Ms. P said she accepted it, but she felt bad that the little boy had spent so much.

Time passed, Midge got her head taken off at least once, and she's developed a neck split as a result.
I know such damage is repairable, and it doesn't usually show so it's NBD.  I was so touched to receive one of Ms. P's personal dolls that I could only gasp and then splutter "Thank you."  I didn't think to ask her if Midge's hair once curled up (like a straight-leg) or under (like a bendleg).

Now, here's another Midge.  She's more what I'd have grown up with, with the Diva head and the sandy strawberry blonde hair.
I don't think I need to rehash my love for Midge.  She's always been Barbie's less-glamorous, more approachable sidekick, and like P.J. and Teresa, I just relate to her more.  The baseball earrings give this one away as All-Star Midge, from 1989.
I think this was the first Midge produced with the Diva head; the first two had the Steffie head.  I presume that they switched Midge's head up because Teresa used the Steffie head a lot during the eighties, but I don't KNOW that.  I do know that All-Star Teresa was a Steffie, and a very pretty one.

Speaking of Teresa, she's here.  She's not a Steffie Teresa, but again, NBD.  This is the Teresa I knew growing up.
Teresa has holes for earrings, but they're gone.  Luckily she does still have her ring.
<browses Google, eBay, and Etsy>  Somehow I knew there'd be a doll from the Rollerblade line in this collection, and this Teresa is the one.  I vaguely remember these from when I was a little kid; the rollerblades threw sparks, and did y'all know that sparks are a fire hazard???  I never would've guessed!  I don't know if the sparking rollerblades prompted a recall or not, but in this day and age a toy like this never would've flown.  Or the skates would've had to have had a redesign to be not a fire risk.  Edit, 12/14/24:  a little research would've done me good here, but I was completing this post kinda on the fly and didn't look it up like I should've.  Setsu-P informed me that Rollerblade Barbie and company were indeed recalled due to the aforementioned sparks causing problems.  The sources I'm citing are here and here, and thank you Setsu-P for filling me in!  Note that the doll in the YouTube link is Teresa, like mine.

Another of my childhood favorites was/is Kira.  I hinted at this doll's presence yesterday.
Kira has no earrings to aid me in identification, but her paint is distinctive:  yellow-green eyeshadow and orange lips.
Sun Jewel Kira, my childhood friend?  No, she has purple makeup and straight hair and big earrings.  This may be Wet 'n' Wild Kira, from 1990.  Cool, I love the Wet 'n' Wild line.  It kinda looks like Ms. P's daughter restyled Kira's hair, which is okay.  I'll tidy it up a bit and then put it back in that style!

The box wasn't a "girls only" affair, of course.  Before I move down an age bracket I'll run over the boys.  Here's a very dapper Ken.  I thought he mightve been from Midge's wedding party as well, but his suit is the wrong color for that.
This head is an eighties head, so I need to do a little digging for this handsome chap's identity and get back to y'all. 
For now, per the movie, he's just Ken.

Here's another Ken, and I like him even better than the first one.
He has a head that Alan utilized, but that blonde hair is definitely Ken's.
He really is a hunk.  I've always preferred Allan/Alan to Ken anyway, LOL.

I like Steven too.  He is (presumably) Christie's fellow.
This Steven is wearing Wet 'n' Wild Ken's swim trunks, meaning that the first Ken I showed has to be Wet 'n' Wild Ken.  Here's a better look at Steven's face; he's cute.
Now I need to grub up my Christie doll and reunite the lovebirds.

To my delight there are several younger dolls in the mix, including...holy crap is that Jazzie??? 
It is!  It's Hawaiian Fun Jazzie!  Jazzie is Barbie's nineties teenage cousin...possibly the then-modern equivalent of Francie?  Anyway, collectors hypothesize that teenaged Jazzie was created to compete with Hasbro's Maxie, which would explain why Jazzie was here and gone before one could blink.  Maxie didn't last three years, you see.  So here's a better look at Jazzie; she's almost as glamorous in the face as Barbie is.
By the way, I didn't learn until the eleventh hour that Jazzie was here.  She was buried under the ample skirts of Pioneer Barbie and Bridesmaid Barbie. 

The box also has two big-eyed Skippers.  I'll start with this one, since she's the first one I met who's broken.
She looks okay now, but...
...yeah, a couple'a my childhood Skippers ended up that way too.  Nothing a little Gorilla Glue won't fix.  Judging from that bathing suit I'm gonna guess that this is Wet 'n' Wild Skipper...except that that's Kira's bathing suit, LOL!
Nevertheless, this doll's tawny, dewy complexion and very blue eyes give her away as Wet 'n' Wild Skipper.  I repeat:  I love the Wet 'n' Wild line.  Barbie's whole friend group got in on the action, including Skipper, Ken, and Steven.

The other Skipper was easy to identify since she's got her swimsuit on and is wearing a very distinctive necklace.
I admit that it took awhile to track her name down, though.  I do have a collector's guide to all Barbie dolls before a certain date...but big surprise, I can't get at it!  A semi-quick Google scour turned up the doll's name, Sun Sensation.    Oh yeah, and all four girls were a visually striking bunch in their metallic swimsuits.  As an aside, Ms. P's daughter took the time to put Skipper's hair into a herringbone braid.
I'm not good at this type of braid, LOL.

Two of Skipper's friends are here too.  I own a Courtney doll, but not one like this!  Yep, Courtney had dark hair at one time, and then her hair turned red as she aged because why the heck not.  Her neck is broken too.
What is with these nineties Skipper dolls losing their heads???  If any of my dolls were gonna lose their heads, one of my Skippers was gonna be the one.  Anywho, my Courtney is from the Babysitter wave, complete with a tie-dyed shirt and skirt, and a big eighties/nineties bangle that I think belongs to Kira.  
I love it!

The other teenage doll is one that I actually hated as a kid.  He's Pet Pals Kevin, Skipper's boyfriend.
Unlike Barbie, who has remained true to Ken for almost her whole existence, Skip has had several boyfriends.  Ricky was...well, he was a friend, though his official description does list him as a "special friend."  LOL, I had a guy friend like that!  We were too young for love, but we were close.  Then in the seventies there was Scott, and he legit WAS Skipper's boyfriend.  I freaking love Scott!  He was so...well, so seventies!  Kevin came along in the nineties and I wasn't enamored with his bug eyes, but he's grown on me with time.  I'm just glad that my Skipper dolls have some friends that AREN'T Skipper.

Now, the REALLY little kids!  Yep, I've got more, LOL, and these three are the ones that really impress me, so complete and well-cared for are they.  First, the one and only Stacie!  This is her debut self, almost complete.  She only lacks shoes...and a sock that went AWOL.  I swear she had both of them yesterday. 
Stacie never really caught on like Skipper did; by the time I was in high school Stacie was all but gone, while Skip was still being produced sporadically.  Indeed, I felt like Mattel kinda treated Stacie as an afterthought, especially during the mid-nineties when Fashion Avenue ensembles came out.  Barbie and Ken had stuff coming out their ears, Kelly and Skipper had a few things, and...I stand corrected.  Stacie did get a few things, in a line of clothes called Feeling Fun.  I guess I just had my head up my butt back then.  

In addition to clothes Stacie did have a couple'a friends, just like Skipper did.  There was Whitney, whose hair color segued from brunette to red like Courtney's did, and there was Janet.  Behold, Janet.  She has everything, including her shoes.
I wonder why Janet is the dominantly pink one?  Pink is Barbie's color, and Stacie is Barbie's sister, not Janet.  But it looks nice on Janet's dark plastic.  I didn't own either Janet or Whitney before this, so I'm very happy to have Janet now.  EDIT, 12/15/24:  This is actually the black version of Party 'n' Play Stacie!  Now the pink makes sense.  Thank you Treesa, for pointing this out.  Stacie or Janet, she's welcome to stay.

But if Janet was impressive, then Todd is a showstopper.  This is Party 'n' Play Todd, clad in his play clothes and his party jacket.
Once upon a time (once when you were mine), Barbie had a tiny twin sister and brother set, Tutti and Todd.  Tutti, Todd, and their buddy Chris were constructed like the Liddle Kiddles and didn't make it past 1971 due to safety concerns, but older collectors remember them.  By the time the nineties rolled around Todd was Stacie's twin brother, making me wonder if she's not really Tutti revamped.  Hey, Allan/Alan and Midge made a comeback in the nineties too!  Indeed, it was at their wedding that Todd made his debut, as the ringbearer.  Remember, once the ringbearer is selected, YOU.  ARE.  COMMITTED!!!  As far as I know Todd was only around for the Wedding Day, Party 'n' Play, and Happy Meal lines, and after that I don't think he was around.  I never thought I'd want the little guy, but he's welcome now!  Look at that hair!
He really is a cutie.

To top it all off, I ended up with most of a Wet 'n' Wild Barbie lifeguard station, what I think is a Magical Motorhome, an eighties-era Ferrari (yes, a FERRARI!!!), and a disassembled but very large house with a boatload of furniture.  The Ferrari makes me giggle because when I was a little girl I told Mama and Daddy that I would own a Ferrari myself when I grew up.  They laughed and gently told me how expensive such a car was, but I was undaunted...until I saw how fast the damn things can go!  Speed and I are not great friends, y'all, especially when it's excessive, and the Ferrari in the link was traveling at just under EF5 wind speeds!  I'm perfectly happy with the family's Pontiac Vibe, thank y'all.  But still, I can live out this little bit of childhood with a secondhand Mattel Ferrari.  

As for the house, I think it's this huge thing, three stories.
Or it's something similar.  It's got columns and cardboard backdrops kinda like what this house does.  I don't know if I'll be able to put it together, but if I ever get the space I'll give it the old college try.  I've never, repeat, EVER owned a Barbie house before.  A car, yes, but never a house.  Didn't have the room, didn't need one, didn't really want one, but if I can get this puppy put together I'll keep it.  Truth be told, my favorite Barbie house is this one, an A-frame from 1978.
Daddy said that A-frames were full of wasted space, but the whole family still loved them.  Too bad for me this house is cray-expensive, but then aren't all vintage things?

And that's my dolly haul!  I thank Ms. P tenfold, and I commend her daughter for taking such good care of her things!



  1. Rollerblade Barbie shows up on almost every recalled/banned toys tier list video on YouTube. I know I've seen her in at least three. She's up there with the bitey Cabbies in danger level.

    1. Oh, so she WAS recalled! Thanks for letting me know; I did this post largely on the fly.

    2. That or discontinued right quick. I don't recall her being on shelves for too long. Most likely because the sparks were cage-free; as far as I know you can still get those little trigger-activated cheap sparking spinner toys, and those all are contained.

    3. Yeah, and I had a similar toy that was contained. When contained toys like this are nifty! I haven't found Teresa's skates in the pile of stuff I've got, by the way. When I do I'll show 'em.

  2. It's been theorized by some Barbie collectors that the reason those big-eyed Skipper dolls frequently end up with broken necks is because the weight of all of that think hair on their oversized noggins tips their heads back, putting too much strain on their relatively slender neck joints.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. That makes sense. Every single one of these dolls has a ton of hair.

  3. Some have speculated that Tutti and Stacie are actually the same person, and that Tutti was just a nickname she stopped using when she got a little older. I'm not at all sure how old Tutti was intended to be, so I can't really comment on whether Stacie could be an aged-up version of Tutti. However, as we Barbie collectors have seen with Skipper, Kelly/Chelsea, and Barbie herself (who started out as a teenage fashion model but is now sometimes portrayed as an adult and sometimes portrayed as a high schooler) in Barbie's world, characters don't age at a consistent rate. Although in Barbie's case, being a fashion model has raised the plausible explanation among some fans that portrayals of her in adult careers are from modeling shoots where she is being made-up to look older. Mattel itself, in the 60s, used to go with the line that Barbie's astronaut outfit and similar career wear were her daydreaming about her future.
    Also, Barbie fans have been known to be wrong in their assumptions about characters when Mattel reuses doll names. For example, before Barbie was the maid of honor at Midge and Alan's wedding, she was the maid of honor for a wedding party in the early 80s where the bride and groom were named Tracey and Todd. At the time, some collectors wondered if the groom was Barbie's brother all grown up. But then, when Stacie and Todd came out, the groom's name was dismissed as a coincidence. However, considering that Skipper aged backwards from the almost Barbie sized Teen Skipper in the late 90s or early 2000s to her current form, I can't help wondering if maybe there is in fact a Barbie multiverse of parallel universes with different variants of the characters or something. Wibbly wobbly timey wimey indeed.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Oh yes, I remember Big Todd and Little Todd! And I'm a member of Camp Tutti-is-Stacie, though I doubt many folks remembered Tutti by the time Stacie came along. You aren't kidding, there's enuff playing with timing and aging and names in Barbie's world to make the Doctor's head spin.

      I kinda wish that Mattel would be original with names, though. There have been four different variants of Chelsie/Chelsea, three of Kelly/Kelley, and three of Stacie/Stacey. I kinda wish they'd revisit Jamie or Cara or one of Barbie's more obscure friends.

    2. I read once that the reason Mattel tends to reuse names is so that they can maintain a trademark on the names or something. Apparently toy companies can't legally release a doll with the same name that another toy company already has a trademark for. This information came up in something I read about the Little Pretty Kitties line by Mattel, which reused molds from a short-lived line of Lady Lovely Locks pets that came out towards the end of that doll's run, and also reused names from the She-Ra action figure line.

    3. That makes sense, and it explains why MGA also reuses names. I think they've had several dolls named Jade, for example.

  4. Wow, what a kind and generous gift! I hope you have fun with everything; I'm sure that you will. Only thing I have to say is that Stacie also came in the exact same pink outfit that Janet is wearing. I own both Stacie and Janet myself.

    1. I was checking my copy of The Ultimate Barbie Doll Book by Marcie Melillo, and based on the outfit I think the 'Janet' doll might actually be the African American version of Party 'N Play Stacie. Apparently, that particular Stacie came in both a Caucasian version and an African American version.
      Signed, Treesa

    2. Yeah, I looked it up and that is indeed Stacie. The pink makes sense now. Good eye, both of you. Like I explained above, I kinda completed this post on the fly and didn't do all the research I should've.

      Yeah Barb, I've had fun with these. It's been a difficult, annoying weekend, and these dolls (Jazzie in particular) have kept me from slugging someone.

  5. The "big eighties/nineties bangle" worn by Courtney probably came with Wet'n'Wild Skipper. She came with a couple, that could be used both in the hair and around the wrist.

    Curiously enough, I also have a Sindy that came out at the same tine, between the old big head and the newer Barbie-like doll, who also had bangles/hair decorations like that.

    Love your collection. I have Wet'n'Wild Skipper too + Party'n'Play Stacie and Todd + Flower Girl Kelly and Ringbearer Todd + Gymnast Stacie + 2008 Stacie with slightly smaller body (Camping Stacie) + Todd as Michael from "Mary Poppins" (who has the Stacie face, just like Kelly-Stacie has the Todd face).

    1. Is your doll Wild Hair Sindy? If so I own her too. I love a good Sindy doll! Sounds like you have a nice collection yourself!

    2. No, Supercool Sindy from 1988. Yes, I do have quite a collection.
