Thursday, September 15, 2022

AG Spotlight: Doremi Latowski

It's my turn!
FULL NAME:  Doremi Annabeth Latowski

NICKNAMES:  Sometimes the Moon Girl calls me "Dodo," and my friends call me "Dori."  Camille calls me "Big Sissy."  I call myself "Princess."

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  Justin and Marie Hayward named their daughter "Doremi" after that infernal song from The Sound of Music, and the Moon Girl liked the idea (though she doesn't like the movie, she says).  "Annabeth" is the name of Percy Jackson's friend/rival/love interest, and the name of someone the Moon Girl knows.

JUST LIKE YOU NUMBER:  Second-edition #27 (ie without permanent earrings) with a haircut

HOMETOWN:  Orlando, Florida

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Light blonde

EYE COLOR:  Dark blue

FAVORITE COLORS:  Pink and yellow

THINGS I LIKE:  Cheerleading and gymnastics, autumn, ballet, playing the flute, Finding Nemo (I relate with Dory), line dancing, dogs (especially Westies), being from the south, and comics (Mutts and Peanuts are my favorites; fittingly, Charles Schultz and Patrick McDonnell were good friends)

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Being mistaken for a dumb blonde, being dropped in cheerleading practice (I'm a flyer), overly hot days, being bossed around, being a younger sister

MY CHOICE IN MUSIC:  I'm the household's resident Moody Blues fan.  The Moon Girl is also a fan, so it makes sense that one of us dolls would like them.  I also like the Electric Light Orchestra, like Lindsey does.

FAMILY:  Camille and that infernal Justin are my siblings, Salome and Rael Karkoszka are my cousins, and Xenia Papadakis is a more distant cousin.

PET:  Coconut, a Westie, and Moochie, an orange tabby cat.
BEST FRIENDS:  Xenia, Justine-Marie, and Zoe.  I'm on the cheerleading team with Justine-Marie and Zoe, and Xenia and I like to take long walks together.  Xenia can't see well, but she manages just fine.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Speaking of long walks, I wish Justin would take a long walk off a short pier.  He can take Rita Cheryl, Samantha, and Luciana with him, since they seem to like him so much.

HOW I CAME HERE:  I came from eBay.  I have a bit of a hair trim, and the Moon Girl says that helped me stand out.

ABOUT ME:  I'm often called your stereotypical dumb blonde, and I'll admit that being both a flake and a member of the Dumb Blonde Society doesn't help my case.  The truth is that I have a sizeable imagination, and if I flake out it's usually because I'm mulling something over.
I've got a lot to mull over, like how I'm going to land my next back handspring without breaking my neck, or why the sky had to be blue instead of pink or green or purple (not that I'm complaining; I love blue), or why I suddenly have to have a brother who watches my every move.  Seriously, Justin is always keeping an eye on me and telling me "Doremi, be careful!"  "Doremi, don't fly so high!"  "Doremi, don't stay out too late!"  I get that last one, but I can't help how high I fly when Justine-Marie and Joss throw me.  Forget princess, I'm Queen of the World!
Flyyyy me straight and fly me high...EEEK!!!

*Side note from Justin:  Now see there?  I told you so, Dori!  Are you alright?
*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Looks like Justin has a point.  And how many times have I told you girls not to practice on my porch without mats?  

Oh, whatever. all of y'all!!!  Isn't Rita Cheryl supposed to catch me?  What kind of a spotter are you?  Why, I oughta...
*Side note from Rita Cheryl:  How can I catch you if you fall forward???  You're supposed to kick out and fall backwards.

*Side note from Justine-Marie:  Be nice, Dodo.  It wasn't Rita Cheryl's fault.

Oh, never mind.  Everyone seems to prefer Joss as a flyer anyway.

*Side note from everyone:  <collective sigh>

*Muttered side note from Rita Cheryl:  There's more than one reason for that.

I'll ignore that.  Where was I?  Oh yes, we're all so glad that it's fall!  The Moon Girl's sedums are so leggy that I can use them as a nest, just like Moon did when she was little.
*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Don't get excited, Doremi.  They're predicting temperatures in the high nineties next week.

Well drat!  And this week's been so nice!  Soon it'll be time to trot out Halloween clothes.  I want to be a princess this year, because...well, because I AM a princess!  Or I like to pretend I am.  If I pretend to be one will I magically be come one???  Ooo, I hope so!

All of my love,
Princess Doremi Annabeth Latowski


  1. So we finally get to meet the infamous Doremi! We haven't had but one day of fall-like weather here ourselves. Today got into the low 80s.

    1. Yep, she's the one, LOL! I didn't intend when I bought her for her personality to be so terrible, but I guess there's always one in the crowd.

      Yeah, we had a week of nighttime temperatures in the fifties, and next week it's supposed to be around a hundred degrees again. This is going to be an interesting fall, I predict.
