Saturday, June 22, 2024

A hill of beans

Some of y'all might've heard about something "not amounting to a hill of beans."  I know I did.  I'd be worried about something (usually a bad weather forecast) and Daddy would say "Oh, it won't amount to a hill of beans!"  Anyway, I knew a package from Barb the Evil Genius was en route, and when I opened it it WAS a small hill of beans!  Specifically, Booful Beans!
Y'all do a fabulous job of paying attention, I must say!  Whenever I mention a fondness for a certain item, someone remembers, even if it was clean back in...<pauses to look> Bedsie Beans made his debut on the blog eleven months ago tonight.  It was then that I said I liked Booful Beans the best due to his happy smile. 
These dolls' genders are a hair ambiguous, but I keep calling Booful a "he" so I guess he'll be a new brother for Bedsie!  Bedsie, as usual, is ready to hit the sack.
I freaking love it!  I especially love how their colors jive, though I would've happily taken whatever Barb had to give.  Gift horses are not to be looked in the mouth.  Thank you for sending him, Barb!  He made my day!



  1. I'm glad that I could make your day, RM. I can't believe it's been eleven months since you acquired Bedsie. I would have sworn it was only a few months. They do look cute together, too. Bedsie definitely needed a sibling.

    1. I know, it felt like just yesterday that I bought Bedsie too, but it was last July, LOL. I really appreciate him, though. Today was kinda poopy and he cheered me quite a bit.

  2. They make a very cute couple alright!
    Big hugs,
