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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Springtime for dollies

I've said in the past that seasons begin when they begin and they end when they end, but for me it's not spring until 

A)  I see a butterfly, and 
B)  the television commercials shift their focus from colds to allergies. 

For me, March 18th has to come and go as well.  March 18th is kinda notorious for tornado buffs, so it's an easy date for me to remember.  This year was the centennial of the Tri-State Tornado, and the affected towns held remembrance ceremonies all week, which I thought was nice.  Heckuva coincidence, considering the weather last week.  As for me, I've yet to see a butterfly, but my jonquils have bloomed and faded, the trees have little green buds, the weather is growing warmer and stormier, and thus it's time to start putting my dolls in springtime gear.  Straight outta Etsy (and from my mama) comes another Cabbie outfit, modelled by Allie Kathleen.
West Virginia colors!  When I saw the blue in that skirt I knew it would make Allie's eyes pop, and it does!  I don't know how Mama keeps finding these cute little outfits for Cabbage Patch Kids, by the way...unless she gets stuff that I just glanced at before bouncing on to something else.

I have an outfit for Gillian Ida too!  I actually had another different outfit, but my disorganized rear end misplaced it so poor Gilly was stuck in her Christmas wear until this new dress came in. 
As is often the case with me, I love how nineties this getup is with its loud, clashing colors and layers.

But this isn't a post just for Cabbage Patch Kids, not today.  Whaaaaaat, did y'all think I was gonna leave the Queen of the Dolls out of springtime wear?  These Barbie dresses are simple little dresses that came in two batches from MelsOzarkCreations, and they're perfect for spring...maybe a little later on in spring, but still, spring.  The models are Theta and Iota.  Dress pair one.
Spoilers, all of the dresses from this shop follow the same basic pattern.  Hey, you gotta start somewhere, and the fabrics are nice.  In this case Theta is wearing a dress with spots that compliment her skin, while Iota has a dress that brings out the gray tones in her eyes (her eyes look both blue and gray).

Dress pair two.  I don't know if I picked the right dolls for these two dresses.
Okay, Theta looks fine, or she will after I add some blue accessories to make her lips pop.  Iota, though...I dunno, I like the dark color and the subtle print on that dress, but maybe it's a smidge dark for Iota.  A doll with a gothic or punk edge would probably wear it better.

Now these last dresses are my favorites, largely for their quirky, goofy prints.
Avocados for Theta, fun-size Butterfinger bars for Iota.  Again, I thought the avocado dress was too dark for Iota, but dang, I wanna put that Butterfinger dress on Theta!  The logo matches her lipstick.  While the dresses from MelsOzarkCreations are pretty simple, they're also easy to dress up or dress down.  Those solid and print dresses can be worn with almost any shoes and accessories. 

But I'm not done yet.  I like finding things that are specially designed for curvy Barbies, and this outrageous little number is just that.  Etsy shop is fashondollMX001, and Andra is my model.
I'm a moderately big fan of Andy Warhol's art, so when I saw this...well, y'know.  <elaborate>  By the way, this shop also has a Piet Mondrian-themed dress.  I'm very fond of Piet Mondrian paintings.

For a change of pace, Lagoona Blue also has something new to wear this spring.  Mama thought it was cute, and now one of my dolls has it.  Etsy shop is RabbitinthemoonThai, and I'm only now noticing that Andra and Lagoona are in the same pose.
Lagoona may be sticky and yellow, but she was my first and I'll always love her.  It's been a minute since she got something new, and this matches her stock shoes.

Zooey Electric also has an outfit, one supplied by Mama.
toocuteclub offers clothes for Rainbow High and for Smart Dolls (spoilers, I'm sizing up a Smart Doll).  The clothes are pricey, but I love the pastel outfits that the shop offers.  In this particular case Zooey seemed like the perfect choice for this outfit, but looking at the trim...there's some purple in there so Monique Verbena could've pulled it off too.  Indeed, the only one I have that would clash is Ruby Anderson (she's red).  Sunny Madison would've looked adorable.

Camille, my little Wellie Wisher, has something new to wear too.
New to her, anyway.  I've had this in storage since the end of last summer.

Rounding out the spring wear is River Song, who is uncharacteristically girly.  Y'all have gotten a peep at this getup, but now Riv has her shoes.
Justine-Marie and Zoe are my girly girls, but River Song is the one who got the dress, and she loves getting new things so she didn't make a peep of complaint.

Bright, splashy clothes for a...decidedly dreary beginning to March.  In the first few days after the tornadoes last weekend the weather was beautiful, and then on Tuesday the clouds moved in and the wind picked up a lot.  Normally I'd have taken Camille and River Song outside, but it was too windy and too dusty.  Yeah, it's nothing but sand here in the Bootheel.  I think it's a miracle that our crops grow as well as they do, but so far they do, thank God.

Veronal love,


  1. I forgot you had a Wellie Wisher doll. She is a cutie.
    Signed, Treesa

  2. Psst, I need your new address, I think. I have some things to send you ;)
