Friday, May 29, 2020

One man's trash

Can y'all believe someone threw these two away???
Yes, Friend A found these babies by the side of the road, tied up in a trash bag.  She called Friend B, who is a rescuer, and together the two women rounded up the kittens.  Now...I come into the story because my beloved calico cat Callie broke through a window screen on Tuesday and ran away.  I haven't seen her since, and I don't expect to see her again.  Friend B remembered this and...well, long story short I took these two in.  Their names are Arya (left) and Sansa, after the Stark sisters in the A Game of Thrones series.  Nope, never read the books, never watched the show except for a few clips of Joffrey getting his a$$ handed to him, but I like the names so Arya and Sansa they have become.  

Both of my new adoptees are young, spunky, and playful, though they have distinct personalities.  Arya is a fearless chatterbox who loves chin scratches.  She's smaller than Sansa by quite a bit and thus often falls victim to her sister's hijinks.  She also has a limp that I'm a bit worried about, and I'm noticing that she tires easily.  Sansa was shy at first, but now she's settled into my lap and well on her way to sleep.  Though Sansa has no reservations about biting Arya's ears or my fingers, she is less likely to explore her surroundings than Arya is.

I admit that I needed kittens like I needed a hole in my head, but with Callie, Bentley, and Sampson gone I had some gaps to fill.  Hopefully the future for Arya and Sansa will be bright!  Hopefully the a-hole who threw them away is already a distant memory.  



  1. How could anyone be so cruel to such sweet babies?! Thank goodness for your friends finding them and for you for giving them a home. I’m so sorry that Callie ran away, though.

    1. Thank you, I miss Callie. She wasn't really all that affectionate, though; she hid most of the time because she didn't like the other cats. Just the same, I keep my eyes peeled for her!

      Yeah, I never have understood why people will just toss unwanted puppies and kittens out like they're garbage, especially when this area has great rescue folks and shelters. Hell's too good for people who do that.

    2. Absolutely agreed. These days there is no excuse for people who chose to treat their animals like that.

  2. Awwwwww! Kitties! So cute and soft!
    People that abandon animals like that should be strung up.
    Maybe Arya's issues are caused by whatever treatment she received before she was abandoned (because someone that left her like that probably wasn't taking great care of her), and she'll get better in time. Hopefully.

    1. Arya is already better this morning! Maybe she just needed some food in her tummy and a good night's sleep...though thanks to her and Sansa I didn't get a good night's sleep! LOL, as I said above, hell is too good for people who tie animals up like that and then leave them.

  3. Who ever did that should be tied up in a bag and left on the side of the road. But I'm glad that they have a loving home now, and I hope Callie finds her way home, or finds someplace else to live that she likes.

    1. I hope Callie finds a good place too. One of my neighbors also lost a cat, and I'm hoping someone didn't take them both and treat them badly. Arya and Sansa are settling in nicely, by the way; they're both sacked out on my bed with the dogs and one of my other cats.

  4. These are such a cute pair. Sadly this is not uncommon as I regularly read here in Spain of people finding bags of puppies or kittens that have been just abandoned next to the rubbish bins, like they are trash themselves. It makes me so incredibly angry that someone would discard living creatures like that. Thank goodness you were able to give these sweeties a home.

    1. They reminded me of a pair that I had when I was a little kid. Two long-haired gray brothers named Beau and Jeb. I was so hoping that both Arya and Sansa would live to a ripe old age!
