Unfortunately, her little face also has some paint flubs and cracks, mostly around the eyelids.
I've seen compo dolls in worse shape than this, and such deterioration is to be expected when one is a fan of the medium, as I am. Sadly I lack the experience and expertise needed to mend this, so Babyette will have to live with a split eyelid for awhile. She also came to me butt nekkid, but I was able to fix that with Patsyette's extra dress. Even though Patsyette and Babyette are both nine inches from head to toe, their measurements are very different, and that is why the pink dress bags on Patsyette but looks great on Babyette. Please forgive my beat-up old Vera Bradley purse in the background of Babyette's picture, LOL. That thing has served me well, but it's about had it!
Patsyette can stand on her own if I fool with her enough, though she's so loose that I usually I just toss her in a stand and leave it at that. Babyette cannot stand at all due to her bent knees (note that she has the rounded body, typical of Patsy dolls).
Babyette's all-composition body means that she's an old doll like Patsyette is, but she has two crucial differences. One is the hair; Babyette sports a wig, and Patsyette does not.
It's medium blonde, though it looks darker in the pictures I've taken. I'm not sure if it's lambswool or mohair, but it's curly and wispy and thus very fitting for a baby's hair. Wigs are not unheard of on vintage Patsy dolls of any size, but they appear to be most prevalent on these babies. Under her wig Babyette has the prerequisite molded bob that most Patsy dolls of the era had, but this is only visible in the middle of her forehead, right at the hairline.
Right then, we've established that Babyette is wigged and that sets her apart from Patsyette. However, there's one other thing. Need a hint?
Patsy dolls could have inset sleep eyes or painted eyes. Patsyette's are painted, but Babyette's are inset, and they appear to be glassene (tin eyes were also an option). Despite Babyette's cracked eyelid these eyes work well.
Dolls with glassene eyes are a bit of a gamble nowadays, as the eyes can cloud over with time and look super-creepy like THIS poor little doll's eyes have done. Luckily Babyette has dodged that bullet. Most of my composition dolls have dodged said bullet, with the exception of poor Shirley Temple, who looks a hair possessed at the moment.
Regarding jointing, Babyette is strung like most all-compo dolls are, but unlike Pansy and Patsyette she does not need to be restrung at all. I've semi-invented a rating scale for restringing, based on the U.S.'s DEFCON system:
*STRINGCON 1: Doll fell apart, is in danger of falling apart, or has loosely dangling appendages. Needs restringing stat.
*STRINGCON 2: Doll is in no immediate danger of falling apart, but cannot stand, sit, or hold any poses without a lot of work. Even his/her head will not stay up unless balanced on the neck joint...or if it's not strung at all, like an American Girl's neck.
*STRINGCON 3: Doll can hold some basic poses, but getting him/her into said poses is very difficult and may require some cussing.
*STRINGCON 4: Doll is a little floppy but can be posed with a little work. Trying to get him/her to stand unassisted is still risky if the doll in question is breakable.
*STRINGCON 5: Doll is fine. No action needed.
*STRINGCON 6: In this fairly rare scenario, the doll is too tight and damage to joints may result unless the strings are loosened. Ball-jointed dolls are most likely to achieve STRINGCON 6 status, though this can be a problem for Sasha dolls as well. Note that there is no level 6 on the DEFCON scale (LOL).
Most of Aunt Kathryn's dolls are at STRINGCON 1 or 2, Patsyette is a 3, and Babyette is a 5. In fact, she may be a 6 across the shoulders, since her arm joints have some visible damage.
Wear is to be expected on the joints of any composition doll, but this is a little more wear than I prefer. However, I don't move Babyette's arms around much so she'll probably be fine in the long run.
Normally I'd segue into clothes here, but I've already talked about Patsyette's dress so I'm moving on to Patsy Joan. Patsy Joan differs from Patsyette and Babyette in that she's a more modern doll (she dates from 1994), and thus she's made of high-quality vinyl rather than composition. Other than that Patsy Joan is just like her little sisters. I don't know if Effanbee was still a separate entity in 1994, but that's the company stamped on Patsy Joan's back. Notice that it's spelled "EFFANDBEE," with a "D" in the middle.
...but Patsy Joan's tag talks a little about her posing as well.
Movable LIMB??? LOL, Patsy Joan moves more than just one limb, and her head does indeed tilt. Sometimes it tilts when I don't want it to!
In all Patsy Joan has five joints like Patsyette and Babyette do, and like them she is strung. I rate her a 4 on the STRINGCON scale and she is thus using a stand, shoved uncomfortably underneath her dress.
The eBay seller was mildly concerned about Patsy Joan's stringing, suggesting that she might need to be restrung, but I don't think Patsy Joan will need that anytime soon. She can stand without a doll stand, albeit unsteadily, but to avoid any mishaps I leave her in a stand anyway. Her loose strings are the reason why her head sometimes tilts when I don't want it to, by the way.
Unlike Patsyette and Babyette, Patsy Joan is wearing her original outfit and it's a darn cute outfit. I'm just going to skim this since it's not the easiest to put back on, but I'll give y'all the gist of it. I suspect that this particular Patsy Joan was the most popular make, because eBay has a million of them in this exact same dress and bonnet. The fabric feels like it might be cotton, and I love the way it feels in my hands. The dress closes in back with snaps, and it also ties in the back. Getting this sash done up into a nice straight bow is a pain in the posterior.
Likewise, it's also a pain to properly tie the bonnet.
The bonnet is a lot like a pioneer's sunbonnet, and it has an extra row of ruffles that frames Patsy Joan's face and looks very pretty.Oddly, I've run into some mild confusion as to how Patsy Joan should wear this bonnet. When she first came the brim was folded back a little bit. This is hard to show, but look close to where the brim joins the main body.
Since then I unfolded it and leave it at its full length, like so.
I mention this because folding the bonnet has an effect on how it looks from the front. It's a very subtle effect, but it's there. On the top the bonnet is folded, and on the bottom it is not.
I guess it's just a matter of preference. As an aside, I wonder why Patsy Joan's bonnet ties in the middle, but Addy, Caroline, and Kirsten all have bonnets that tie on the side (click on the links for an idea of what I mean). Even my Kirsten's Etsy bonnet ties on the side. Yeah, yeah, I know Patsy Joan is not an American Girl doll, but I also have porcelain dolls with bows to one side or the other. But then again, I also have other dolls with bows in the center. I just wonder why some bonnets are one way and others are the other way. Maybe it was another matter of preference back in the day.
Ah, I do love tangents. Both Patsy Joan's bonnet and dress are very nicely finished on the inside.
The only raggy area is right around the waist, where the petticoat and the skirt of the dress tie into the bodice. That's a lot of raw edges in one place so I can overlook the loose ends here. The hems and seams are impeccable everywhere else.
Back in the day Patsy Joan would've likely worn oilcloth shoes and flimsy gauze socks like Patsyette does, but since she's a relatively modern doll she has patent leather shoes and thick knitted socks.
The shoes snap shut and have ruffled treads on the bottom.And that would've been it...except that while typing up the post on Aunt Kathryn's dolls I became enamored with Tam's Pansy doll and decided I wanted one for myself. I did find one (indeed, Pansy dolls are easy to find), but she doesn't look a thing like Tam's doll. Guess who she does look like?
As a last little lark, I noticed a few similarities between Patsy and Kewpie.
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