Tuesday, June 18, 2024

So random, part three

I don't know how popular posts like these are, but I like them so I'm gonna do them from time to time.  Hey, it's either that or let cute outtakes go to waste!  I'll start on March 30th, with an outtake from this post.
I need to add some color to Olivia Reese's lips; she doesn't photograph well.  Owen Presley, though...LOL, he's always such a little ham!  Case in point.
April 17th was the date that time.  Cara Raelean, Owen Presley and Hugo Jack were the subjects.  One of my Failbook groups started having themed days for the various Cabbage Patch Kids, and...well, this picture didn't fit any of the themes, but I wanted a group shot of my baldies (I didn't have Nathan Hunter or Esmond Brant at the time).  As I noted on April 19th, the bald Cabbies can get away with wearing just about anything.  That said, I'd yet to get Owen Presley anything new at that point.  Etsy has things, so I had no excuse!

This one dates back to April 21st, 2018.  I can't imagine why I didn't throw this in the blog then!
From left, Licca-chan, Michiko, Sachiko, Pepper Parson, and Saltine.  At the time I commented that my girls were ready for the weather to get warm and stay warm.  That spring must've been kinda like this last one:  unseasonably warm one day and chilly the next.

April 21st, 2024.
Rosemary relaxed after her rough day.  Even without eyelashes she looked so sweet and serene.  I just wish that cute wig fit better!

April 25th, 2024.
Lucey Dena was my work companion that day (I'm slowly but surely breaking the habit of carrying a doll to work).  When one habit dies another is born, and I've taken to wearing buttons of multiple sizes to work...oh right, I told y'all that!  I've got Blythe buttons, Chessie System buttons, a couple'a ace pride buttons, one very unusual one that combines the TARDIS with The Starry Night, and this one with two Cabbage Patch Kids on it.  I...shucks, I can't remember where I got this one!  But I wore it the day that I carried Lucey Dena.
Can't remember whether Treesa sent it to me or if it came as a freebie in one of my Etsy packages.  Either option is equally likely, but either way it's welcome now.

This is another one that popped up on my Failbook memories.  Date was May 1st, 2016.  I'd owned Johnny about two months at that point...and this was just the first time that he got upset with me.

This was the first indication I got that Johnny was going to be a problem child.  I had to restring him (it was my first time doing it), and he sulked for the rest of that evening.  So did I; restringing dolls isn't much fun in general, but restringing ball-jointed dolls REALLY isn't fun.  Not without the right tools, anyway.

May 2nd, 2024.  An outtake from this post.
As I've established ad nauseam, Terri Lee and Mary Jane are a study in opposites, but because Mary Jane is a clone of Terri Lee there are a lot of similarities too.  I prefer Terri Lee's dark eyes, but I also prefer Mary Jane's auburn hair.  I love auburn hair.  I just love these two, period, and I REALLY love how Mary Jane is giving Terri Lee the side-eye.  I solemnly swear that I did NOT pose her like that deliberately!

May 4th, 2024.  A box from Treesa had just been delivered, the one that had the Magic Nursery doll in it.  I posed Lina with a very sleepy-looking Sabine.
Sabine is a large plastic walker that I got in a trade about five years ago, and Lina is my little show-stealer, LOL.  I'd just cleaned poor Sabine's eyes and she just wanted to sleep after that, kinda like I do after I've had my eyes dilated.  

May 9th, 2024.  Lina enjoys some time with Shelley Fred and Morgan.
Yep, I was thinking about Independence Day that far ahead!  Shelley had just gotten that cute outfit in the mail, and since I had these three together I thought it might make a good picture for a July 4th post.  Then Nathan Hunter joined the soft doll family, Mama found him a patriotic outfit, and this image was rendered an outtake. 

May 10th, 2024, about ten p.m. local time.  This time Lina is joined by Valencia Rose and Morgan.
I'd been out chasing the aurora borealis, which was a possibility that night.  In fact, it was a certainty in parts of the Bootheel, and indeed parts of the whole country.  People in southern Louisiana got to see it, for crying out loud!  But I didn't see it, so I came home and monkeyed with these three.  Val was fresh out of the drier that night and smelled softly of Tide.  I guess my timing was just off regarding the aurora.  Several of my friends got some lovely pictures though, and I was glad for them.  

May 11th, 2024.  I moved Stella Rae to Grandma's house.  
The aurora was in the forecast again, so Mama and I went out to the back roads to see what we could see.  We saw fireflies and a few pretty clouds, but the aurora didn't show that time.  So we came home, I pulled Stella out of the drier, and I threw her in Angela's arms.  I was pleased to discover that Preemie Cabbies fit pretty well into My Twinn arms!  As for the aurora...my turn will come.  And I got to see the eclipse!  

May 19th, 2024.  Another "I was getting ready for work and caught this" picture. 
Elsie and Carrie are from the same line of dolls, but that's about where the similarities end.  Elsie is stuffed firmly and can sit up if braced from the back, while Carrie can't even do that!  I usually don't mind that, though.  It makes Carrie more of a character. 

May 28th, 2024.  Kory Aryan got some new clothes to wear.
Mama, being the kind person that she is, chose to indulge one of my dolls with a dinosaur-themed outfit.  When I told her Kory looked the best in green, that was the name she selected for customization.  The Cabbage Patch group that I like on Failbook has themes for some days of the week, and I took this picture in preparation for a Wednesday Wearables segment.  Wednesday Wearables is for new clothes (or for a favorite old outfit), and Kory got a lot of likes.

June 1st, 2024.  Taniyah Yasmin poses for an aborted review of a clothing set.
The clothing set in question is this one.  This layette set dates back to 2006 and was a Target exclusive.
The set includes three little rompers with matching headbands, a bottle, and a binky that won't go into any of my dolls' mouths.  Still, the clothes fit Taniyah like a glove, so I won't complain.  

June 2nd, 2024.  An outtake from Elsie's review.
My Cabbage Patch Kids are extremely easygoing, and Alexandra Claire proved to be a capable babysitter. 

June 9th, 2024.  Lena has a brother.
Leo is his name.  Lina has another brother in the post, but it'll be a day yet before he gets here.

June 10th, 2024.  I was moving more dolls out of Casa del Luna, and River Song was one of the ones I grabbed.  Here she cuddles with Allie Kathleen, arguably the softest of my Cabbies. 
They don't have much in common except for blonde hair.  If I'd chosen Alexandra Claire the story would've been different, since she and River Song share a hair color, an eye color, and a first name.  But Allie Kathleen is who I picked and River Song appears happy with that.

June 11th, 2024.  The season's first fireworks were crackling in the street, and Gabby was strutting her stuff.  I had this Charlie Brown outfit on Cindy Lou Who, but the hat didn't fit over her hair so Gabby is wearing it.  Yellow begs for a dark-skinned doll, but Danica just got a new dress and I owe Gabby.
Gabby had to be my oddball.  I moved Danica, Silver Bird, Jettivee, and River Song over to Grandma's house and none of them had a speck of mold on them.  Then when I picked up Gabby...she was covered in the crap.  It's that powdery white sh!t that grows in vintage Crissy doll eyes, and it was easy to clean off Gabby's skin, but I'm taking no chances.  She's being quarantined right now, just to be safe.  The Velvet that Tam sent me last Christmas remains bright-eyed, and I'm doing everything in my power to keep it that way.  By the way, Tam, Velvet says hello.
June 16th, 2024.  A scorcher with scattered thundershowers.  It was thundering pretty close when I saw Carrie passed out on top of Elmyra.
Unlike some of my little dolls, Carrie is not afraid of storms.  For that matter, neither is Elmyra.  A very strong gust of wind hit the house about fifteen minutes after I took this picture, by the way.  We lost out internet for eighteen hours, and our mail carrier lost two trees.  Thank God that's all it was.

I think that'll do it for now!



  1. I love Elmyra's little face and her eyepatch. She looks like such a character XD
    Our worst round of Weather(tm) was the first week of May. Mike Next Door went missing for a week - from his schedule as I know it, anyway - and when he came back I found out his truck had died and his neighbor *across the street* up at his house place in KY had lost a few trees that managed to cross the road and land on Mike's yard. That took four days to clean up. At least he was okay.

    I need to post an update, but a lot of what's going on with me is just life related and that's not what this blog's been for thus far, lol. I do need to take a few pics. Martine Rose got a little brother :D

    1. Elmyra is a fun little doll. Tam warned me that she had a wonky eye, but I just conceal that. I think it does indeed make her a character, and I love dolls who are characters.

      Poor Mike Next Door, at least it was just trees and not the house, and at least he's okay. One of Uncle Man-Child's neighbors lost a tree in that downburst last Sunday, and the whole tree came crashing down on the house. The ground was wet, and the whole shebang just uprooted. There's a tarp on part of the roof, but thank God, no serious damage was done.

      LOL, regarding your update, if you're anything like me then you wanna just chill out and take things easy for awhile. Take your time; it's your blog.
