Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday randomness: Redheads

Today is one of those days where I wish I had more leg strength and more ideas.  The weather is all but perfect for taking pictures...provided one stays away from the fields.  The wind is high, and because of that there's plenty of dust blowing up from the fields.  So I stuck to the safety of my late grandmother's backyard, complete with Robyn, Reagan, and a sweet-smelling bed of pine needles.

I didn't cut Robyn's hair, by the way.  In that first picture she looks like she's got a bob 'do, but that's because I tied it back.  It's blowing around a bit in the next picture.
I've always wanted a picture of my girls straddling a piece of wood!  I used to do that myself when I was little, pretending to be a cowboy or a witch or an astronaut, something that flew.  Robyn looks like the cowboy type, but I'm not so sure about Reagan.

Happy Sunday,


  1. Replies
    1. I know I had fun meself, or I would have had my legs not started spazzing.

    2. Nope, just fat. Too much weight, too little exercise, not enuff of the right food.

  2. Okay, I was going to search your blog, but I'll just post this here: were you looking for a drum set for your AG crew? Someone near me is selling Logan's drum set, minus sticks, for $25. I'd sell it to you for the same plus price of shipping.

    1. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me!

    2. Definitely, and the seller was quick to point that out! But I'm not interested in it myself, just thought you might like it.

    3. Okay, I'm picking it up tomorrow. I'll pack it and get it weighed, and send you the total.
