Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Another grab bag for Jaylin

Huzzahs for me, as my plan last summer worked:  I put Jaylin and her new wardrobe in a box and DID NOT lose said box.  Jaylin is alive and kickin', still clad in her Max Headroom shirt and her stripey bell bottoms.
Shootie, I keep forgetting how pale Jaylin is!  Of course a fair amount of time has passed since last June, and OneSixthFauxLife, the Etsy shop where I found Jaylin's shirt, appears to have gone the way of Flight 19 and disappeared.  I hate it when that happens, but it does make Jaylin's wardrobe that much more unique.  I don't know of too many people that have (or would want) a Max Headroom shirt for their doll.  But then again I don't know of too many people that have a Blythe doll.  Anyway, I got another grab bag for my blue-haired, bug-eyed poppet.  This one came from another Etsy shop, AnnSmithStore.  Behold!
In June I noted how grab bags like this can potentially be a good way to flesh out a doll's wardrobe, but I've also noticed how they can be a crap shoot.  Sometimes mystery bags like this contain garbage, but this particular bag did not disappoint.  The first thing I found were this white undershirt and two pairs of panties.  Jaylin has a pair of panties already, but extras can't hurt.  The tank top will lend itself well to the next pair of items.
Yes, the next pair.  A springy-looking pair of pants combined with a more wintery cardigan.  Of course no one SAID these items had to be worn together, but I'll try it anyway.  There was a time when I'd have worn pants like this myself, back when my thighs were smaller than thunder.  I'd STILL wear the cardigan if it came in my size.
There was also this little bow headband that'll look nice with the cardigan...or with anything, since it' off-white.  Since Jaylin wears a bob with bangs a headband is greatly appreciated.
I layered the tank top under the cardigan and had Jaylin strut her stuff with the cardigan and without.  Apologies for the cruddy background; I took these pictures on the evening of February 26th, and it was too windy to take pictures outside.  Indeed, the pictures I took of Alana that day were a challenge.  Anyway, here's how Jaylin looks.  The cardigan is a bit too big for her, but all the better to cover her hands on cold winter days.  The headband also serves its purpose well, and I freaking love the pants.  They look loose and airy, perfect for spring.
Lastly, the ballgown, made of slinky, ruched and tiered fabric.  It looks like a hot mess when it's not on the doll...
...but when I dressed Jaylin up the dress bore passing resemblance to a Dollheart fer...without the coat, that is.  Dollheart's fers always come with a coat.  Here's Jaylin all dolled up.
I never envisioned Jaylin as the ballgown type, but she looks amazing in this.  The bodice is unfortunately tight, enuff so that the Velcro doesn't close all the way.  It turns out that the shop's model has a slender Azone body, thus why the dress fits her better than it does Jaylin.  But...y'all wouldn't know that Velcro isn't closed unless I told y'all! 

So yeah, I really like that dress, but I feel like something is missing.  Some bauble around Jaylin's neck, maybe?  At the last minute I remembered that the grab bag I got last summer included this necklace.
At the time I didn't try to put it on Jaylin, but this time I put in the extra effort.  It won't be coming off again for a long time, but Jaylin doesn't seem to mind.  I think it adds a little sparkle, and Jaylin says she feels like a Pullip now.  Pullips are glamorous and Jaylin admires them greatly, so I know she's happy in this dress and the necklace.
Overall this grab bag ended up kinda like the last one.  Both bags contained a formal or semi-formal piece, some casual separates, and some undergarments or accessories.  I'm very pleased with the items I got, especially with that beautiful dress.

As much as I hate to do it, I'm gonna have to get Jaylin out of that glamorous frock and show her non-grab bag items.  Yep, more stuff!  These other items are from HelloCoolCat.  I got a funny-looking shirt and a pair of boots, since Jaylin always needs shoes of some stripe.
HelloCoolCat is based in Taiwan, and I made the mistake of ordering these items during the Taiwanese New Year, when Cat was taking a break.  So it took awhile for these items to arrive.  No biggie, I should've paid more attention.  Anywho, the only thing I don't like about HelloCoolCat is that they don't have blue jeans.  Skirts, tights, overalls, slouchy sweatpants yes, but none of those will work with this shirt.  I have another pair of blue jeans and that goofy pair of stripey bell bottoms, but they've found their favorite shirts.  So this time I turned to EmbroideryDollsGoods for help.  They came through with a pair of white Chucks...but not with the bell bottoms that I also ordered.  I got a refund on those, but the proprietor wrote that the refund had been a mutual decision on my behalf and hers.  That was a lie.  I agreed to no such thing and will not be returning to that store.  I included a link anyway, so y'all can go there if y'all want to, but I don't appreciate her dishonesty.

So that left me short a pair of bell bottoms, but Jaylin still has her cat jeans so it's good.  Tar dar.
Safety pins for the win!  I used to wear safety pins myself, but I took 'em off after they became a symbol of liberalism.  I prefer my Chessie System pins anyway.
Oh, and coming soon to a blouse near y'all:  the flag of Israel and a weeping angel, because if Rick Nielsen can pile on the badges then so can I.  Don't blink, and God bless Israel.

Alrighty, back to Jaylin.  I never knew how dressing a Blythe doll can be dangerous to one's pocketbook!  You order one thing, and then you're ordering ten other things to mix and match!  Of course I didn't HAVE to buy another pair of bell bottoms, and I didn't end up getting them, so I guess God has spoken.  That said, my experiences this February/March and last June make me love grab bags even more.  True, it's a crap shoot as to what you get, but I saw individual items on Etsy that cost more than this particular grab bag did.  It's a great way to add pieces to your dolly's closet.

And suddenly it occurs to me:  as much as I love polka dots, Jaylin has NOTHING with polka dots on it!  But...that'll have to wait, because life and utility bills happened.  The bills for two of our houses were OUTRAGEOUS, so Mama and I are considering moving back to the old house we left in 2011, and selling off the other two that we've got now.  Truth be told, I never wanted to leave the old house in the first place.  I'm sad to be leaving my place behind, but I think Mama and I will be better off together anyway.

Best wishes,


  1. Personally I've never been a fan of Blythes (or Pullip to a certain extent for mostly the same reason), but I have to say Jaylin might be the only one who makes them look good. You go, girl!

    1. Awww, thanks! I admit that Blythe and Pullip aren't for everyone, but I'm so glad you like my girl! She's admittedly got a sweeter face than some of 'em.

  2. Jaylin looks adorable! You hit the style jackpot with those grab bags. I LOVE Blythes with short hair--I have two myself.

    1. I prefer the shorter hair too. Blythe dolls are already a handful without a ton of hair flopping around. Yeah, so far I've been fortunate with these bags. There's always a chance that one can get crap.
