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Friday, January 3, 2025

A lot of pink

Shoo, I'm hitting the ground running with the blog this year, aren't I???  I would've posted this on Tuesday, but a so random post had just gone up so I thought "What the heck, post this on Friday."  Apparently the Barbie Extra line is being phased out (bummer, I liked those dolls), and Barbie Deluxe Style is being brought in.  So far there's four of them...
...and there's so...much...pink.  I'm gonna say this again:  I DO NOT HATE PINK!!!  Indeed, I love wearing pink myself, but I wonder why Barbie picked pink as her favorite color???  She's done so well in the Fashionista line by NOT drowning herself in Pepto-Bismol, and also with the Extras, so WHY DO IT NOW???  Deep breath, Moon Girl...Barbie has gone a long stretch without a lot of pink in her life, so I guess it's fair that this line would be nothing but.  And I'll admit that each doll has something I like.  Do y'all see Model #2, the one with the dark hair?  Look what she's got!
A PINK PROSTHETIC LEG!!!  Now that, I can get behind.  If you've gotta wear a fake leg or utilize any sort of mobility aid, may as well make it your own.  I myself use a cane now, thirty-three inches with a Lucite shaft and handle, and look what the shaft has in it.  Little silk roses!  Best hundred bucks I've ever spent.
I also read about a college student who suffered a spinal injury in the Tuscaloosa tornado, and one of the things she did to cheer herself during recovery was to buy and use a pink cane.  The girl recovered enuff to walk on her own at graduation that same year, though she did have to use the cane.  I was not crippled at the time that I read that book, but I kept the idea in the back of my head, and now that I AM crippled I'm glad I did.  Now...to further sweeten the deal for Model #2, this prosthesis looks like it's articulated.  
I have a Fashionista with a prosthetic leg, but since Leide is a Fashionista she's stiff as a board all over.  The Deluxe girls sadly don't have Made to Move bodies, but they're a lot more poseable than the Fashionistas.  

My other favorite Deluxe model is #4, with her dusty rose microbraids.
This one's got a really pretty face.  I hope it's as pretty IRL.

Despite all the pink I gotta admit that this is a fun looking bunch.  Model #2 is a must-have for me, and maybe #4 as well, and then...gosh, I wonder what'll come after that?  Pink or no pink, it'll be interesting to see.  Barbie is almost never dull.

EDIT:  The blonde doll in this lineup apparently has a red-haired variant that's been popping up in Target...and guess which head she has!!!  She looks a lot like Dreamhouse Midge, but oh, to see a playline Steffie!  Could my hopes for a Fashionista with the Steffie head be not as farfetched as I thought???

Pink love,


  1. If Mattel had to go so hard on the pink, at least they went with a variety of shades.
    Signed, Treesa

  2. That gal with the prosthetic leg is on my wish list! (My family's Christmas ain't done yet, so I'm not allowed to just up and buy her.)

    1. I'm trying to be good too. I bought four Barbie dolls this pay period and don't need another.
