Thursday, June 20, 2024

First day

First day of summer, y'all!  Or would it be the first day of winter in the southern hemisphere???  Here the temperature has already hit the high nineties and stayed there for about four days, but I'm not looking at this summer with the same measure of trepidation.  Mama and I are taking measures to make sure our animals are comfortable, and while they will still have to spend some time in our hot houses a solution is in the making.  We're gonna get a big outdoor kennel, one that has an awning to keep the rain and the sun off, and I'm excited!!!  We're gonna put in some igloos in case they want those, and a little swimming pool for them to drink out of, and...ah, it's gonna be great.  I don't know how much longer Mama's three dogs are gonna be around (the oldest one is probably about fourteen), but I think they'll like it.  We're also working on a catio for the cats; we're down to eight all around now.  Sir Lancelot died of some trippy cat disease, and Mama's Mittens died of old age, so now she's got Vladimir and I've got my bunch.  I have a rhythm chant to keep the names straight, though without Lola and Sir Lancelot it's not so rhythmic.  Allie-Callie-Lily.  Bobbie-Tommy-Chessie.  Adric the oddball.  Seriously, he's my a good way.  Either way the animals will get moved and I think they'll like their new surroundings.

In dolly news, today's post is a short one, of Jettivee keeping cool under the big tree in the backyard.  Y'all can probably see how gloomy the weather has been lately.  It's been warm and a little muggy, but there's also been a fair amount of rain, hence Jet's blanket.

I don't like wearing white myself because I always manage to get it I take my American Girl outside in her brand-new white clothes, because I'm a complete idiot.  Hey, at least I remembered that blanket.  Or a beat-up pillowcase, the one I use to wash Cabbage Patch Kids and Magic Nursery dolls when they need it.  Anyway, Jettivee is riding out the heat with papaya and cocoanut milk.  Mmmm, I love cocoanut milk.

Stay cool, 


  1. It's not quite as hot where I live, but it's very close. No more pets here, though. The cat that was technically the family cat, in reality was attached to our youngest daughter, so she took the cat with her when she moved out. I'm sure your pets will appreciate their new quarters. Jettivee looks cool in her white outfit. Have you gotten a box in the mail? :)

    1. No box yet, but I haven't checked. I get off work at five-thirty so I'll let you know after that.
