Friday, September 23, 2022

Let's drink pop: Pepsi S'mores

As y'all may or may not remember, I like soda.  I have to be choosy about the kinds I drink, but I like soda.  This morning I was browsing Disney Food Blog, and they had this post up about...y'all ready for this?  S'mores soda!

From left, Toasty Marshmallow, Chocolate, and Graham Cracker.  The three flavors are apparently supposed to be mixed and matched, so if marshmallows are your thing you can go heavy on that, and likewise with the other flavors.  Or you could be a nutjob like me and just drink 'em straight.

The idea is a cute one, but...I dunno, if I see 'em I'll give 'em a whirl and let y'all know.  Sounds sickeningly sweet to me.  Mama wasn't crazy about the idea either.  I personally love s'mores, but there's a certain mouth-feel that goes with them.  You get the crunch of the graham cracker, that flaky charred outer layer and gooey center of the torched marshmallow, and the chocolate that provides a nice intermediate.  Of course there's always the fun of torching the marshmallow; that was always my favorite part.  I remember always being a little afraid (because fire, that's why), but that gloriously blackened marshmallow was worth it.  Yeah...part of the fun of a s'more is actually MAKING the s'more, and you don't get that fun with soda pop.  But on the other hand, mixing and matching the flavors could potentially be fun, provided you don't spill anything!

What do y'all think?  Will these be accompanying anyone to their next campout, cookout, or tailgating party?  Or does the thought of all that sugar make you want to barf?  Kindly share your thoughts.

Love and caffeine,


  1. Um, my sugar-craving self would love to try these! But my diabetic self can't. I'd think the "specialness" of s'mores would be downgraded if the taste were readily or constantly available. And I totally agree with you about the mouth feel as well as the process being half the fun!

    1. Ugh, I don't have diabetes, but I feel you on wanting to try these and not being able to. As I said above, I have to watch my caffeine intake lest I grow kidney stones.
