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Friday, February 28, 2025

So random, February '25

February of this year saw the return of some old faces, so let's dive in!  February 2nd.  Perhaps miffed by the groundhog's forecast, my Living Dead Dolls started rising from their coffin-boxes, and Spring-Heeled Jack immediately tried to terrorize Candela Laura.
He didn't have much luck.  Cabbage Patch Kids are kids' playthings, and nothing is scarier for a toy than some of the games kids play, so Candela Laura was not the slightest bit fazed by her pint-sized tormentor.

February 3rd, Bae Day Monday.  The theme was Puppy Love, and Lucey Dena took advantage of that.
She loves her Ginger.  Little does she know that another of my dolls has a pet named Ginger.

Also February 3rd, Vincent and Mandy got cozy.
It was a little chilly in the house right then, and the two were helping warm each other up.  Vincent is fuzzy, so warming up a friend isn't too hard.

February 9th.  I love me some peanut butter and jelly, and Cloe apparently does too.
Cloe wishes to know your favorite flavor of jelly.  She appears to be fond of strawberry, and I like cherry...and blackberry too, for that matter.  My paternal grandmother made her own jelly and jam, and one of the flavors she made was blackberry.  I kid y'all not, she had so many flavors in that storeroom that when the sun hit the jars it was a sight to behold.  Purple and red and amber and yellow, it was beautiful.

Later on that evening Venus and Cloe decided to chill.
Venus gets along with everyone, and despite her Bratz moniker Cloe does too.  Most of the Bratz I've met are pretty chill and get along with other dolls...unless you piss them off.  Then Heaven help you.

February 10th, 2025, very early in the morning. 
Andra has a lot of hair...or she LOOKS like she does.  It's relatively short for Barbie hair, but it's also very curly.

February 17th. 
Martina and Princess Pipp Petals.  These two are on a completely different scale, but they look cute together. 

February 18th.  The snow was falling, the wind was blowing, and the temperature was 21 degrees with a wind chill of five degrees.  It was my day off and I spent it hiding from Uncle Man-Child.  In one corner of the room I use is a large, motley group of my dolls, and I took a fancy to two particular pairs.  Here's Chelsea and C.C....
...and Alana and River Song. 
As usual Alana is being a ham.

Also that evening I got to futzing around with some of my nineties baby dolls.  So Surprised Suzie caught my attention. 
When my sister and I were very tiny we'd reach for something invisible and stare with big eyes and an open mouth.  My dad always said that we were looking at angels, and I don't doubt it.  Often babies and children can see things we adults can't

February 19th.  Head shot of Martina, one of my Furga dolls. 
I freaking love this doll.  She's got amazing hair and a sweet face, and...well, I just love her.

February 24th.  Angie arrived in the mail.  Angie is one of Dawn's friends.
I can understand why these dolls were so popular, since their tiny size made them easier to collect and since they fit well into a dollhouse.  Oh yeah, and they're cute.
This is my favorite way to pose Dawn dolls, by the way.  Sitting, back-to-back, comfy.

February 26th.  River Song had just gotten a new spring dress.
The dress, but no shoes!  Fortunately that was easily rectified.  River Song looked so cute on the back of the couch that I took her picture anyway, shoes or no.

And that concludes the auction for the month!  February was bitterly cold but is ending on a warm note, and I've got spring fever!


Saturday, February 22, 2025

This is NOT what I ordered!!!

Okay, time for me to vent.  It's colder than crap here in the Bootheel, as it is elsewhere.  Malden got about six inches of snow and because of the cold very little melting has occurred.  It's not been too dangerous, not like last time, but I'm sick to death of winter weather and I was really looking for to yet another doll coming in the mail.  She was a Furga doll, about Martina's size in a long patchwork skirt, with a cute little expression.  She was supposed to arrive yesterday, and indeed I did get a box...but my doll wasn't in it.
I guess this is a golf club cover.  I don't play golf, first and foremost, and even if I did it's not what I ordered.  I don't need another Furga doll, but I DON'T CARE!!!  I WANT HER!!!  I can't even blame our post office because it wasn't their futz-up.  The mail carriers have been a lot more reliable lately anyway. 

So I got someone's golf club cover, and goodness only knows where my poor little dolly is.  Crap like this occasionally happens when one buys online, but that doesn't mean I can't complain when it does happen.  To boost my mood and lighten the post a bit, here's Martina in the snow.
Temperature is supposed to get above freezing today, so maybe some of this crap will finally start to melt.  By the way, Tam, Martina earned the ultimate compliment this morning:  Mama said that she's pretty.  

UPDATE:  The seller did refund me, and there was some chatter about him trying to find my package.  I'm not betting on it, but one can hope.  I'm also holding onto the golf club cover, packaging in all, in case I'm put in contact with the person who bought that.  I may not get what I wanted, but I'd like for them to get what they wanted.  

Much love, 

Friday, February 21, 2025

March of the Skittle heads

Setsu-P, you may wanna skip this one, as it's all about Baby Alive.  I had two of 'em, Lulu Achoo and Little Maya...
...and I still have 'em.  I call these dolls Skittle heads because their heads are round, but also flat like so (and because I like Skittles).  That's why they freak some folks out.
I said that Lulu's review would be done in November, but November is long past and I still haven't gotten the job done.  Lulu's accessories have joined the world of missing persons (and she was), and I can't really review her effectively without those, so her review is postponed indefinitely.  All is not lost though, as I brought home another Baby Alive doll, and my reasons for liking her should surprise few of y'all. 
She suffers from the idiotic name of Princess Pipp Petals, but she's named after a My Little Pony who goes by a nickname, so I guess "Pipp" it is.  Blick, "Pipp" makes me think of Mr. Pibb, a soda that I'm not fond of.  I am, however, quite fond of My Little Pony, thus why I liked this line of dolls when I saw them, though Pipp Petals is a name I don't recognize (I don't follow the modern MLP as close as I should).  Picking just one of the three was tough because all three of these MLP dolls are cute, and because Izzy Moonbow has blue hair.  The third doll, Sunny Starscout, went heavy on the pink, but I considered her for awhile too.
In the end Izzy's hair was too curly and Sunny's was too pink, so I went with purple.  My sister's favorite color, especially when it's a deep shade like this.
Hush, hush, I thought I heard her callin' my name...LOL, purple hair and green eyes.  Lulu has green eyes too, but they're a different shade.
In pictures Pipp's eyes look very, very green, but IRL Pipp's eyes are teal, kinda like my smallest Magic Nursery babies.  See how different these eyes are under a flash?
Look at those freckles!  I love dolls with freckles, and I had no idea Pipp would have 'em until she arrived.  Her stock picture doesn't show these too clearly.
More readily visible is the music note on Pipp's left cheek.  I presume that this is her namesake's cutie mark, since Princess Pipp Petals is a singer.
This makes me giggle, because I use my phone to complete these blog posts more often than not, and when I type in River Song's name my predictive text throws up a purple music note.  I'm referring to my showoff of an American Girl, by the way, not her borderline abusive namesake.
Good opportunity to do a size comparison.  My smallest Baby Alive doll, Little Maya, can sit comfortably in River Song's lap, though River Song can't hold her in a very convincing manner.
Now I THOUGHT that Pipp would be a larger doll than what she is, but they're roughly the same size and are both quite an armful for River Song.  Indeed, River Song noped out right after I took this picture. 
I was through with her anyway, LOL.  Pipp measures thirteen inches from head to toe and Lulu measures twelve, so their bodies are a little different from each other.  Neither of them are as big as River Song is, but I doubt that would bother a little girl setting her dolls up for a tea party.  Certainly wouldn't have bothered me.  Oh, and for the record, Little Maya measures roughly 9.5 inches.  Look how huge Lulu's noggin is!
Alright, girls, bring it in for a group picture!
Sigh...I promised Mama I wouldn't start collecting these like I have Cabbage Patch Kids, but I'm not gonna lie:  if I see one that I think is really, really unique, I'm gonna bring her home.  I'm gonna try to be picky, but if she stands out she's coming home with me.  Right now these three are the lucky ones.

Sweets to the sweet,

Friday, February 14, 2025

Love is blue

At the beginning of the year an Etsy ad declared that the color of the year was going to be lime green.  I love lime green and all green in general, but my heart was pulled in a different direction.  Whovians and Moody Blues fans are kinda obligated to at least tolerate the color blue, and...well, I actually happen to love blue, and I loved blue before I knew John Lodge from John Pertwee.  So when I saw a series of deep blue Barbie dresses on Etsy I was all over those like ugly on an ape.  Interestingly, this first one is not handmade like I initially thought, but rather a Best Buy outfit, #2217 from 1978.  It's also not a dress, LOL.
I love Best Buy outfits!  Some of them are dated by today's sensibilities (pantsuits, though I happen to love pantsuits), but they're also colorful and relatively easy to find, and they cover Barbie's naked butt, dated or not.  I don't have a big collection of Best Buy clothes yet (#2217, #1359 and four copies of #1354), but when I want something that will fit the old twist 'n' turn body, Best Buy is usually what I look for.  Unfortunately, like a great many Barbie outfits of today, most Best Buy getups didn't come with shoes.
Mama told me that barefoot dancing was the best kind of dancing, and Midge apparently agrees.  Anyway, one of the things that I like about Best Buy clothes is that they can have variants.  I've counted at least four of #1354 (including one sized for Skipper) and three of #1359, and it appears that #2217 has three variants as well.  Mine is light blue on a dark blue field, but there is also white on the same dark blue field, and a different shade of blue with polka dots and roses.  The top elastic is unfortunately pretty loose, and Midge has thus had her fair share of Tara Reid moments.
Oops!  I'll have to see what I can do about that.  Shouldn't be too hard to fix.  Despite the fact that Midge's eyes are green, and her earrings are light blue and yellow, I like this getup on her.  I think the blue looks nice with her red hair.

Next outfit...shucks, I wish I'd had a redhead for this one too, since it was modelled by a redhead on Etsy, but Theta's blue lips match.  Etsy shop is Mall4Doll.
This fits Theta like it was specially tailored for her, and the fabric is both stretchy and drapey so it will fit quite a few of my dolls.  It needs a necklace though, something to make Theta sparkle.  Oh, and for the record, nip slips are not out of the question for this dress either, so I have to be careful about how I pose Theta.

These next two dresses are for curvy dolls, and they came from PrymaDonnaDolls.  This shop is based in Sri Lanka and has a long shipping time, so if you buy something from here, be prepared to wait.  So here's Chardonnay in a simple tube dress with detached sleeves.
I love a good tube dress for Barbie, because they're easy to put on and they can be worn by all the body types.  Usually.  This dress was specifically tailored for Curvy dolls so it would probably be too big for a petite doll.  At the same time it's pretty tight on Chardonnay, tight enuff that I can't pose her legs apart and help her stand better.  I love this shade of blue, though!

Andra's new threads aren't really a dress, but a jumpsuit like Midge's.
It looks good, but the seams are uneven in places.  This isn't such a big deal, but the fit is pretty tight in the chest, almost so that I couldn't pull the whole thing up.  I dread taking this off Andra.  She rocks it, though.  Andra rocks just about everything she wears.

One of the benefits of being a modern doll collector is the originality of the clothes.  Granted, at the beginning of Barbie's reign a crafty child or a crafty mama could whip up something that couldn't be bought in stores, but one couldn't find fabric sprinkled with avocados or with the Butterfinger logo.  Spoilers, I've got those too, LOL.  Tacky?  Maybe, but then I happen to like tacky, and my dolls give no effs whether they look tacky or not, because they're...well, they're dolls!  That said, Lovable Louise is...well, not as tacky.
I love finding new duds for old dollies!  Clothes for Lovable Louise are about as easy to find as hen's teeth, but BonDebproductions did have this dress, and by luck of the draw it's blue.  Next step is to find some shoes (I've already found a source that will provide undergarments) and unfog her eyes.  I owe a debt of gratitude to Beth in WV (and probably a few other folks) who told me that a warm hair dryer and an index card will do the trick.  Louise and Sunflower will be my guinea pigs, and I'll let y'all know the results.

For those of y'all that might fancy the more traditional look, here's Ashley and Lena, two of my Magic Nursery kids.  They wear hearts, and Lena ties the whole post together with touches of blue.  Worked out pretty well, actually!
Happy Valentine's Day,

Monday, February 10, 2025

A no-no

As usual, I've been a little bad this pay period.  I bought a Living Dead Doll and a LUV doll (spoilers!), and I also fell in love with the doll Miss Emily is using as her new...well, now that Lina is getting married Emily needed a new nude model, one that could do body comparisons without worrying about upsetting a significant other.  The new model, Petra, is a Barbie Signature Looks #20 with straight red hair and a lovely, moody face.  I wanted that head, but I didn't want to rip Miss Emily off yet again, so I picked Barbie Looks #16 from the color block wave.
My first Signature Looks doll!  These Signature Looks are fun because their faces are serious, but they're not out-and-out nasty like those of some Integrity dolls.  Seriously, I'd like to slap Eugenia Perrin-Frost, and I wouldn't mind taking a swing at Agnes Von Weiss either.  Admittedly Andra (named after her head mold) doesn't look the happiest either; she wears an expression that looks a little like I felt the day I bought her, January 30th.
Without going into too much detail, I'd had an altercation with a patron at the library that day and I was just...oh, not even mad, just OVER IT.  In certain lights Andra also looks OVER IT.  I wouldn't want to mess with this little doll if she were human...but I'd still pitch her out of the library if she got a 'tude with me, LOL.

Despite being thick Andra can do everything that Cassandra and Isolde can.  I don't do much with Isolde because I don't want to mess her lolita dress up, but she can move with the best of 'em.  Andra can too.  Her elbows were extremely stiff fresh out of the box, but she's loosening up.
Shucks, I wish I could move like that!  Being big is no excuse anymore.  But then again Andra has no sciatic nerves to get injured or inflamed...AND I'VE GOT TWO!!!  Only one is inflamed, but still...sigh, I know I'm not the only one, and I couldn't do some of these moves even at my most limber period in life.
Sciatica or no, the grace with which these curvy dolls "move" makes me feel like a hippopotamus, and not a curvaceous, well-dressed hippopotamus like Ms. Heavenly Hippo is.  Mind y'all, I like hippos, but I don't wanna feel like one.  That said, I love Made to Move Barbies, especially these curvy ones because they don't feel as fragile.  It bums me a little that the Fashionistas don't have those bodies, but then the Fashionistas wouldn't cost what they do if they did have Made to Move bodies.  The Fashionistas WERE jointed at one time, far back before some modern-day Barbie fans were alive (2011, LOL), but they're not jointed anymore and...WELL THAT'S ALRIGHT, THEN!!!  Now...just between y'all, me, and the cocoanut tree, I don't like Andra's outfit much, largely because of those shorts.  I'm not a big fan of shorts unless I'm sleeping in them.  Indeed, of all the color block ensembles, I think Andra's is the weakest...well, maybe it ties with that one Ken's pink and purple getup.  That's kinda...ewwww.  Kinda like Calvin in orange sunglasses.
No time like the present to hop on Etsy...no, no, NO, BAD MOON!!!  I see a bad moon rising...heck, I AM a bad moon rising!  But no, I said that I need to behave myself with my money, and behave myself I shall!  Andra will have to rock those homely shorts for awhile, but she's Barbie so she can.  Besides, I do have a couple'a things that I bought before stepping back from Etsy, things that are specifically for curvy Barbie, but y'all will have to wait awhile to see them.
