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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Dolls I don't need, but like

Debbie Behan Garrett mentioned the lovely economy not too long ago, and her desire to only buy essentials, and I sadly am in the same boat.  Miss Debbie lists black dolls as essentials, and the one she's got coming is awesome.  I understand that mindset, but since I don't specialize in one particular type of doll my collection is a bit out of control.  And bills were outta sight last month.  And a branch broke a window on March 4th.  AND Uncle From St. Louis's car went on the blink and Mama and I had to pay for that.  Bottom line, I'm sick to death of money.  I'm sick of talking about it, of thinking about it, of hearing about it.  Wouldn't y'all know, that would be when I see this awesome list of dolls from the late eighties, nineties, and early oughts.  Timing couldn't be worse.  I don't need these dolls and I'm being a very good girl and not buying them, but I do like them.  As usual, these images are not my own.


COMPANY:  Mattel

"P.J. Sparkles, shine your love on me!  Shine, shine, shine!"  I love it when a doll or toy has a catchy jingle!  P.J. Sparkles is a little orphan doll kinda like Poor Pitiful Pearl and Little Miss No-Name, but since she's an eighties entity some magic came into the fray.  P.J.'s backstory states that she wished fervently for a name, and she got that wish...and parts that lit up!  The little doll has a button on her chest, and when it's pressed her hair bow, her earrings, her bracelet, and her heart all light up.  Her hair has tinsel in it, and her dress changes from a short dress to a nightgown.  Y'all probably know by now that I love things that light up, so P.J. Sparkles attracts my fancy.  P.J. had a friend with a similar gimmick (Starbrite Sparkles), a baby sister (Baby Sparkles), three younger friends, and some pets, all of whom can be seen on Ghost of the Doll.  P.J., Starbrite, and Baby Sparkles all came in both black and white versions, and I saw an in-box black Starbrite go for two hundred bucks on eBay.  She's cute, but eBay can keep that, thanks.


COMPANY:  Mattel

I never had Sally Secrets, but I did have four of her smaller counterpart, Li'l Secrets.  Li'l Secrets kept bags of little treasures hidden in their ample ponytails, and I freaking loved them and their bright colors.  Miss Emily reviewed these, and...and the first doll she reviews is just like one of mine!!!  I don't have my Li'l Secrets anymore; they went to charity like so many of my toys did, but I had fun with them when I was little!  Now Sally Secrets, oh, I love how nineties this doll is!  She's got the big hair and the bright clothes, and I love her.  Sally's secrets weren't really as secret as the surprises that her smaller companions hid, but she had plenty of cute things to offer.  Her shoes and earrings doubled as stamps, and she had a roll of stickers as well (I LOVED stickers growing up).  The stickers were a limited time thing, of course, and while refill sets could be had they were expensive.  One redditor dismissed Sally as forgettable once her gimmicks ran out, but I beg to differ.  She's cute even without stickers.  Sally Secrets could also be black or white, and in the early 2000s she saw something of a revival, though those dolls were smaller, kinda like the Bandai-era Strawberry Shortcake bunch.


COMPANY:  Mattel again!

Penni Secrets is a member of Sally Secrets' "family," so to speak.  The Secrets bunch was kinda like Baby Tender Love; they all had similar names but weren't really "related."  Anywho, I like Penni even better than Sally...except for the cutesy "I" at the end of Penni's name.  Reminds me of a prick I knew from Egypt who wanted to be my boyfriend and kept calling me "hunni."  It's "honey" and "Penny," thank you.  "Penni" was a fitting name for this doll, idiotic spelling notwithstanding, as her ruffled outfit concealed little inkpens, and the stars on her dress concealed little stamps.  Her earrings doubled as stencils (I loved stencils when I was little), and stickers were concealed in her hair bow.  Oh, and her hair...did y'all see those awesome bangs!  Penni could be the brunette seen above, or a blonde, or another little doll of color, but all three versions had those highlights.  I'm not gonna lie, y'all, Penni may come home with me in the future.  The very distant future.

COMPANY:  Another Mattel doll

Tapsie, not to be confused with Tappsy (blick, licorice!), is a little tap dancer.  She has a slight fifties vibe to her with that skirt, and her shiny black shoes make me think of Harmony B. Sharp (who was also a dancer).  If Pinterest is to be believed, Tapsie required no batteries...so how in blazes does a doll like this dance if she's got no batteries???  Harmony B. Sharp had a stand that allowed her to gyrate, but Tapsie doesn't have that either.  Apparently one presses her hands up and down to get her to dance to her cassette tape.  I guess Tapsie is kinda obscure, because I couldn't find a commercial for her!  All of the other dolls in this post have a commercial, so I figure Tapsie's gotta have one too, but it's not on YouTube.  Tapsie was also black or white and adorable either way, though that pink skirt looks better on her black self.  What can I say, I like pink on dolls of color; Addy Walker made me a fan of the combo.

COMPANY:  Guess who.  Mattel!

I think I vaguely remember this one.  She initially wore a plain pink Sleeping Beauty-style dress, and the jewels would come out of a magic wand.  I have no idea how the jewels stick, but they adhere to human hair too so maybe the jewels are sticky...no, Reddit says they adhered with Velcro.  I'll bet that was fun to get out of one's hair, kinda like those Bunchems.  Still looks like fun, though.  The wand could be refilled, just like Sally Secrets' stickers could, but I figure the refills were probably pricey again.  Li'l Miss Magic Jewels could be either black or white, and from what I can tell the white version has unusual violet eyes.  I always like it when dolls have violet eyes.

COMPANY:  Mattel again!

Like the Secrets and Baby Tender Love lines, Mattel did a number of dolls under the "Li'l Miss" moniker.  Li'l Miss Magic Hair had temperature-sensitive hair, and it should be no surprise that I like her quite a bit, though even without the streaks she still has a lot of attributes that I like.  Like Sally Secrets, Li'l Miss Magic Hair is very nineties, with big bangs and brightly colored clothes, and I love her sweet little face.  And I LOVE THOSE SHOES!!!  I do kinda wonder though...items from this era that change color often turn color and won't change back.  I wonder if that's the case for Li'l Miss Magic Hair?  I have seen plenty with their stripes showing, though that doesn't bug me much.

COMPANY:  Good ol' Kenner!

The glut of Mattel dolls ends with this adorable little Kenner baby!  This one I do remember from childhood, and I remember being intrigued by the vanishing cherries in her spoon.  I also remember the jingle, which was very catchy just like P.J. Sparkles' jingle was.  Baby All Gone is similar to early versions of Baby Alive and even shares a name with later versions of Baby Alive, but she is NOT a member of the Baby Alive squad.  Indeed, as far as I know Baby All Gone doesn't need any batteries (Baby Alive does).  Her bottle is one of those "magic" bottles that empties and fills on its own (I had many a baby bottle like that growing up), and of course, those awesome cherries.  I loved cherries too when I was a kid, and I still do!  I could eat a whole can of cherry pie filling and be happy as a lark...until all that sugar kicks in!  LOL, Baby All Gone was apparently popular enuff to spawn one spinoff, Choosy Baby All Gone.
Choosy is a younger baby, and in addition to milk and cherries she's also got a bowl of peas.  Blick, I hope they're frozen; I loathe canned peas.  These look like peas with carrots mixed in, and oh, does that take me back!  I had just turned twenty, was recovering in the hospital from a kidney stone, and when they served me dinner one of the dishes was canned peas and carrots.  I ate everything but that, to the nurse's amusement.  LOL, being dolls means that Baby All Gone and Choosy Baby All Gone don't ever have to worry about the hell that is a kidney stone.  Both Baby All Gone and Choosy Baby All Gone could be either black or white, and black Baby All Gone is adorable!


COMPANY:  Tyco (not Mattel!)
YEARS OF PRODUCTION:  1992-1995; other companies carried her after Tyco got bought out

I think I remember seeing Kenya at Kmart when I was young!  I remember her colorful box.  Kenya was a bestseller and came in several different forms, but Beautiful Hairstyle Kenya (seen above) is the one that caught my eye because it shows Kenya's hair being styled in ways that I saw at school.  When my black friends were little their hair would be done up in teeny little braids with pony beads or barrettes attached, or they'd have puffy little pigtails that I loved to gently touch.  The beads were always my favorite because there were so many colors.  Kenya also came in other forms like baby sister Keyara (left) and Sparkle Pretty, the latter of which would've made a good friend for P.J. Sparkles.  I think Keyara is so cute!
I'm only scratching the surface with Kenya, but Debbie Behan Garrett tells it better than I ever could.  It's probably obvious, but unlike the other dolls in the post Kenya is strictly a doll of color.

Other honorable mentions in the list were dolls I already own like Magic Nursery, Cupcakes, Cherry Merry Muffin, Puppy Surprise, Puffalumps, Quints, Glo Worm, My Lickety Treats, and of course, the Cabbage Patch Kids.  Wait a minute, y'all have never seen my Glo Worm!  He was a good friend of mine, especially during nighttime thunderstorms.  He's in storage, tucked away with my childhood stuffed animals, but I still have him.  So!  Did any of y'all have any of these dolls at one time?  Would you have any of 'em in your collection?  Discuss.

All of my love, 

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Over the rainbow

The season's first severe day has arrived.  When that happens I drag one or two of my favorite dolls to work with me, rain or no, and today it happens to be these two.
Rita Cheryl Lassiter, my beloved JLY #49, and Candela Laura, my equally loved Jesmar.  It's a tough pick when it comes to Cabbage Patch Kids, but having browsed eBay I concluded that Candela Laura would be the hardest of my Kids to replace.  Rita Cheryl, on the other hand...#49 is a relatively easy American Girl to find, but I love my doll the way I have her and recreating all that would be a pain.  So if I go flying over the rainbow these two are coming with me.

Oklahoma has already had one tornado, and Fayetteville, Arkansas is getting pounded by thunderstorms right now.  Fayetteville is where my sister lives, and she doesn't have a basement, so we all need to keep a sharp lookout today.  The worst of this mess looks to be well south of the Bootheel, but I'm watching anyway.

Love y'all,

Monday, March 3, 2025

Now THESE are interesting

WARNING:  This post is gonna go heavy on religion.  Don't read if you're bothered by that.  And if I say anything ignorant, please POLITELY let me know in the comments and I'll fix it.  Thanks!

I saw one of these on the blog Ana Caldatto, and my interest was piqued because one doesn't see too many dolls like this in the States...and because Ramadan started at sundown on February 28th this year.  Timing is pretty good for me to see these, LOL.  These are Salam Sisters; from left, they are Layla, Karima, Yasmina, Nura, and Maryam.  
These dolls have been available since...2018???????  Where on Earth have I been???  They all come conservatively dressed with their own hijab (Karima and Maryam are not wearing theirs above), and they have their own individual personalities, because all good dolls this size do.

*LAYLA likes fashion, sewing, and repurposing old clothes into new clothes.  She's good at math (maths) and likes to garden.  Herbs and (mmmm) strawberries are her specialty.  She owns a cat named Kiya who "helps" her garden.
*KARIMA likes history, outer space, and sports.  Tennis appears to be her favorite sport, but she also likes archery, building obstacle courses, and...is camping a sport?  Either way she likes camping and stargazing.  
*YASMINA...hmmm, that name sounds familiar!  Yasmina likes photography, reading, volunteering, and her horse, Lily.  She's a member of her student council and likes organizing fundraisers for charities and "other special events."
*NURA likes everything STEM, puzzles, and mystery novels, and inventing stuff, though she admits that her inventions are kinda crazy.  She also likes to play with her parrot Zuzu and ride her bike, and she likes to create her own nasheeds.  She's working hard to memorize the Quran, which is gonna be a big job for a girl her age!  I remember what it was like having to memorize Bible verses when I was a kid, and some of those verses are a lot to remember.  I love her pink hijab!
*MARYAM is artsy; she enjoys drawing, painting, designing, and building.  She's learning to code, likes video games, and likes to swim at the beach.  Her friends and family describe her as "patient."

Why am I making a big deal about these, you ask?  Because like I said above, it isn't every day one sees a doll depicting a Muslim girl here in the U.S.  Ever since 9/11 American Muslims have had to watch their butts, which is too bad.  I'm always begging people not to judge Christians based on the behavior of those Westboro Baptist Church idiots, and I figure the Muslim contingent has to do the same because of their nutty splinter groups.  So the U.S. doesn't have a lot of dolls like the Salam Sisters.  There was Shola, one of the Hearts 4 Hearts Girls, with her beautiful amber eyes and her leggings that she didn't come with (prototype image, left), and American Girl made an outfit celebrating Eid al Fetr (right), but that's all I can name ATM.

Oh yeah, there's also the Saudi anti-Barbie, Fulla.  I think Fulla is fascinating, and I may do a post on her in the future.  
The Salam Sisters appear to be eighteen inches tall like the American Girls, and their head molds vary.  I don't like Maryam's head much...or maybe it's her eyes that are too light.  Or maybe it's the teeth.  Either way I'm not a big fan of Maryam's appearance, though I love her backstory.
My favorite of the five is the bespectacled one, Layla, though I do have to wonder why she's the blonde, blue-eyed one.  "Layla" means "dark."  See Layla's hair?
Oh well, I've known people of color named "Blanche," so there you go.  The name "Layla" can also mean "born at night," which may be the case with Layla.  It's a nice name, regardless.  I much prefer Layla in her hijab, though.  It's a lovely shade of yellow, kinda like the flowers that are starting to pop out here in the Bootheel.
Muslima are not required to wear hijab 100% of the time until they hit puberty, but when it's time for prayer their heads have to be covered, period.  They also must cover in the presence of men who are...non-mahram, though I've known some Muslima that are more liberal and didn't give a crap if their heads were covered around strangers.  On the opposite end of the spectrum, some girls cover their heads at all times, even around an all-girl setting.  It's kinda up to the individual...and the country that one lives in.  Likely if I owned one of these dolls I'd leave her in her hijab, both out of respect for the religion she depicts and because she looks cute that way.

These are interesting little dolls, and educational for an ignant bumpkin like me.  I've known Muslims before, but not on a super-close level, close enuff that I felt comfortable asking questions.  I'd love to review Layla, but NO BUYING RIGHT NOW!!!  So have any of y'all heard of these, or have y'all been living under a rock like me?


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Skipper weather

My mom and I are on a strict no-buying rule for the foreseeable future, as bills were higher than Grace Slick on acid this past month.  Thus I'll have new stuff for the blog, but because I'm the queen of procrastination it was all bought in December, January, or early February.  Bills and taxes bite whale bubbles.  That said, for reasons unknown I tend to get bitten by the Skipper bug around February or March, and...well, y'all will see where I'm going with that in a bit.  I'm a moderately big Skipper fan, maybe not so much as Tam is (she did Skipper Saturdays for awhile), but enuff that I have quite a few.  Most of mine are the balloon-headed dolls like this bright-eyed trio...
...and the oldest one I own is Fluff, a friend from the late mod era...or she was my oldest, as we'll soon see.  Fluff is another product of Skipper weather; she blew in on the gust front of a mild winter storm, back in 2018.
The vintage Skippers are my favorites due to their sweet faces and their compact size.  I can tuck one of them into my purse and carry her anywhere, the way I can Stacie and Lottie and Licca-chan.  The Skippers I like the least are the ones from the mid-eighties.  Their smiles look too crazed for my taste.  Some of the Super Teen Skipper heads aren't great either, though I do love Horse Lovin' Skipper.  As for my own dolls...well, they're who I grew up with, so I like them, significantly more so than Jewel Secrets Skipper.  They're certainly not perfect with their buggy eyes and fragile necks, but I love me a good balloon-head.  But anyway, I like Skipper quite a bit, and when I saw this Pose 'n' Play Skipper for a reasonable price I grabbed her.  Tam had one of these once, and the little doll made the mistake of sleeping by a large window during cold weather!  The poor love didn't catch a cold, but she did want to go on a bike ride and that plan was foiled by the falling snow.  My Skipper arrived just ahead of Winter Storm Blair, and she has naught but her blue playsuit to wear so I kept her a mile away from the windows.  This is her; y'all got a glimpse of her at the end of January.
The Pose 'n' Play line saw two dolls, Skip herself and the elusive Tiff, who has the same head mold as Fluff and has straight red hair.  Tiff is VERY expensive on eBay, but I'm keeping my eyes peeled for a good deal anyway, because you never know when you'll find one.  Skip is easy to find, though; indeed, these were sold in baggies after their production ended, and many, MANY of the Pose 'n' Play Skippers I've seen have been like those.  My own doll was marked as a possible baggie doll, but without the original packaging it's impossible to know for sure.  My Skipper is in very good shape though, and she even has her cute little curly pigtails like Olga Korbut's.  
Those bows are a tremendous pain in the posterior to tie, by the way.  The right one was all cocky-doody, so I undid it and it took me the rest of the evening to get it done up again.  I won't complain though, because Skipper at least has her original bows.  Fluff does not.

Though Skipper and Fluff are from different lines, they occupy a very similar timeframe and have the same body.  Their posing is thus pretty much the same, though Fluff's joints like to freeze up if I don't move them from time to time.  She can't move her arms out as far as Skipper can.
Both dolls can bend their knees to two clicks (Fluff's legs are obviously concealed by her long skirt), and they can move their right elbow.
NEITHER doll can bend her left elbow!  I wonder what the odds are of getting two highly poseable dolls, and their only broken joint being the exact same one?  Not that that kills my enjoyment of Skipper and Fluff, of course.  As a last little tidbit, both can tip their necks.  Barbie and company couldn't do that before the Living era...or could Live Action Barbie tip her neck???  I don't know.  Here Fluff and Skip demonstrate their ability to cock their heads; Skip's neck is a little stiff.
<show this>
Here it's also somewhat possible to see the difference in these dolls' faces, and how aesthetics changed in a single year.  The Living dolls all had long eyelashes, as seen on Fluff, while the Pose 'n' Play line did not.  Living Skipper also looks a little like she's wearing makeup, and Pose 'n' Play does not.  Interestingly, nor does Fluff, despite being from the Living line.  Surprise, surprise, I like Living Skipper and I'm looking for her, but not too hard at the moment.  Y'all will see why in a bit, and y'all can look at Tam's doll in the meantime.

In many ways these two are similar to Marx Sindy, though they both predate Sindy by about five years.  All three have soft vinyl limbs and internal joints that allow them to outpose the Barbie dolls of the sixties. 
That's too much blonde, though!!!  LOL, during the sixties Skip came in all three hair colors, though by the seventies she'd settled into a blonde trend just like Barbie.  Though I love redheads, I'd like to find a little brunette to match Mama's Barbie...my, oh my, look what I have!  She popped onto the blog in January too.
She's a straight leg with dark hair, just like #3!  For the record, I often compare my dark brunette dolls to the very menacing Hesston, Kansas tornado, and most of my dolls fall short of that blackness.  Skipper does (she's more Ash Valley brown), but not Barbie!
I told Mama that I've reached a new level of eccentricity, what with comparing doll hair to the colors of various tornadoes.  When I find a Barbie with hair the color of the Rochelle tornado then I'll REALLY be impressed...and come to think of it, there has been one, LOL.  Anyway, this Skipper is not in perfect condition; notice that she's missing her headband, and her hair needs some TLC.  Indeed, right now Skipper looks a little like Witchy Woman.
Plenty of Skipper dolls are missing the headband though, and it has a penchant for turning Skip's scalp green, so I won't complain.  My doll's hands and feet are also free of chew marks; poor Fluff did not dodge this bullet, though she's not as mangled as some dolls I've seen.
I also threw Pose 'n' Play Skipper in because her feet are immaculate (she's on the left).  Some of my dolls got lucky and some didn't.  The soles of straight-leg Skipper's feet also tell me a thing or two about her.
This Skipper is not a sample Skipper.  Tam has a sample Skipper (also called a test market Skipper), and the "Japan" mark on her foot is lengthwise rather than across the ball of Skipper's foot.  Sample Skipper also has slightly bigger feet than my doll, and she has resin legs with a slightly wider stance.  Piddling little differences, mostly, but they help tell one Skipper from another.  Tam's lovely examples can be seen hereherehere, and here, and she points out that the "sample" moniker is kinda misleading because the sample dolls weren't really samples, but rather the first Skipper dolls on the market.  Other special dolls from this early era include two-tone Skipper, who had hair fibers of two different colors (one of Tam's sample dolls is like that), and Color Magic Skipper, who had hair left over from Barbie's Color Magic days.  Over time Color Magic hair oxidizes and turns one color or another, and this is what happens with Color Magic Skipper.  Tam's doll was a brunette, but now she's got flaming red hair and she's my favorite of Tam's Skipper dolls.  Red hair, y'know.

Speaking of red hair (I detest the term "titian"), I've also got Skooter.
Skooter is a late addition to the party, and she was pretty short-lived in general, only seeing the straight-leg and bend-leg eras, with mine being the former.  She's got her perky little pigtails and her original bows, and her original swimsuit, though it's showing a little wear here and there...if you could call a few loose ends wear.
Brrrr, Skooter arrived on January 22nd at the end of a sharp cold snap, and it was too cold to even think of swimming!  Anyway, Skooter came in three hair colors like Skipper, Barbie, and Midge did, and...believe it or not I think they're all cute.  I just happened to like this little redhead the best.  She's not the prettiest thing, but she has plenty of cute factor.
Chocolate eyes!  And freckles, y'all know how I love freckles...but what is that sandy crud on her face???  I hope it's not mold!  Time to bust out the Clorox wipes.
Much better.  Y'all can probably see that Skooter's blush has faded to an unusual pallor...but only in two places, one on each cheek.
I knew that Barbie and company could develop some unusual lip colors as time passed (I've seen some with lemon yellow lips), but paling blush is a new one for me!  Oh well, it just makes my Skooter unique. 

Sweeping change of subject, is there any literature out there that reveals who these smaller kids are in relation to Barbie's friends?  In my youth I had guy friend Ricky designated as Allan's kid brother, pigtailed Skooter as Midge's sister, and Fluff as...P.J.'s sister?  Stacey's sister?  I've always leaned in P.J.'s favor since she and Fluff both have brown eyes and blonde pigtails.  Or the older P.J. dolls had brown eyes; Malibu P.J. has violet eyes.  
Skooter, on the other hand, has brown eyes vs. Midge's blue.  They favor, regardless.
Also, how old are these kids supposed to be?  Preteens, of course, but not little little like Tutti and Todd were (I'd estimate that they were about six).  Ideal Tammy's sister Pepper was listed as eight years old in the commercials, and Skip didn't hit puberty until 1975.  By 1979 she was a Super Teen, which sounds pretty reasonable, and then in 1997 Skipper herself admitted that she was sixteen.  Time is a strange entity in Barbie's world, I must say, especially since Dreamhouse Skipper is fourteen.  Sigh...being fourteen bit whale bubbles, and being sixteen was amazing, so why Skipper would want to age down is anyone's guess.  I reiterate:  time is a strange entity in Barbie's world.  Based on all that useless conjecture I guess eight is a reasonable age for Skipper's vintage self, just as it was with Pepper.  But again, if anyone knows for sure, let me know.

Now...it ain't just Skipper weather!  Tornado Season 2025 is gonna hit the ground running.  Today is Saturday, and this is predicted for Tuesday.
Ryan Hall and Reed Timmer have been talking about this system since last Wednesday, which isn't good.  When a severe weather system is predicted to have tornadoes a week ahead of schedule...well, odds are that there's gonna be a serious tornado somewhere.  I pray it's out in the middle of nowhere, where Reed Timmer can measure it without it hurting anyone.

I think that's a good place to cut it off!

All of my love,

Friday, February 28, 2025

So random, February '25

February of this year saw the return of some old faces, so let's dive in!  February 2nd.  Perhaps miffed by the groundhog's forecast, my Living Dead Dolls started rising from their coffin-boxes, and Spring-Heeled Jack immediately tried to terrorize Candela Laura.
He didn't have much luck.  Cabbage Patch Kids are kids' playthings, and nothing is scarier for a toy than some of the games kids play, so Candela Laura was not the slightest bit fazed by her pint-sized tormentor.

February 3rd, Bae Day Monday.  The theme was Puppy Love, and Lucey Dena took advantage of that.
She loves her Ginger.  Little does she know that another of my dolls has a pet named Ginger.

Also February 3rd, Vincent and Mandy got cozy.
It was a little chilly in the house right then, and the two were helping warm each other up.  Vincent is fuzzy, so warming up a friend isn't too hard.

February 9th.  I love me some peanut butter and jelly, and Cloe apparently does too.
Cloe wishes to know your favorite flavor of jelly.  She appears to be fond of strawberry, and I like cherry...and blackberry too, for that matter.  My paternal grandmother made her own jelly and jam, and one of the flavors she made was blackberry.  I kid y'all not, she had so many flavors in that storeroom that when the sun hit the jars it was a sight to behold.  Purple and red and amber and yellow, it was beautiful.

Later on that evening Venus and Cloe decided to chill.
Venus gets along with everyone, and despite her Bratz moniker Cloe does too.  Most of the Bratz I've met are pretty chill and get along with other dolls...unless you piss them off.  Then Heaven help you.

February 10th, 2025, very early in the morning. 
Andra has a lot of hair...or she LOOKS like she does.  It's relatively short for Barbie hair, but it's also very curly.

February 17th. 
Martina and Princess Pipp Petals.  These two are on a completely different scale, but they look cute together. 

February 18th.  The snow was falling, the wind was blowing, and the temperature was 21 degrees with a wind chill of five degrees.  It was my day off and I spent it hiding from Uncle Man-Child.  In one corner of the room I use is a large, motley group of my dolls, and I took a fancy to two particular pairs.  Here's Chelsea and C.C....
...and Alana and River Song. 
As usual Alana is being a ham.

Also that evening I got to futzing around with some of my nineties baby dolls.  So Surprised Suzie caught my attention. 
When my sister and I were very tiny we'd reach for something invisible and stare with big eyes and an open mouth.  My dad always said that we were looking at angels, and I don't doubt it.  Often babies and children can see things we adults can't

February 19th.  Head shot of Martina, one of my Furga dolls. 
I freaking love this doll.  She's got amazing hair and a sweet face, and...well, I just love her.

February 24th.  Angie arrived in the mail.  Angie is one of Dawn's friends.
I can understand why these dolls were so popular, since their tiny size made them easier to collect and since they fit well into a dollhouse.  Oh yeah, and they're cute.
This is my favorite way to pose Dawn dolls, by the way.  Sitting, back-to-back, comfy.

February 26th.  River Song had just gotten a new spring dress.
The dress, but no shoes!  Fortunately that was easily rectified.  River Song looked so cute on the back of the couch that I took her picture anyway, shoes or no.

And that concludes the auction for the month!  February was bitterly cold but is ending on a warm note, and I've got spring fever!
