Thursday, October 20, 2022

AG Spotlight: Rilla Louise Moultrie

I apologize for my messed hair; it refuses to lie down.

FULL NAME:  Rilla Louise Moultrie

NICKNAMES:  "Rill" and "Mole."  I don't like either one much, but "Mole" really bothers me.  Rita Cheryl calls me that.

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  I'm named after the girlfriend of a musician the Moon Girl liked, and a county in Illinois.


HOMETOWN:  White Plains, New York

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Honey blonde

EYE COLOR:  Hazel.  Hazel eyes can vary widely among American Girls, just as they do among people, and indeed my eyes are very different from Marina's.  Marina has a lot of green in her eyes... 
...while my eyes are more of a gold shade.

FAVORITE COLORS:  Red and orange

THINGS I LIKE:  Horses and horseback riding, cattle, volleyball, soccer, bouldering, and the outdoors in general, springtime, my naturally curly hair, playing the drums

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Quarrelling with Rita Cheryl, being called "Mole," my naturally curly hair, falling (that happens a lot when one boulders), bullies (they remind me of how bad I used to be),

MY CHOICE IN MUSIC:  Sigh...I like Josh, A LOT.

PET:  Garnet, Caroline Abbott's calf

FAMILY:  Rita Cheryl is my cousin.

BEST FRIENDS:  Silver Bird (we play soccer and climb together), Justine-Marie (we both like horses), and Zoe (because everyone loves Zoe).  I also like Olivia Reese and Chelsea because they're climbers.  

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Rita Cheryl, for reasons listed below, and Doremi, because she's a bully.  Justine-Marie says she's not as bad as she seems, but I don't buy it.  

HOW I CAME HERE:  eBay again!

ABOUT ME:  I grew up in White Plains, New York, in a family that I thought was close but was actually very dysfunctional.  I used to think money bought everything, but boy, was I wrong!  Unfortunately I learned this too late to salvage my relationship with Rita Cheryl.  She grew up poor and I sadly rubbed it in her face constantly when we were kids.  Understandably, now Rita Cheryl wants nothing to do with me.  Even though I'd love to try and talk things over with her, for now I'm respecting her distance.  When and if she heals, she'll come find me.  And if she doesn't, that's just something I'll have to live with.  Rita Cheryl isn't 100% innocent; sometimes she picks fights, but...well, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, I guess.  I picked plenty of fights too in my day.

Hmmm, what else about me?  Oh yes, I said above that I love to climb.  Trees, rocks, playground equipment, pumpkins, doesn't matter.  Chelsea and Olivia Reese like to join me.
Getting a good view of the house down the street may not sound like much, but when you're a foot and a half tall seeing that far is quite a treat.  That being said, it sure would be nice to be able to hang like Chelsea and Livvie can.  They have flexible knees, so they can do that.  I don't, so I can't. 
I make up for it by being a better rock climber than they are.  Last Sunday the Moon Girl took me to the park in Dexter, and there were rocks to climb!  This one was smaller, but it was tough to climb.  The sides went straight up and down.  Notice that I can't stand up straight in this rock, LOL.
By contrast, this rock was much bigger, but it was easy to climb.  Thank goodness, because after my struggles with the first rock I was pretty beat.
There was a birthday party going on while the Moon Girl was taking these pictures, and she saw a little girl carrying a brand-new My Life doll.  I didn't see because my head was turned, but Moon said she had bright pink hair.  She'd probably be Amora, the new hairstylist.  Moon says that Amora may come to live with us one day, since she has unusual hair and unusual eyes.  Bubblegum hair and lilac eyes, to be exact (pardon the bad lighting, the Moon Girl says).
Meh, she's okay, but she's not any better than Airy.

When I'm not climbing trees or rocks or playing soccer I take care of my little heifer, Garnet.  Caroline Abbott has entrusted her to me.
Silver Bird and I have tinkered around with starting up a hobby farm if the band thing doesn't pan out.  She's got the pig and the goat, and now I have the cow.  Oh yes, the band.  Felicity, Zoe, Silver Bird and I are going to try and start a band.  I had a drum set once, but the thing kept falling apart and the Moon Girl chucked it.  Felicity says I should've blown it up like the Who would've done.  I usually remind her that the Who were just as hard on guitars as they were on drums, and that usually shuts her up.  Felicity guards that guitar of hers like it's made out of solid gold.  Sheesh, if we do form a band we'll be the most motley crew since...well, since Motley Crue!

That takes care of me!  See you around!

Rilla Louise Moultrie