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Friday, March 31, 2023


I committed a cardinal sin in the world of weather spotters:  I let my guard down!  After a couple of noisy but harmless thunderstorms Mama and I made it home safely.  I was even able to have my nightly shower.  Then Mama texted me with this...just to our northwest.
Here's the text; it's not as bad as it could've been, but it still merits attention. 
Please ignore my mother's commentary in the picture on the left, LOL.  The storm is currently directly to the north of Malden and booking it east.  It IS still rotating, but no tornado has been spotted yet.

Now, the main reason for my concern:  my sister has been to Fayetteville, Arkansas and back, and she chose to cross southern Missouri in the thick of this.  She's currently holed up at the big Wal-Mart in Poplar Bluff, waiting for this crap to move on out.  She's lives in Jackson, which isn't far, but still sadly out of reach in this weather.  Sikeston is in the line of fire for this storm, by the way, and Sikeston is a large town, so say a little prayer for them.  

So I'm cuddling with Rita Cheryl, my dogs, and...<pauses to count> hmmm, just one of my cats!  We're watching Ryan Hall and keeping tabs on things.  If y'all are in the path of any of these please take all weather alerts seriously. 

Be safe,


  1. I hope everything passed on without causing any harm.

    1. Malden made it through unscathed, as did Sikeston as far as I know. My sister made it back to Jackson alive and unharmed. Little Rock and Wynne (both in Arkansas) got hit hard.
