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Saturday, February 22, 2025

This is NOT what I ordered!!!

Okay, time for me to vent.  It's colder than crap here in the Bootheel, as it is elsewhere.  Malden got about six inches of snow and because of the cold very little melting has occurred.  It's not been too dangerous, not like last time, but I'm sick to death of winter weather and I was really looking for to yet another doll coming in the mail.  She was a Furga doll, about Martina's size in a long patchwork skirt, with a cute little expression.  She was supposed to arrive yesterday, and indeed I did get a box...but my doll wasn't in it.
I guess this is a golf club cover.  I don't play golf, first and foremost, and even if I did it's not what I ordered.  I don't need another Furga doll, but I DON'T CARE!!!  I WANT HER!!!  I can't even blame our post office because it wasn't their futz-up.  The mail carriers have been a lot more reliable lately anyway. 

So I got someone's golf club cover, and goodness only knows where my poor little dolly is.  Crap like this occasionally happens when one buys online, but that doesn't mean I can't complain when it does happen.  To boost my mood and lighten the post a bit, here's Martina in the snow.
Temperature is supposed to get above freezing today, so maybe some of this crap will finally start to melt.  By the way, Tam, Martina earned the ultimate compliment this morning:  Mama said that she's pretty.  

UPDATE:  The seller did refund me, and there was some chatter about him trying to find my package.  I'm not betting on it, but one can hope.  I'm also holding onto the golf club cover, packaging in all, in case I'm put in contact with the person who bought that.  I may not get what I wanted, but I'd like for them to get what they wanted.  

Much love, 


  1. Is there a way for you to reach out to the seller and let them know there was a problem? If it was an honest mistake, maybe you can at least get a refund.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Yeah, I need to do an update. I did get the refund, and the man was very apologetic. He says that if he just got the boxes switched he can track down my doll and get the packages to both their rightful owners. I kept the club cover and all the packaging for that very purpose.

  2. Grrr! I can feel your frustration, Moon! I hope it all works out and your dolly finds her way to you eventually!

    1. Thanks. I'm not counting on it, but there's always a chance.

    2. Nothing wrong with hoping for the best as long as you're prepared for the worst.
      Signed, Treesa

  3. I've seen this happen before. I hoped that the person who got your doll would have informed the seller by now, but it doesn't seem like it happened. That does seem odd to me though.

    1. I know, right? The last time I got involved in a mixup like this I at least got a doll. I'd ordered Baby Won't Let Go, and I got Baby Come Back. But I did get a doll, LOL.
