Danica is a secondhand Create Your Own with a few dings and scuffs and some wear to her hair. She's pretty much everything I could've wanted in a CYO, and she was a little cheaper than she would've been if I'd bought her straight from the company. Gabby is also secondhand, with a few scuffs and spots of glitter glue on her cheeks, but that bothers me naught. Again, her price was reasonable, and her curls were/are relatively neat, so I snapped her up. I'm working hard to give her the royal treatment, just as I said I would back in February.
Dolly reviews, news, stories, and other doll-related stuff, plus some random crap.
Looking for something?
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Christmas Eve 2022
Danica is a secondhand Create Your Own with a few dings and scuffs and some wear to her hair. She's pretty much everything I could've wanted in a CYO, and she was a little cheaper than she would've been if I'd bought her straight from the company. Gabby is also secondhand, with a few scuffs and spots of glitter glue on her cheeks, but that bothers me naught. Again, her price was reasonable, and her curls were/are relatively neat, so I snapped her up. I'm working hard to give her the royal treatment, just as I said I would back in February.
Friday, December 23, 2022
Twenty below

Fast-forward to yesterday, about four o'clock. The wind was howling, the temperature was plummeting, and the snow was falling. I'd estimate that visibility was down to around a quarter of a mile, give or take.
...and it didn't go so great! Rita Cheryl didn't let the spill bother her, though. Indeed, she used it as an opportunity to make snow angels.
The snow is beautiful to look at, but I keep thinking back to a phone conversation I had with First Uncle during my teenage years. We were discussing snow, of course, and he said in a Garfield-esque monotone, "Bing Crosby dreamed about a white Christmas, but he clearly never had to drive in the sh!t." Yep, driving in snow, even a little bit of it, is no picnic. Mama managed just fine last night and equally fine this morning, but she and I have gotten into more than one bind while trying to drive in snow. So if any of y'all have to be out in this weather, be careful, pace yourself, and take every possible precaution. And if you don't have to be out, don't go out! Brew a warm drink of your choice and binge watch your favorite TV show...like I'd be doing if I were home.
Oh, and get this: next Thursday the highs are predicted to be around sixty. As Mama would put it, "That's the kind of weather to make you good and sick!"
Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah,
Thursday, November 24, 2022
Thanksgiving 2022
Friday, November 18, 2022
A friendly PSA
Dollies don't let dollies drive drunk.
Monday, November 14, 2022
That type
You know the type. The type that wears layers from the waist up during cold weather, and then wears shorts (and maybe also sandals or flip-flops). And if you ask them if they're cold they answer "No, I'm fine." Yeah...Luciana is that type. She's got sense enuff to wear decent shoes in this weather, but that's about it.
Note the frost behind her. This was the air temperature.I don't know what I'm gonna do with Astro-Luci, LOL. I couldn't stand going bare-legged in this weather!
Warm blessings,
Saturday, November 12, 2022
First snow of the season
As I noted back in June, we have our calendars and our designated beginnings of months and seasons, but God works on His own time, and the two extreme seasons (summer and winter) begin when they begin. Case in point: the Bootheel got its first snow of the season last night. It was just a dusting, and temperatures are predicted to get above freezing today, so it'll probably melt. But snow is snow, and it made my unkempt yard look quite pretty.
Rita Cheryl was well-prepared for the sudden drop in temperatures, but Tequila Rose was not.Tequila Rose is taking it in stride. She says she's thankful that she got out of North Carolina just in time, as the remains of Hurricane Nicole dropped a ton of rain in that area. I told her that the snow here isn't always this light, but I don't think she paid much attention. Luckily she didn't notice when I bought her a coat either, LOL. That should be here sometime next week.
Warm hugs,
Friday, November 11, 2022
Meeting Tequila Rose
Happy Veterans' Day,
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Day of the Dead 2022
I got Luciana yanked out of her leather jacket (dang, that puppy was tight!) and into something a bit more comfortable, but before showing her new dress off, Luciana wants to show her new friend off. Yep, she dragged home another stray last night!
Only Luciana could make friends with a Teddy Scare. Yes, instead of teddy bears this time around I've got Teddy Scares. These are apparently the teddy bears that we adults wagged around constantly as kids, and then tossed aside as we grew older. Now homeless, these bears roam the world aimlessly in search of someone to love. If that's the case then Eli Wretch found someone to love him! Yes, Eli Wretch. He's an ex-trucker, and he's missing a few items that identify him as such. No matter, I can replace that stuff. These Teddy Scares also have something else to set them apart: Living Dead Dolls have chipboard poems and death certificates, and Teddy Scares have toe tags.LOL, my mom and sister like to play Road Kill Bingo. Anything that they can't identify on sight automatically goes under the category "possum." Oh, and dig Eli's tattoo! It's not a possum, but since this chick is green she might be roadkill.
Now that she's introduced Eli Wretch, Luciana wants to have a little fun of her own. Not that she didn't have fun last night, LOL.
That's all for today, and for awhile. I need some time to get the next set of reviews ready, so unless something new crops up, I may be silent for awhile.
Happy Day of the Dead,
Monday, October 31, 2022
Halloween 2022
On the other hand, putting together a sock hopper costume is relatively easy, and the components (flat shoes, a sweater of some type, and a long, swirly skirt) are easy to move around in. Perfect for a little kid, I'd say. So Silver Bird isn't the most original, but she does look adorable. Silver Bird chose to be the sock hopper this year. This is an Etsy getup that I've had on hand for awhile.
Luciana, on the other hand...Luciana's costume isn't immediately obvious, unless one knows me or her. She's the Ninth Doctor...with the Eleventh Doctor's bangs.
And with that, my lineup for Halloween this year is complete...except I think Silver Bird has something on her mind.
Luciana: Let's kick it!
Glenn Miller for the win! Don't get too close to the edge, y'all. Remember what happened the last time Doremi tried to fly?
Doremi: I HEARD THAT!!!
Silver Bird: Oh crap...
Marina: Never mind that. You're standing on my wrap!
If you girls are good girls tonight I'll share my Almond Joy bars. NOW my Halloween lineup is complete. Line up, y'all! Marina, you stay between Doremi and Luciana, lest they kill each other.
Even Doremi's friends love to hate her.
What're you gonna do to me, squirt??? You're about an eighth my size! Anyway, Silver Bird and Luciana have unfinished business. Fire up that radio again, Marina!
Doremi: How come no one asked ME to dance???
Behave yourself, Doremi, or you'll get a rock.
Happy Halloween,