Friday, August 9, 2024

So random, part four

It's been quiiiiiiet here on the blog lately...not on my end, but two of my best followers have very good reasons to not be swinging by.  Tam is assisting her husband (who, thank God, was improving last I heard), and Barb...Barb says the Cleveland area had a couple'a small tornadoes!  No one was hurt that I know of, but even small tornadoes can tear a lot of stuff up.  Barb says the power has been out for forty-eight hours now, though she's fortunate enuff to have a generator.  So, Barb and Tam, I love y'all both and I hope things will continue to improve.

As for me, life is...well, about the same as it was on the sixth.  The weather is pleasantly warm and very, very pretty, and I've been...well, not too lazy to mess and gom with my dolls.  These random picture posts never are popular, but they're fun to put together.  Today we start on June 24th, 2024, with Mumpy Terri Lee. 
I'd just put Terri Lee in her Independence Day dress, but I couldn't get her seated due to her joints.  So she's straddling the back of the couch.  As usual, Terri Lee isn't thrilled about this.  Is she ever???

To June 29th we go, and to two Cabbage Patch Kids. 
I like dolls dressed in yellow, and Cleopatra Chantale and Allie Kathleen fit the bill perfectly.  I also love their different personalities; Cleo looks like a noisy, jolly chatterbox, while Allie is more content to smile and hold her tongue.

July 1st, an unseasonably mild day.  I grabbed Little Honeymoon from Casa del Luna and brought her back here.
I think she's happy to be back at Casa Pizarra.  I know she's looking forward to having new stuffing (I promised her that before the year was over).

July 3rd.  Morgan sits pretty in her then-new dress.
She's not coming out of that dress anytime soon.  She's too stinkin' cute in it.  The materials are nice and thick, too!  I love this dress!

July 7th.  Someone on a Failbook group asked who everyone's emotional support Cabbage Patch Kid was.  This was my answer. 
Usually it's either Idalia Gale or Candela Laura, though I also use Cleopatra Chantale a lot, and sometimes Beryl June since a Failbook friend voiced a fondness for her.  The night before I took this picture Cleo was the one I cuddled with, because I desperately needed something to cuddle.  A close friend's fiancĂ© died suddenly of a heart attack, under circumstances that were hauntingly similar to my own daddy's demise.  So the night between July 6th and 7th was hard for me.

July 8th saw a new addition to the Cabbage Patch, and a new addition to the baby doll nursery.  This is when Beryl June moved in.
An outtake from this post and this one.  I thought they all looked so cute together.  Present are Beryl June, Baby Needs-A-Name, Idalia Gale, and Susie Sad-Eyes. 

Also on July 8th I got this picture for an aborted post on doll hair.
Present here are Esmond Brant, Taniyah Yasmin, and Hugo Jack.  They have no hair at all, obviously, and sometimes I prefer that.  I have more bald Cabbies than this, but I thought three was plenty.

A random post that DID make it to publication was this one about dolls with freckles.  At the time I only had three living at Casa Pizarra. 
Candela Laura and Baby Needs-A-Name have a lot more in common than just freckles.  They date back to the eighties, they're both blonde, and they're both wearing pink.

Later that same evening I took this picture of Candela Laura and my neglected Checkerboard girl, Shannon. 
Unlike Baby Needs-A-Name, Shannon doesn't have a lot in common with Candela.  So this truly is a "just for the heckuvit" picture.  This next one, on the other hand...
...I took that for a reason.  I had a post planned for Shannon, but while proofreading it I found it drier than unbuttered toast so I scrapped it.  I do still owe Shannon a post of her own, though.  She's too cute a doll to be forgotten like I did.

July 26th.  I'd just bought and begun reviewing that infernal Decora Girlz doll, and I needed a pick-me-up. 
Okay, Decora isn't so bad, but getting her dressed was such a pain in the posterior that I needed some cuddle time with my soft kids.  Morgan and Alexandra Claire provided that support. 

July 28th.  It was a nice, quiet, sunny Sunday.  I'd glutted myself on ham steak, baked potato, and vegetables, and I was in the mood for something cozy. 
I guess all of my random pictures are cozy in a sense, because my dolls are always seated and comfortable.  Nathan Hunter, Lucey Dena, and Lucey's dog Ginger caught wind that Matt the Brat would be joining the Patch, and they spent most of the afternoon talking about what he might be like.  

As usual I have to have at least one Failbook memory.  This image dates back to July 29th, 2016.
Johnny Hailey and Alastair Adalwolf in their yukata.  Summers are hot where they live (their storyline is set on Mars in the far, far future), so this is what the denizens wear.  Johnny has a pocket watch tucked into his obi; he never goes anywhere without that.

August 3rd, evening.  Kitrick Randolph Fergus was slowly but surely settling in.
Little Maya is in his lap, and the season's second shellbug is nestled in his hair.  I read Little Maya's eBay post wrong and thought I was getting a little outfit that Lulu Achoo could wear.  Joke's on me, but Maya is awfully cute and very happy to make Randolph's acquaintance.  As to why Randolph is wearing a shellbug in his hair, I used to do that when I was little.  Drove Grandma crazy, LOL.

August 5th.  Hurricane Debby was in the news, and it was Bae Day Monday on my favorite Failbook Cabbage Patch group.  Bae Day Mondays have themes, and that day's theme was red hair.
From left, Cleopatra Chantale, Valencia Rose, Val's doll Titania Rosalind, and Kory Aryan. 

Same day, different pair.
Esmond Brant and Booful Beans occupy the same patch of real estate, and...well, I think they look cute together.  Also visible in the back are Nathan Hunter, Shelley Fred, Cara Raelean, and to the very far left, Hedda Get Bedda and Booful's brother Bedsie.  Hedda spends most of her time asleep, so she's a perfect friend for Bedsie. 
Good thing whatever illness she's got isn't contagious to other dolls!

<runs hand across throat>  That's a good place to cut it off...for now.  

Love y'all,


  1. Thanks for the shout-out. Nothing new here, so it's nice to see all of your pics.

    1. The power came on at 3:16 this afternoon, and there was much rejoicing. Linemen from 17 states have been working up here to restore power, including from Missouri, so thanks for the loan! :)

    2. What a relief! I'm glad my fellow Missourians could be of help! That's a tough job, the lineman.

  2. Did I spy a Cabbage Patch Kid dressed as a Halloween black cat in the background of Little Honeymoon's photo?
    Signed, Treesa

    1. You did! Her name is Skye Kitty. I had been holding onto her for Halloween, but I may have to bump that date up a notch. Good eye!

    2. By the way, from the sounds of it you seem to find the best 'Failbook' groups, focused more on sharing with like-minded people than selling. Out of curiosity, do you have any search tips for finding friendly collector groups like that online, or any warning signs for spotting the toxic ones?
      Signed, Treesa

    3. I don't have too many tips for avoiding toxic ones, but I do look for groups that DON'T have "buy/sell/trade" in the titles. I read the descriptions and the rules, and if they're against selling or don't make a big deal about selling, I join. That's about all I can say. My favorite group is called "Cabbie Love." The young lady who runs it is a Whovian and a Cabbie fan, so we have a lot to blab about, LOL.

  3. I love random posts--that's how my mind meanders sometimes! Your Cabbies are adorable! I have ONE--the one my then-fiance bought me in 1984. I go down enough dolly rabbit-holes that all other Cabbies are safe from my clutches for now...

    1. For now...famous last words. Etsy and eBay are full of reasonably priced Cabbies if you ever do decide to go that route...but joining that branch of the doll world is like joining the Mafia. Once you're in there's no escaping.

  4. I am here and reading as usual, just quiet. I do enjoy all your posts and have no problem with the random ones. :)

    1. LOL, got another one in the works! Thanks for dropping in; I was wondering how you were.
