Thursday, May 14, 2020

Higo and the moth

Ever since last summer when I had the windows open full-time I've had moths hanging around my place.  I'm unsure what kind, but I think they're pretty and have not bothered to kill them.  Late last night I noticed one of the moths making himself cozy on the wall near where I keep my best dolls, and this morning he was still there.  As I said, I don't mind the moths, but my younger geisha doll Higo doesn't look too fond of this one.
Maybe she's afraid that he'll eat her clothes.  These guys don't look like the clothes moths that I'm familiar with...but maybe Higo does have reason to be concerned, LOL!

I know I'm WAAAAAAAY behind on posts, folks, and I apologize for that.  I've just occupied by other things, but I should be back on track by next week.  Higo's review, which I had promised in the linked post, will not be one of them, as I scrapped that post ages ago.  I know so little about Higo and Yoshiko that I cannot effectively review them.  But maybe this one will at least give y'all a giggle while I cut my new box open.  Hopefully this one won't be full of packing peanuts like Higo's was.


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