Thursday, October 27, 2022

AG Spotlight: Joss Kendrick

I finally made it!  The Moon Girl thought for awhile that she'd never get me.

FULL NAME:  Jocelyn Elizabeth Kendrick

NICKNAMES:  Everyone but everyone calls me "Joss," and Lindsey sometimes calls me "Roadrunner."

BIRTHDAY:  April 14th

HOMETOWN:  Fountain Valley, California

HEAD MOLD:  Joss...yay, I get a head mold named after me!



OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:  Does wearing a hearing aid count?


THINGS I LIKE:  Surfing, riding anything with wheels, cheerleading, dogs (especially bulldogs), long walks on beaches, summertime, ice pops and ice cream, fireflies, Legos, Lilo and Stitch, Sesame Street (Big Bird's my fella!), avocados...AVOCADOS!!!

THINGS I DISLIKE:  My pet peeve is when people either won't face me when they talk, or when they talk loudly when they learn I'm hearing impaired.  Talking loudly doesn't help me one iota.  I also don't like it when people talk too fast, because then it's hard to read their lips.  I also don't like being dropped during cheerleading practice, but if you're a cheerleader being dropped kinda goes with the territory, especially if you're not paying attention.  You hear that, Doremi?

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  Anything with a good beat.

PET:  Murph, an English bulldog, but she doesn't live here just yet.

BEST FRIENDS:  My fellow Cali girls Julie, Courtney, and Kailey (I'm the only one of the four California girls that isn't a blonde, LOL).  I also like Marina since she likes to beachcomb and swim, and Kyle because he has a bulldog, and most of my fellow cheerleaders (Justine-Marie, Rita Cheryl, and Zoe).  EVERYONE loves Zoe!

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Doremi can be a mega-prima donna...jeez, does ANYONE like Doremi???  She's never been mean to me, but I don't like her 'tude.  I DO like Lindsey, but she talks so fast that it's hard for me to read her lips.  I in turn feel rude asking her to slow down.  Good thing Molly's usually there to remind her!  Sometimes I feel awkward around Xenia too, since she has to lean in to see if she's facing me properly, but I know she can't help it.  I sometimes act as her eyes, and she acts as my ears.

HOW I CAME HERE:  eBay again!  I was embarrassed since I came naked, but the Moon Girl had that all planned out.

ABOUT ME:  It hasn't been easy adjusting to a place where I can't surf, but the streets are flat so I can at least skateboard.

Too bad it's not really skateboard weather anymore.  It's romp-in-the-leaves weather!

In my downtime I watch kids' programs with Rita Cheryl, though we have different favorites.  She likes Dora the Explorer and Blue's Clues, and I'm a Sesame Street fan to the hilt.  Big Bird for the win!!!

Bert for the win too, for that matter, because he's a nerd.  Nerds are awesome...both the people and the candy.  Don't eat too many Nerds before bedtime, though.  Moon Girl says she did that once and she woke up at two in the morning with the worst heartburn she'd ever had.

Oh, hey, Courtney. 

*Side note from Courtney:  Hey, you gonna finish those?

If there's ever candy around, Courtney's gonna know!  She knows I'll happily share.  Anyway, I'm trying to start a collection of stuff like Justine-Marie and Kailey have done, but at the moment I only have two Lego figures.

Kermit the Frog and...I guess that's the Big Bad Wolf, though why he's a Lego figure I'll never know.  He needs the pigs to go with him, LOL.  I need to keep my eyes open for unique figures.

Well, I'm off to skateboard again!  Gotta get the moves in while I can!

Hang ten,
Joss Kendrick


  1. Mr. BTEG has about a dozen of those unique LEGO mini figs. Anyway, I picked up the drum set. It might be a bit until I get it weighed and get back to you, as I am finishing up a dress I'm making for a wedding next weekend. Hope that's okay!

    1. It's more than okay! I don't get paid until next week anyway. LOL, sounds like your husband and Joss have something in common!
