Thursday, September 22, 2022

AG Spotlight: Justine-Marie Beauregard

How do you do?  I'm actually not American, but I don't guess that matters...<sniffle> any Kleenex?
FULL NAME:  Justine-Marie Beauregard

NICKNAME: friends call me "Sneezy."

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  The House of Hayward again, LOL.  Doremi is named after the child, and I'm named after Justin and Marie themselves.  

CUSTOMIZED FROM:  I used to be a Marie-Grace Gardner doll.  Why someone wanted to rip off my wig and give me new eyes and paint before throwing me on eBay, I'll never know.  My current eyes belonged to a Caroline Abbott doll.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  I wonder who got Marie-Grace's eyes?  I wonder what happened to the eyeless Caroline?

HOMETOWN:  Bournemouth, Hampshire, England

HEAD MOLD:  Marie-Grace

HAIR COLOR:  Light brown with blonde highlights

EYE COLOR:  Blue-green

OTHER DISTINGUISHING FEATURES:  A lot of freckles and enhanced lips

FAVORITE COLORS:  Mint green, yellow, and periwinkle

THINGS I LIKE:  Fancy clothes, cheerleading, Disney anything, ice cream, skiing and winter sports in general, traveling and exploring, horseback riding, hair bows (a must-have for anyone with a side part), Minnie Mouse ears,

THINGS I DISLIKE:  My allergies are my main peeve.  

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  INXS and the Black Keys are my favorite bands.  "What You Need" and "Gold on the Ceiling" are my favorite songs.

PETS:  Piglet, a blue French bulldog, Argos, my old Bouvier des Flandres, and Domino, a horse.  Right now I only have a decent picture of me with Domino. 
BEST FRIENDS:  Doremi, Zoe, and Sadie.  I'm on the cheerleading team with Zoe and the Dodo (and Rita Cheryl), and I enjoy playing dress-up with Zoe and Sadie.  Even I will admit that Doremi is incredibly difficult at times, but for some reason she'll listen to me if I tell her to relax.  Kailey and I have agreed to swap boogie boarding and skiing lessons, so we've gotten quite thick.  I also enjoy posing for pictures with Luciana and listening to Astro-Luci talk, though I can't tell the First Doctor from the Fiftieth.  Lastly, I sometimes hang out with Courtney, partly because she and Luciana are together a lot and partly because Courtney likes Argos.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  We're not quite to fifty Doctors yet, Justine-Marie!  We're far from it, in fact.

If you say so, Moon Girl.  Where was I?

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  I know Rita Cheryl feels bad for her past mistakes, and I know she'd like to make it right, but when I reach out to her she just freezes up and ignores me.  It makes me sad, but I figure if I'm just patient she'll thaw out.  Rilla Louise is the same way, but for some reason she wants me to be the buffer between her and Rita Cheryl.  I don't believe that will work, Rill.  Not yet, anyway.

HOW I GOT HERE:  eBay again!  Don't we all come from eBay!  In my case the Moon Girl wanted a bald doll so she could play with wigs, but when she fitted my current wig on it proved to be perfect.  I haven't worn another wig since...except for that time when Robyn and Leah and I all swapped wigs.  Robyn's hair color looked good on me, I thought.  I hope maybe the Moon Girl will look into a red bob for me in the future.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  I'm on it, dolly child!

ABOUT ME:  I'm the gang's little rich girl; indeed, whenever I'm around Z she sings Hall and Oates's "Rich Girl."  I do NOT rely on the old man's money, thank you too much!  LOL, Z loves to tease, but I know she doesn't mean anything by it.  Though I try not to make a big deal of being wealthy, sometimes telling the truth makes people jealous...kinda like Molly's classmate Alison Hargate.  I try to compensate for this by being warm, friendly, and accepting to the friends I've made, and as a result I think I've made quite a few friends.  Doremi is my best friend; we have sort of a Cleo De Nile/Ghoulia Yelps dynamic.  She's the dominant one (or so she thinks), but I know how to rein her in.
Doremi has her flaws; indeed, most of the dolls in Casa del Luna don't like her because she's so unkind to her brother Justin.  I don't like that either, but instead of shunning Doremi I try to see her good side.  She does have a good side, as a great many of us do, but for some reason she...hides it.  I don't know what she's afraid of.  I just try to be patient with her, as I do with Rita Cheryl.  Rita Cheryl's main vendetta was directed against me myself, as she and Doremi were once very close.  When I came to Casa del Luna Doremi welcomed me and Rita Cheryl panicked, fearing she'd lose her only close friend.  Unfortunately her resulting hostility towards me ended up alienating Doremi instead.  I've long since forgiven Rita Cheryl, and I can tell that she wants to smoothen things over but is afraid.  When she's ready to talk things over with me I'm willing to listen.

Regarding my own "nitty-gritties," as the Moon Girl would call them, I'm allergic to shellfish, dust, pollen, and furry animals.  Shellfish make me deathly ill (I have to carry an epi-pen), and everything else makes me sneeze.  But I love animals, so I put up with it.  I even have a horse to ride.  See?
NEVER wear sandals around horses!!!  I did it just now, but that's because I'm a complete pillock.  In other news, I collect Disney paraphernalia and a few dolls; Finding Nemo is my favorite Disney movie, since Dori reminds me of Doremi...or the good side of Doremi, anyway.  I also love Mulan, and I even have her as a doll.
Mulan's hairstyle looks more like her mother's in this case; in the movie Mulan either wore her hair short and tied up or long and loose...but who's paying that close of attention?  I also have Elsa, who has become fast friends with my Marie-Grace doll.
I used to be a Marie-Grace doll myself, I'm told, but like Denise (an ex-Samantha) I have no memory of that.  Well...maybe I do.  I have some hazy memories of a big city and of an illness, but that's about all.  Oh yes, and Argos.
A good pet is unforgettable, and Argos is a good pet.  I just hope he'll get along with Piglet.  Argos is significantly bigger than Piglet, but he's gentle so there probably won't be too many problems.  Kailey, fetch Sandy and we'll see which of our dogs is the larger one!
Looks like Argos is the bigger one, but it also looks like he and Sandy will get along fine.  If Argos has trouble with any pets around here it'll likely be with Amanda Faraday's cat Jeeves.  Jeeves likes to wrestle with puppy dogs, and sometimes he gets a little too free with his claws!

Let's see, what else, what else?  I'm friends with "the infamous Doremi," as a friend of the Moon Girl's put it, and I also am quite thick with Luciana.  The relationship I have with Luciana is sort of an "opposites attract" thing.  She's the scientist and the sci-fi fan, while I like Disney princesses and girly stuff.  But strangely enough, we get along.  We like to take pictures together, and we've even got hats that coordinate.
We share a love for sparkly things and 1920's fashion, the latter of which got easier after Claudie's introduction last month.  So I guess I'm...kinda shallow compared to some of the other girls.  I just like to enjoy my life to the fullest and help my friends do the same.  It's a good life.

Happy first day of autumn,
Justine-Marie Beauregard


  1. I love those hats. 1920s isn't my favorite fashion decade, but it had its moments. So is Doremi going to start calling herself "the infamous Doremi" now? XD It could be a rapper name.

    1. No, she still thinks she's a princess, LOL! The other dolls may start calling her the Infamous Doremi, though! The hats are available on Etsy if you want one. Let me know and I can grub up a link.
