Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A visit from Vermont Teddy Bear

Yesterday I returned home from lunch with Mama to find my usual pile of stuff on my front porch.  I knew that I would be receiving two small things, but I'd completely forgotten about this.

A box from Vermont Teddy Bear.  With an air hole, no less!  My brother-in-law worked briefly at Vermont Teddy Bear during his stay in New England and offered to send me a bear then, but life happened.  And they no longer had the Donald Trump bear in stock, and that was the one I wanted the most.  I still think that teddy bear was a riot, because it had the Donald's famous/infamous rug.  I also liked the Joe Biden bear because it had blue eyes.  Donald has blue eyes too, but Joe's fur was/is white so his eyes really stood out.  Both Donald and Joe may eventually find their way here someday.  Anyway, the top of the box reads as follows:
Hmmm...someone who cares...seeing as I bought this critter myself, I doubt the buyer cares much.  Indeed, the older I get, the more I realize that the thought behind a gift truly is what matters.  But anyway, while I was juggling dogs, cats, packages, and a cannister of sweet tea I inverted the box and it says this:
LOL, I knew Build-a-Bear took their teddy bears seriously, but I didn't expect Vermont Teddy Bear to as well.  That's what I get for trying to think!  Also like Build-a-Bear, VTB intends its products to be for a number of occasions...or just for the heckuvit.
The other end of the box talks about how the toy inside is meant to last.  
Alrighty, y'all ready to see who I've got inside this box?  Here he is, with Rita Cheryl in the background.

The red panda!  I named him "Boomer," though I can't remember quite why.  I don't know who's more pleased to have a red panda though, Rita Cheryl or me!  We both love red pandas!

Flaxie, my Build-a-Bear, has disappeared somewhere into storage, so y'all will have to take my word for it that Boomer is smaller than her.  He has a hang tag like the Beanie Babies of yore did.  Inside it has some basic info, plus some instructions on how to settle your critter in.

Because I'm a kid at heart, I admit that I did all three routines.  I gave him a quick massage and finger-combed his fur, and I pushed his fur away from his eyes and nose.  That last bit is a given; I did that back when I was a little kid with my stuffed animals.  If I didn't do that with some of them they looked rather cross!

I don't usually review stuffed animals since I'm no connoisseur, but then again I'm no doll expert either.  I'm just gonna say that Boomer is a welcome addition to my small collection of stuffed animals and leave it at that.  Vermont Teddy Bear's shipping is very fast, but I didn't receive any notification that Boomer was on the way.  No confirmation numbers or emails or nuthin'.  If you order from them, keep that in mind.

Hugs and kisses,


  1. I saw in another post someone referred to stringing Barbie clones. Can you do a demo of that? Thank you

    1. I actually have NEVER done that! I can give it a try and get back to you on that.
