Lemme get him out of the box so y'all can see him better.
He's an OlympiKid, dating from 1996 and thus from Mattel. Cool, I like the OlympiKids! Gary Collier is his name, and September 30th is his birthday. The box says that these Kids could represent track and field, tennis basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and soccer, and Gary's sport of choice is tennis.
The little guy has sandy brown hair, green eyes, and FRECKLES!!! I think this may be Coleco head #17, the "chipmunk" head.
He's really cute, and he even still smells softly of baby powder. As to why he's here in Missouri now, according to her note Treesa says that she bought him, but didn't really bond with him because he has teeth showing (they were not readily visible in his online pics). Here one can see them from another angle.
I didn't always like teeth on Cabbage Patch Kids either. Their rounded faces and thick cheeks suggest softness, and teeth are...well, they're hard! Hugo Jack, Kory Aryan, and Iris Evangeline all helped me get over that (they all have visible teeth), but I understand Treesa's point of view. But no worries now, Gary Collier is safe with me, and he'll no doubt recognize a few friends from back home!Thanks a bunch, Treesa! You let me know if you ever are looking for anything and I'll start the hunt. I'll keep the teeth thing in mind.
I do appreciate your offer to go on the hunt for something for me. I know firsthand the thrill of being able to surprise someone with something off their bucket list. Unfortunately, the problem I have with asking people to look for things for me is that I'm so gosh darn particular when it comes to the details. I don't want to have someone go to the trouble of buying something for me and then have to ship it to me, only for me to not like it and have to pretend to like it out of guilt, when someone else in the collecting community might have truly appreciated it. After my experience with Gary, I've already made a vow to myself not to buy any more Cabbage Patch Kids that I haven't examined in person, and to stop scrolling through 'Cabbies' on eBay. We'll see how long that lasts, since your blog posts sort of reignited my interest in Cabbage Patch Kids. What I really need to do is pull the rest of my childhood dolls out of storage.
ReplyDeleteSigned, Treesa
Definitely blog about them when you do root them out of storage. I love seeing other people's collections. As to looking for something for you, I was thinking more along the lines of a unique keychain or something like that. I know you like those.