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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Springtime for dollies

I've said in the past that seasons begin when they begin and they end when they end, but for me it's not spring until 

A)  I see a butterfly, and 
B)  the television commercials shift their focus from colds to allergies. 

For me, March 18th has to come and go as well.  March 18th is kinda notorious for tornado buffs, so it's an easy date for me to remember.  This year was the centennial of the Tri-State Tornado, and the affected towns held remembrance ceremonies all week, which I thought was nice.  Heckuva coincidence, considering the weather last week.  As for me, I've yet to see a butterfly, but my jonquils have bloomed and faded, the trees have little green buds, the weather is growing warmer and stormier, and thus it's time to start putting my dolls in springtime gear.  Straight outta Etsy (and from my mama) comes another Cabbie outfit, modelled by Allie Kathleen.
West Virginia colors!  When I saw the blue in that skirt I knew it would make Allie's eyes pop, and it does!  I don't know how Mama keeps finding these cute little outfits for Cabbage Patch Kids, by the way...unless she gets stuff that I just glanced at before bouncing on to something else.

I have an outfit for Gillian Ida too!  I actually had another different outfit, but my disorganized rear end misplaced it so poor Gilly was stuck in her Christmas wear until this new dress came in. 
As is often the case with me, I love how nineties this getup is with its loud, clashing colors and layers.

But this isn't a post just for Cabbage Patch Kids, not today.  Whaaaaaat, did y'all think I was gonna leave the Queen of the Dolls out of springtime wear?  These Barbie dresses are simple little dresses that came in two batches from MelsOzarkCreations, and they're perfect for spring...maybe a little later on in spring, but still, spring.  The models are Theta and Iota.  Dress pair one.
Spoilers, all of the dresses from this shop follow the same basic pattern.  Hey, you gotta start somewhere, and the fabrics are nice.  In this case Theta is wearing a dress with spots that compliment her skin, while Iota has a dress that brings out the gray tones in her eyes (her eyes look both blue and gray).

Dress pair two.  I don't know if I picked the right dolls for these two dresses.
Okay, Theta looks fine, or she will after I add some blue accessories to make her lips pop.  Iota, though...I dunno, I like the dark color and the subtle print on that dress, but maybe it's a smidge dark for Iota.  A doll with a gothic or punk edge would probably wear it better.

Now these last dresses are my favorites, largely for their quirky, goofy prints.
Avocados for Theta, fun-size Butterfinger bars for Iota.  Again, I thought the avocado dress was too dark for Iota, but dang, I wanna put that Butterfinger dress on Theta!  The logo matches her lipstick.  While the dresses from MelsOzarkCreations are pretty simple, they're also easy to dress up or dress down.  Those solid and print dresses can be worn with almost any shoes and accessories. 

But I'm not done yet.  I like finding things that are specially designed for curvy Barbies, and this outrageous little number is just that.  Etsy shop is fashondollMX001, and Andra is my model.
I'm a moderately big fan of Andy Warhol's art, so when I saw this...well, y'know.  <elaborate>  By the way, this shop also has a Piet Mondrian-themed dress.  I'm very fond of Piet Mondrian paintings.

For a change of pace, Lagoona Blue also has something new to wear this spring.  Mama thought it was cute, and now one of my dolls has it.  Etsy shop is RabbitinthemoonThai, and I'm only now noticing that Andra and Lagoona are in the same pose.
Lagoona may be sticky and yellow, but she was my first and I'll always love her.  It's been a minute since she got something new, and this matches her stock shoes.

Zooey Electric also has an outfit, one supplied by Mama.
toocuteclub offers clothes for Rainbow High and for Smart Dolls (spoilers, I'm sizing up a Smart Doll).  The clothes are pricey, but I love the pastel outfits that the shop offers.  In this particular case Zooey seemed like the perfect choice for this outfit, but looking at the trim...there's some purple in there so Monique Verbena could've pulled it off too.  Indeed, the only one I have that would clash is Ruby Anderson (she's red).  Sunny Madison would've looked adorable.

Camille, my little Wellie Wisher, has something new to wear too.
New to her, anyway.  I've had this in storage since the end of last summer.

Rounding out the spring wear is River Song, who is uncharacteristically girly.  Y'all have gotten a peep at this getup, but now Riv has her shoes.
Justine-Marie and Zoe are my girly girls, but River Song is the one who got the dress, and she loves getting new things so she didn't make a peep of complaint.

Bright, splashy clothes for a...decidedly dreary beginning to March.  In the first few days after the tornadoes last weekend the weather was beautiful, and then on Tuesday the clouds moved in and the wind picked up a lot.  Normally I'd have taken Camille and River Song outside, but it was too windy and too dusty.  Yeah, it's nothing but sand here in the Bootheel.  I think it's a miracle that our crops grow as well as they do, but so far they do, thank God.

Veronal love,

Monday, March 17, 2025

Making it right

Happy St. Patrick's Day, y'all!  This post was supposed to go out on Saturday, but when all hell broke loose with the tornadoes I decided to reschedule.  The tornado that hit Poplar Bluff has been rated an EF3, and as far as I know the death toll stands at one, not three as initially thought.  Wayne County, where Piedmont is, lost eight people at three different campsites.  Two of 'em apparently drowned when their camper got tossed into a river. Fremont got destroyed, and learning that broke my heart because they've already been hit hard once.  I'm missing some towns here in Missouri, and Mississippi got hit hard too, so this was just a terrible outbreak, plain and simple.  Oh, and get this:  the big-shot engineers have been called to Diaz, Arkansas to look for EF5 damage.  If found this will make the first recorded EF5 since Moore, Oklahoma got hit in 2013.  Even bigger, it'll be only Arkansas' second F5/EF5.  That's right, second.  The first/only tornado that strong hit and wiped out Sneed in 1929.  For a last little eyebrow raiser, Sneed and Diaz are both in Jackson County.  Pretty wild!  I wonder when we'll know?

Now that that's out of the way, devout readers of this blog will remember that I'm fond of Furga dolls, and they also may remember that last month I ordered a new one and got a golf club cover instead.  I messaged the seller and got a refund, but goodness only knows where the poor little doll ended up.  To soothe my psychological wounds I bought this little gal (before we went on our budget, of course).
The lost doll's name was Anita, and she would have looked like this but in rougher shape.  If I ever go looking for an Anita again I'll look for one in better condition.  I don't know what the new girl's name is, but she's a character!  I've yet to find another Furga doll with this exact face, by the way.  I've found 'em with similar head molds, but not this exact one.
Xanadu, I know you like teeth, and this pet has 'em.  She's also got a warpy hip and some age-related wear and tear to her clothes, the latter of which can be fixed.  I'm not sure how to fix the hip, unless a warm hair drier might help it relax.  Here's a better look at her bum hip, or rather, how said hip makes her stand.  I've got a gimpy leg too, so I can relate.
The hair is another, more minor issue.  My other Furga dolls have hair that is at least manageable, but the new girl's hair is...well, it's not in terrible shape, but it could do with a deep conditioning.
It's not as red IRL as it looks, either.  Most of the red-haired Furga dolls I've run into have carrot red hair like my Columba and Tam's Teresa.  My doll's hair isn't ugly, mind y'all, but it needs a little TLC.

In terms of height the new doll is close in size to Martina and shorter than Simona.
That's about all I have to say about her!  She's got a gimpy leg, but she's not letting it dampen his spirits.  Furga dolls can be moody little goobers, but not this one!  I think I'll name her "Ilaria," which means "cheerful."  We all need a little more cheer in our lives, as nutty as this world is and as bad as the weather's been.   

Happy St. Pat's,

Saturday, March 15, 2025


Follow-up to this morning's post.  As y'all can tell, I'm okay and Clio Teresa is okay, ergo the house, the library, and the city of Malden are all okay.  Clio came with me, as a doll inevitably will when I'm feeling a mite depressed.

Malden dodged a bullet once again, thank God, but Kennett (south), Poplar Bluff (northwest), and Piedmont (farther northwest) did not.  Big Mouth Reed Timmer shot a rocket into the tornado at Kennett, though I don't know what for.  It was a big so-and-so, but my boss told Mama that most of the damage was around Burger King and some of the business district.  My boss is okay, her sister who lives at Piedmont is okay, and my assistant manager and her family are okay.  The tornado that hit Poplar Bluff took out a trailer park on the western side, and I'm sorry to say that at least three people got killed.  Their library took some damage and will be closed today, and...gosh, I don't know how bad it is at Poplar Bluff, but it's definitely not good.  I don't know much about the situation at Piedmont either, but a couple'a residents died there too.  Piedmont is a little bitty place, so even one death is too many.  Hell, one death is too many, period.

This sweeping change of subject is a mite spur-of-the-moment, but at the last minute this morning I remembered that Treesa asked for a picture of Rowena Skylar and Alice Helene together, but with Alice's hood off.

Alice's hair is brighter than Rowena's, to the point of carrot red.  As to Rowena's kissing mechanism, I haven't tried it yet, but Treesa says she should make a little kissing sound.  Kisses from sweet little dollies sound good right now.

I'll keep y'all updated on the mess here in Missouri.  It got hectic enuff last night that Cape Girardeau's lead meteorologist got dehydrated and dern near passed out.  He speaks for the whole viewing area when he says he hopes this is the event of the year...but I have a sneaking suspicion that we're just getting started.

God bless,

Tornado warning

 I'm taking shelter!  Clio Teresa is the chosen one.

The storm predicted to hit us is the only one without a confirmed tornado.  I suggested that we take cover as a precaution. 

The storm to its/our south is more dangerous. 

Pray for us!  I'll pray for y'all!


Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Galentine's Day box

A couple'a days ago I got an e-mail from Treesa (those are always fun), and she told me to keep an eye out for a belated "Galentine's Day" box.  Well, said box arrived in no time, and as is often the case the star of the show was/is a doll.  She's a Cabbage Patch Kid of course, and to my delight, she's a Kissin' Kid, one with red hair and those unique violet eyes like Alice Helene has.  I've chosen the name Rowena Skylar for this young lady. 
She's even got earrings!  None of my other Cabbies have that.
Oh, and guess what?  Rowena has a brick inside her torso!  It serves no purpose that I know of other than making her easy to sit up.  This is significant because my other two dolls with bricks (Andrea Doria and Cleopatra Chantale) are Growing Hair Kids.  My childhood Kid Honoria also had a brick, but she was NOT a Growing Hair Kid.  I thought she might have been, but Mama says no.  So I'm not as crazy as I thought, and not all Kids with bricks are Growing Hair Kids.  I wonder if that means that Honoria was a Hasbro Kid rather than a Coleco Kid?  I'll never know. 

Tucked underneath Rowena Skylar was a mini Kid with some accessories...and red hair and brown eyes.
I love these mini Kids!  They always make good little companions for my larger dolls.  Tammi Jane is this one's name, and her birthday is in January. 
Rounding out the Cabbage Patch loot are these shoes.  I figure that Gwenda Cecile will get these, as big as her feet are.
Treesa also included this cute plush cat, meant to be a pet for eighteen-inch jobs.  It reminds me a lot of my own black and white cat, Bobbie.  I can't remember if River Song has a pet yet.
Several years back I had a stuffed cat that doubled as a keychain, and I kid y'all not, the name on his tag was "Joplin."  Perfect for my tornado nerd sensibilities.  The string that held him to my purse eventually broke, but I've still got Joplin somewhere.  Maybe I could keep the trend going and name this cat something goofy like Wichita or Woodward or Tuscaloosa.  Just a thought.

Of course no box from Treesa is complete without at least one Build-a-Bear trinket, and in this case the trinket is an ear bow.
Summer Daisy will be wearing that with her pink and black dress.

Treesa also remembered that I'm tinkering around with a dollhouse, so she sent me some little dolls for that.  I've got four of those wooden dolls that have wire frames.  Looks like three kids and a mom.  Two of 'em have Melissa and Doug stamped on one foot.
The other dollhouse doll is...I think she's one of those Barbie Extra Mini Minis, complete with her own little Yorkie.  I always liked these Extra Minis and Mini Minis; Mattel went all out for them.
I also like how she's blonde and green-eyed.  Just a couple'a days ago I was telling Mama about a Barbie I had with blonde hair and green eyes.  Right pretty she was, and then guess what???  I gave her to a little kid that I loved!

Also tucked in with the dollhouse bunch was this angel ornament.  She's part cardboard, so I think she might be handmade.  She's cute, and I love her unusual hair.  Most of the angel dolls I've seen are blonde.
Treesa, you certainly do know how to make a gal happy!  And I commend all of y'all for reading and remembering what I like.  Treesa remembered that I like Kissin' Kids, Barb the Evil Genius remembered that Booful Beans is my favorite of the Baby Beans, and ALL of y'all know that I like red hair.  I think I mention that every other post, LOL.  Speaking of red hair, Alice Helene has red hair under her hood, and she has the same lilac eyes as Rowena Skylar does.  Automatic sisters; look, they're even both wearing pastels!
I appreciate Rowena having these eyes, by the way; I have a few Cabbies with unique eyes, and two of 'em came from Treesa.  There's Rowena Skylar here, and then there's also Owen Presley.  Babyland General calls his eyes hazel.
To me hazel is a mix of brown and gray like my mother has and my grandmother had.  Nevertheless, Owen Presley is another special little guy.  I wish finding clothes for him were easy because he deserves a dolling up like the other Kids.  

As usual, Treesa, thank you.  That's another one checked off my wish list!


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The obscure

Yep, I'm doing another one of those posts, where I blather a lot about dolls that I don't own.  This time I was inspired by a Reddit post, one that discussed dolls that no one seems to remember.  Some of 'em I'd heard of, and some of 'em I hadn't, but they were all interesting.  Take a deep breath and let's dive in!

COMPANY:  Simba Toys

These were an obvious Monster High ripoff, but they're interesting enuff in their own right.  Purple Monkfish reviewed a few of these, and while I wasn't terribly impressed with the School line (seen above) I did like Nemonia, horrible name notwithstanding.  I also like Voodoona; she's a skeleton girl like Skelita Calaveras.  Monkfish also liked these dolls enuff, rating Nemonia a 7 out of 10 and the School dolls 9 out of 10.  She admitted that the faces were an acquired taste, but they were affordable and articulated, and from what I could tell their clothes were okay.  Monkfish reports that Twilight Teens could even share clothes with Bratzillaz, which at the time was a huge positive.  They did suffer from floppy ankles though, and they weren't the most graceful sitters.  I probably could've gotten over that, and kids probably would've too...if they could find 'em.  I NEVER saw these in stores, not even in places where Simba Toys were sold (our local Kmart carried Simba dolls).

COMPANY:  Mattel

I had heard of these at one time or another, but I forgot about them.  Beauty Cuties were one of Mattel's many attempts to answer to the Bratz, but the idea fell flat and even drew criticism for being too much like Blythe.  These remind me a little more of Magic Eyes dolls, but that's just me.  Beauty Cuties functioned in a manner similar to Blythe, in that their eyes shifted position and color with the press of a button.  If I were to wager a guess about their failure, I'd say that modern-day kids were just as put off by the eyes as kids of the seventies were.  I also don't find them as stylish and edgy as the Bratz; that edge was what attracted my teenage self to Bratz in the first place.  But that's just me.

COMPANY:  Toy Shock
YEARS OF PRODUCTION:  2013-2016 (not too sure of that range)

Now these, I'd never heard of.  Tattoo Divas were Toys R Us exclusives, and the nearest TRU to me was eighty miles away, so of course I'd never heard of these.  The big gimmick was tattoos; the dolls apparently had tats that one could color in (tattoo gun is included), and they appear to have come with their own stick-on tattoos as well.  (compare to Tattoodles)  Muff reported that her doll smelled really nasty, and that's too bad because she's got a pretty face.  It also looked like there were some quality issues, as Muff's doll's bag was printed upside down and her feet were stained.  Veni Vidi Dolli also was not terribly impressed with the dolls' quality or posing, and she repeated the staining issues.  I'm willing to bet that those pens that came with the dolls also made more than one mess.  The tattoo gimmick also makes me think of the tantrum adults threw over Butterfly Art Barbie, so likely parents weren't too keen on the Tattoo Divas either.

Tattoo Divas also bring to mind a doll I considered for the last list, Tattoodles.  This one is the Super Hair variant, but she also could be just plain Tattoodles.
Tattoodles was both a hair play doll and a fake tattoo doll.  These tattoos were fake and could be used on doll or child, because let's be real:  kids like fake tattoos.  I did, and so did my friends at school.  I don't know if Tattoodles was any more popular than the Tattoo Divas, though.  Again, let's be real:  tattoos are a fact of life.  I have one and I want at least one more, but I was of age when I got mine.  I think a lot of adults kinda squirm a little at the thought of children with tattoos...or maybe I'm missing something, LOL.

COMPANY:  SAMG Entertainment
YEARS OF PRODUCTION:  2023 (?)-current

I discussed these in passing last year, and Miss Emily has reviewed them.  The little ones are clearly L.O.L. Surprise knockoffs, but the bigger ones don't look like anything I've seen.  These dolls come from overseas, and they haven't been around long enuff to find a huge following, so maybe that's why Redditors counted these as obscure.  I can take 'em or leave 'em.  They're eye candy and I like eye candy, but they're not too different from a lot of dolls I own.

COMPANY:  Distroller

Okay, these are weird.  Weird and original.  Distroller is a Mexican company, and Chamoy is...well, I don't speak much Spanish so it's hard for me to make heads or tails of this doll.  But Chamoy is a doll with a huge noggin, huge eyes, and brightly colored hair.  She is named after a condiment that goes on fruit, with meat, in cocktails, whatever you like.  I wonder if that means that she's sweet and spicy like the sauce?  She has two friends, and they come in both child form (seen above) and teen form.
Oh yes, and BaeBaes.  This one has to tinkle!!!
That's about all I know about these...for now.

COMPANY:  Playmates Toys
YEARS OF PRODUCTION:  2010-2015, roughly

I've actually reviewed one of these.  My Mosi is a little older, wiser, and looser in the joints now than she was in 2016, but she's still alive and kickin'.
These dolls did have their fans; beastsbelle, Tam, and Miss Emily all did at least one post about the line.  Dell, Tipi, and Lauryce were my favorites when the line was young, and I'm really kicking myself for not grabbing Shola when I saw her.  As a whole, Hearts For Hearts Girls represent places in the world that fell on hard times, places like Appalachia (Dell), post-Katrina New Orleans (Lauryce), and Belarus (Lillian).  The little girls are doing what they can to better themselves and their community...well, most of 'em do.  Mosi's accompanying storybook does nothing to draw attention to the hardships experienced by Navajo who live on a reservation.  Reservations tend to have a lot of problems with poverty, and Navajo Nation is apparently one of the poorest; some of those folks don't even have running water.  Granted, owning the doll might inspire a child to do their own research, the way Mosi did with me, but Mosi had one of the weaker booklets.  Nahji, on the other hand, taught Miss Emily (and me) some interesting things about runner ducks.  So these dolls had more fans than Reddit seems to notice.  An interesting thing to note about these dolls is that their eyes sometimes turn the color of grape juice.  I think this was more prevalent at the beginning of the line, but I'm not sure on that.  Either way beastsbelle had several Hearts For Hearts Girls whose eyes shifted, while my Mosi's eyes remain clear.
I dunno.  This was a cute line, though.  I'm still holding out for Dell, by the way; she resides in eastern Kentucky, and if it's one state I love it's Kentucky.  My sister and brother-in-law were happiest there.  Dell also bears a passing resemblance to Yours Truly, having blue eyes and wavy mouse brown hair (though I don't have freckles like she does), so I plan on adding her to my collection...someday.

COMPANY:  Playmates Toys

I was familiar with Baby So Beautiful, but I didn't know that Young Lady So Beautiful was also a thing.  Young Lady So Beautiful was basically a doll who stood there and looked beautiful.  Just about all of the examples I've seen are clad in heavy capes, suggesting a winter theme.  Underneath that she wore a ballgown and a pair of high-heeled shoes.  The boxes suggest that she's headed off to a "social occasion," which I hope doesn't mean a boring debutante ball.  Seriously, those rich girls look like they're having the time of their life at such a soiree, but it looks duller than dishwater to me.  But then again you're talking to someone who eschewed prom because dressing up in a fancy dress and heels was pointless and too much effort.  I regret nothing.  For the record, my sister was on prom court her senior year, and she said that if she hadn't been nominated she'd have skipped her senior prom too.  Anyway, I reckon that Young Lady So Beautiful was kinda like Aimee, in that dressing up a doll to go to some fancy event was kinda over their target audience's head.  She is beautiful though, and if I know Playmates like I do then the eyes were probably to die for.  And she'd make a great princess in a game of make-believe.  AND the cape is reversible, so one can change up her look a little.

COMPANY:  Another Playmates doll!

I have to wonder if these dolls are inspired by the Cottingley fairies?  From 1917 to 1920 two girls from Cottingley, England staged five photographs to look like they had met and played with fairies.  The photographs look pretty fake, but Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was among the many the girls fooled and they kept their secret for many years before finally 'fessing up.  Does this look like a real fairy to y'all???
Nope, me neither.  Anyway, the dolls are little fairies, kinda like the Winx Club but without the Sailor Moon-style magical powers.  Their wings shimmer, they carry lanterns that glow in the dark, and they have stands that make noise, but otherwise they're just cute little dolls.  I can't remember ever seeing the commercials, but Kmart apparently carried 'em, which would explain why I never saw 'em.  As much as I loved Kmart my family didn't go there too often, because the nearest one was forty miles away.  These fairies were something like I'd have liked though, because I liked Sky Dancers and Princess of the Flowers.  Any doll that let my imagination run wild would have my attention.

COMPANY:  Sekiguchi and U-Noa
YEARS OF PRODUCTION:  2007-at least 2022

Quluts Light reminds me a lot of Momoko, though comparisons show that the two are a bit different.  The two do have some shared heritage though, as Quluts was the result of a collaboration between Sekiguchi (who makes Momoko) and Araki Gentaro (U-Noa ball-jointed dolls).  The result was a 1/6 scale doll with rooted hair and a vinyl body.  The girl character's name was Fluorite, and the boy character was Azurite.  I think Fluorite has a prettier face than Momoko, but if she's related to Momoko at all then production numbers are probably pretty small...and if this wiki is to be believed then the little goobers have to be assembled as well!  If true then I'll pass.  Restringing a resin BJD is almost more than I can handle!

COMPANY:  American Greetings and Mattel

I know for a fact that collectors, especially those who grew up in the eighties, know of Lady LovelyLocks, but I love the hell out of her so I'm putting her here anyway.  Indeed, she almost made my last list.  Tam and Veni Vidi Dolli have discussed these in the past (posts here and here), so I don't know that I'd call Lady LovelyLocks obscure.  Lady LovelyLocks and company revolved around hair, and since this was an eighties doll line/TV show there was magic and villains and animal friends, the whole nine yards.  The dolls themselves came in brightly colored dresses and had cute little "pixie tails" that clipped into the dolls' hair and had colorful hair extensions.  Bet y'all can't guess who my favorite of the dolls is, LOL.  If you guessed the redhead clad in yellow, you're right, though I also am fond of the villain too.  The redhead's name is Maiden CurlyCrown, and the bad girl's name is Duchess RavenWaves.
She doesn't look like a villain to me, but she's the villain nonetheless.  Her hair doodads are called "comb gnomes," and she only has two (Lady LovelyLocks and her friends have three).  Tam notes that these dolls have the same body as Barbie's sister Stacie, and that means that they can share clothes!  I like the sound of that!

COMPANY:  Simba Toys
YEARS OF PRODUCTION:  in and around 2012

Simba Toys is good at producing knockoffs of popular dolls, but the thing is, the dolls they produce are usually nice products despite being knockoffs.  Y'all saw the Twilight Teens above, and Miss Emily once had a gorgeous Cinderella that is the same size as Barbie but did the Cinderella thing better than Mattel did.  So Simba dolls are not to be sneezed at, and if the illustrations I've seen of Super Models are any clue then they probably are fine little dolls.  They obviously have joints, and their hair looks amazing, though we all know that looks can be deceiving there.  I even found one Flickr user that swore the joints were better than what both Mattel and Spin Masters had at the time, though I find that hard to believe because few dolls pose better than the LIV dolls.  Whatever, that's just my opinion.  The Redditor that nominated the Super Models conjectures that these dolls didn't achieve a huge audience because of their generic name.  A Super Model could quite literally be ANY doll.  

COMPANY:  Mattel

I reviewed one of these very recently, so I'm only going to touch on these.  These are so goofy and unique, and my little Cow Belle is a not-half-bad product.  Basically, they're fashion dolls and animals, and...that's it!  They stand around and look cute.  Anthro dolls don't tend to sell well for this reason or that, and the Gorgeous Creatures are probably not well-known because they were here and gone quickly.  But I love these, and I'm always tickled to find someone else who does too.


A doll from 2018 and I never heard of 'em!  Cyborg Rocks were little cyborg girls who apparently sang in a band that had nothing but guitarists (see above).  They're colorful and appear to have jointed arms, and each little figure can sing two songs, but their faces are pretty blank.  The box art and other illustrations show these dolls looking cheery and charismatic, but the dolls themselves...look like fish.  I used to sing, and I know it's impossible to sing properly with a big cheesy grin constantly on one's face, but I do know that one's expression does change as one sings.  So the faces are kinda a swing and a miss, and I don't know how original of a concept this idea is, but they're still interesting little dolls.  And late in the game I learn that these dolls look slack-jawed because their mouths move as they sing.  Pretty cool!  Kinda like Barbie's Chat Divas and Baby Alive's Snackin' Sara, both of whom also look goofy.  Seriously, I think the Chat Divas are hilarious.

COMPANY:  Tomy and Disney

I've found plenty of pictures of Dollcena dolls, but very little information other than that these dolls are a collaboration between Takara Tomy and Disney.  As a result, just about all of these dolls are modelled after popular Disney Characters like Alice or Stitch or Donald Duck (seen above), but have the same eye gimmick as a Petite Blythe (their eyes close on reclining).  My favorite one is this one; her box says "hunny" so she's probably related to Winnie the Pooh somehow, but she reminds me of Dole Whip.
I dabble in Disney (though I'm not a hardcore fan), so these attracted my interest a bit.  Their expressons and neutral lip colors remind me a bit of the Shibajuku Girls.

COMPANY:  Hasbro

I was going to add Trollz myself, but at the eleventh hour someone else said it.  Trollz date from 2005, so my memories of them are bittersweet.  I'd stand in Kmart and admire them (I was seventeen), and I'd remember my childhood collection of Treasure Trolls and Magic Trolls and how Mama and Daddy both HATED them, and then I'd miss Daddy like crazy (he'd only been dead three months at the time).  Trollz were based off of the wishniks that I did indeed collect as a child, but they were attached to an animated cartoon and were modernized.  They also were high school or junior high students...way before high school dolls were trendy.  Trollz were not a success as either a toy or as a TV show, and the full-sized dolls are tricky to find now.  But they have their fans, and I'll admit to being one of 'em.  Onyx, on the far right, was my favorite, as she was the goth/punk of the bunch.  I remember being kinda bummed that none of 'em were green.

Have any of y'all heard of these?  Kindly share your memories, and if you live in the Mississippi or Ohio river vallies, watch out on Friday!  Another round of storms is predicted!
