Friday, May 1, 2020

No rain

All I can say is that my life is pretty plain!  Kind of a fitting song considering the way the weather has been lately!  LOL, now to the point, I ordered some non-medical-grade masks from Etsy back around the beginning of April, and they finally got here.  The masks have bumblebees on them. 
Cute, but in truth that thing leaves me wanting to have a panic attack, as it covers my nose and mouth and makes me feel claustrophobic.  I never would last in the space suits the folks at USAMRIID wear when working in the Hot Zone.  Anyway, since Mama and I have bumblebee masks now, we thought it might be fun to get my dolls some bumblebee-themed clothes to match.  The lighting in these pictures is going to be all over the place since I took them outside during wildly changing weather and at different times of different days, but they get the point across.  Here's Xenia:
Sadie (it started pouring seconds after I got this picture):
Denise, in a dress she's worn before:
And Camille:
Silver Bird and Lindsey have opted for a more casual look, with polo shirts and shorts.  Lindsey is also wearing the tights from her meet outfit, since she'd prefer that her legs be covered.
Someday I WILL learn not to photograph black-haired dolls at night!  I made that mistake with both Z and with Silver Bird.  LOL, anyway, at first glance these don't look bee-themed, but the shirts have bees on the lapels, so while Lindsey and Silver Bird aren't as dressy as the other girls they still tie into the theme.
These shirts remind me of the shirts that the children and staff at St. Teresa School wear.  Nope, not all Catholic schools wear the stereotypical uniforms with the pleated skirts!  The children and teachers at St. Teresa School sport solid-colored polo shirts that look a lot like what my dolls have on, except that they have the school logo instead of bumblebees!  They are allowed to wear slacks or jeans or a skirt with their shirt, and a jacket if the weather is cool.  They can also wear a shirt that doesn't come from the school, but if they go that route the shirt has to be tucked in.  Most of the time the children chose to wear the school shirts, and if they go on a field trip the school shirts are mandatory (the principal keeps a few spares on hand for those who forget).  I always liked that, seeing the children congregate in the hallway for prayers before class and before leaving for the day, each one clad in his or her favorite color.  The teachers wore the shirts too; my mom wore a chocolate brown one.  Even though I was only a substitute teacher, it made me feel proud to be a part of it.  I always felt a little guilty that I wasn't setting an example by wearing a shirt of my own, but my substitute gigs were pretty rare.

I don't usually get my historical dolls in on this seasonal action at the library, but another bee dress turned up in the mail and it just screamed Julie's name.  It also happens to be Julie's birthday today, so let's hear it for my bee-clad hippie girl!
Kyle also has something that matches the color scheme.  He gets to debut that today along with his new blue jeans!
The shirt came from Canada, so I wasn't sure it would be here in time for May Day given the impact this virus has had on international shipping.  But Kyle and I lucked out!

And with that, my dolls are dressed for May and possibly part of June as well.  The next major holiday isn't really until the Fourth of July, so I don't have to change my kids again until Flag Day (June 14th).  Lord have mercy, this year has been one of the weirdest I've ever experienced!  No baseball, no March Madness, no Easter egg hunts, no May Day celebrations...I wonder if our area will even bother with the 100-Mile Yard Sale???  The 100-Mile Yard Sale is a tremendous pain in the posterior at times, with drivers behaving dangerously and erratically, but I still like it.  LOL, summer in small-town Missouri was pretty pleasant if a bargain-hungry adolescent knew where to look, and for me summer hadn't really started until the 100-Mile Yard Sale had come.  I'd walk from block to block with my allowance in my pocket, grubbing around for jewelry or children's books or something unusual.  I haven't done that in years, and I doubt I'll be able to this year either, but...well, no real biggie, since I need more stuff like I need a hole in the head.  I'm hoping and praying desperately that by the time July 4th rolls around this coronavirus crap will be on the downswing, but we'll see.  Either way I intend to have some fun with my dolls then too, with something I've never done before.  This might give y'all a clue on what I have planned.
For those of  y'all that can't make heads or tails of my cruddy picture, that's a couple of pizza slices with a glass of Coke!  I've never been into props for my dolls before, but since I have a doll for Denise and a set of cookware for Kirsten I might as well get some other accessories too.  So...stay tuned!

Happy May Day,


  1. I hope I'll get used to mine. The library reopens on Monday and I'll have to wear the thing the whole time I'm working. Yes, I've always considered the kids at St. Teresa's pretty fortunate that they can wear jeans; I'd have died if I couldn't have worn jeans to school! LOL, I reckon I'll have to get Z out of her hat and jacket soon, as warm as the weather's getting! So glad you like these outfits, though! Do you have an Etsy shop for your masks? If so, let me know. Mama and I are shopping for some more so we can switch them around.

  2. Looks like your house is all abuzz with your new outfits! ;)

    Ha, for the first few years of my grade school career, we couldn't even wear pants to school except on super snowy days.

    The Buckeye state is supposedly opening up again. It won't be real for me until restaurants and gyms are back open. The Dancer enjoys going to the gym, and I've toyed with the idea of going with her, even though I can't sustain anywhere near the workout that she does. I've heard that you don't have to wear a mask if there is some sort of physical reason that you can't. I would think severe claustrophobia would be one of those. Of course, I suppose that guideline depends on state/locality. Praying for you to have the strength to get through whatever you must.

    1. LOL, love that pun! Yep, my house is becoming overrun with insects, printed AND real! You sound like my mom, by the way; she used to talk about having to wear a skirt to school even when it was freezing. She would've preferred to wear slacks during the winter,

      Missouri is opening up again as well, though some of the individual businesses are choosing to stay closed longer. The bishop that controls the local Catholic churches said "stay home," for example, and some of the restaurants are staying closed too. Thank you for the prayers; I'm just hoping and praying that this infernal virus is on the downswing! Stay safe where you are, chica!

  3. Hi! Love all these busy bee outfits, they look wonderful on your dolls. :)
    Big hugs,

    1. Thank you! I think you and I have been busy bees ourselves lately, with our doll clothes!
