Tuesday, March 5, 2024

So random, part two

My last post of random pics was pretty successful, so here's another one.  I took these pictures for a number of reasons, but they didn't make it to the blog until now for this reason or that.  They might've gone on Failbook, but they're only now finding their way here.

First stop is a Failbook memory.  I took this picture on January 25th, 2017.
My ball-jointed doll, Johnny Hailey.  I commented at the time that this picture was a tricky one to take, and it was!  Johnny kept wanting to slide out of the tree, and if he hit the ground he wouldn't bounce like a Cabbage Patch Kid.  But I persisted, and I got the picture.  It's been a LONG time since I've monkeyed with Johnny now, sadly.  He'll need a new faceup before he pops into the blog again, but he's still around, quietly observing my comings and goings.

We ride the red time vortex now, to May 28th, 2023.  Same tree, different doll.
This getup is Mad Hatter-themed, and I decided to see how Gabby looked in it.  The response on Failbook was pretty positive, especially about the jacket.  I didn't have the heart to tell my friends that the jacket is just a smidgeon tight, but you'd never be able to tell it.  I do have an Alice costume somewhere, by the way.  Doremi will be my Alice when the time comes.

September 17th, 2023.  This is an old picture that popped up on my Failbook memories.  Since this IS an old one the quality's not great.
The dolls pictured are Sophie, Suika, and Merida, all clad in new/semi-new clothes.  Merida has unusually shaped feet, and I've never been able to find shoes for her.  Not much to say about these three, except that they're Barbie-sized and they're cute.

September 27th, 2023.  I don't remember why I had Rita Cheryl and River Song together, but I did.
I must say, for American Girls these two certainly are different!  Rita Cheryl is dark with wavy hair and light eyes, while River Song is light with curly hair and dark eyes.  They do both have right-hand side parts, but that's about all they have in common.

October 2nd, 2023.  Idalia Gale poses with Hugo Jack, then my newest Cabbage Patch Kid.
I touched on Hugo Jack in Kory Aryan's review, but I'll run over it again because I thought I'd never own (or want) a Russian-themed Cabbage Patch Kid.  In the eighties Russia's government was just this side of insane (much as it is now), and with the Cold War still being a thing travelling to Russia was NOT a popular idea.  Doll Reader ran an article about the World Travelers once, and they noted that the Russian Cabbie was a TERRIBLE seller!  Today's flop can become tomorrow's collector's item, and as a result I was never expecting to find an affordable Russian World Traveler.  Nor was I expecting to ever want one.  I like boy Cabbies now, but at the time that I was reading Doll Reader I was all about the girls.  Indeed, I didn't like Cabbies much at all back then!  I respected people who DID like them, but I wasn't a fan.  Well...times change, and to shorten a story that's already too long, I found Hugo for a steal, and he lives here now.  

On October 20th Idalia Gale again served as the welcoming committee, this time for Candela Laura
Unlike Hugo I always knew I wanted a Jesmar, so when this pet all but fell into my lap I scooped her up and never let her go.  Candela has a few snags, but for the most part she's in good shape and I'm tickled pink to have a Jesmar Cabbie in my collection.

December 10th, 2023.  The weather was fittingly bad on this particular day, and despite all that I got in the mood to put Sweet Sue in springlike clothes.
I must say, "sweet" is a good name for this doll.  She is indeed pretty sweet.  I hope that I can find some winter clothes in time for next winter, because while this getup looks good it's hardly suitable for December.

December 20th, 2023.  At this point I had Mar and Imani dressed up for an aborted Christmas post.  Mar's outfit came from LemeshHandmadeToys, and Imani's getup came from Przytullale.
I'd planned to gather some of my girls around a doll-sized Christmas tree that I found on Etsy.  In the end I never set the tree out, nor did I ever put out my own Christmas tree at the library, nor did I do any sort of decorating!  I just wasn't in the mood.  NO ONE that I knew was in the mood!  One of my favorite patrons said all he wanted was a hot dog for lunch on Christmas.  Mmmm, hot dogs...

Also on December 20th I captured Snap 'n' Play Barbie in her box.
I discussed on New Year's Day how Barbie dolls of the era were easy to unbox, but I thought I'd neglected to take pictures.  Surprise!  I found a single one.  Oh, this doll and her fashions take me back!  I didn't pay much attention to the doll in stores, but I remember the commercial and thought it was cute.

January 7th, 2024.  I was working on the Fidgie Friends review and got this shot of Fairie Garden. 
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder!  I joked at the time that since Underdog was still on Christmas break we'd have to settle for Mushroom Girl.  If we have to rely on this chick then I think we're screwed unless the enemy has a serious anxiety problem and wants to squeeze Fairie's skirt.

January 9th, 2024.  I was getting ready for work and caught this group picture.
From left,  Sweet Sue/American Character, Talky Velvet/Ideal, Simona/Furga Alta Moda, and Cindy Lou Who/Cititoy.  I thought it was funny that Velvet and Cindy Lou looked bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, while Sue and Simona looked ready to lie back down.  As an aside, I freaking love My Life eyes.  Cititoy has stepped up their game with colors; fantasy colors like lavender have started popping up, as has a lovely shade of green.
Mel Birnkrant would be having a stroke at those lilac eyes because they're not natural, but I think they're cute.

January 12th, 2024.  This picture of a Dreamhouse-era Skipper, Minnie, and Norelle popped up in my Failbook memories.  I think this dates back to 2018.
Ice and sleet were hitting the window behind the trio.  I remember commenting on Failbook that that was happening, and that these three, being dolls, were completely oblivious.  I also remember being proud that I got Skipper to look the way she did, even though she has a body like a Fashionista.  I never will understand why Stacie and Skipper didn't get joints like the rest of the Dreamhouse crew did, by the way.  Doesn't seem fair somehow.

I don't remember exactly when these next pictures were taken, but I took those in preparation for an aborted series of Monster High reviews.
These first two are G3 Abbey Bominable and G1 Geek Shriek Abbey Bominable.  My intention was to review G3 Abbey and compare her to her G1 self, but I eventually thought "Why the hell bother?  They're not THAT different from Draculaura, and my MH posts tend to go VERY heavy on tangents."  That said, I always wanted Abbey in my collection, and now I've got two!

This other image, taken around the same time as the above two, shows G3 Lagoona Blue and Bonita Femur discussing what it's like to be a "pinkrifice."  Yep, I finally got Bonita!
In her review of Bonita Purple Monkfish discusses the concept of the "pinkrifice."  In short, a pinkrifice is/was an individual doll in a bigger wave, one that's rendered in pink to appeal to your stereotypical girl.  Bonita Femur and Gigi Grant are the examples Monkfish lists, and I'll add Batsy Claro to that list even though she's so pale it's easy to forget that she's pink.  Now Lagoona Blue is...well, Lagoona PINK, and she and Bonita are commiserating.  It actually turned out to be a good match, since both Bonita and Lagoona have anxiety issues.  Not my fanfiction, by the way; their respective wikis state how they deal with said anxiety.  G3 Lagoona has a squeaky toy that she plays with, while Bonita chews holes in her clothes.  And I...I wrap myself in a ball and stare at the wall while my heart pounds and my mind races.  Anxiety sucks.

The last picture from this time is a closeup of Lagoona Pink's face.
Lagoona doesn't look like the savage predator that she claims to be in the new TV show.  Indeed, she looks kinda like her old self except for the pink part.  

That takes us to January 14th, shortly after I completed Joie's post, and while I was working on Aurora's. 
Snow was in the forecast, and I had Joie properly bundled up.  The snow did eventually fall, just a couple'a inches, but enuff to make the town look like Antarctica for awhile.  Joie didn't get to build a snowman like they wanted, but they had fun anyway.

Now to March 4th.  The sky was blue, the sun was shining, a nice breeze was blowing from the south.  I dragged Leslie Emily outside...or she dragged me, LOL.  Neither of us needed much enticing. 
Lying in the grass with the clover, the violets, and one dandelion.  Thank God for Spring!
Guess what was forecast for the night and for today?  Thunderstorms!!!  It's raining like y'all wouldn't believe, and some of the storms are predicted to be strong/severe.  I can handle the rain, but hail is not something I want for the farmers. 

That wraps this post up!



  1. Leslie's black and white saddle shoes are so cute!
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Thanks! I got those for Hugo Jack to wear, but they're Mattel-sized and didn't fit his big ol' Coleco feet. Lemonade from lemons!
