Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Adric, the golden star

Or in this case, the golden furball!

In a bizarre repeat of Tommy and Lancelot's adoption, I went out late last night and heard "mew, mew, mew" coming from across the street.  This time instead of actively searching, I just stood in my yard and yelled "Here kitty, kitty, kitty!"  My efforts were almost instantly rewarded, as this yellow goober came running across the street.  He didn't try to climb my leg like Tommy did, but he acted like he'd have liked to.  Like Tommy, he's about half-grown.  

The last time I had kittens I named them after Game of Thrones characters (Eddard/Sansa and Arya) or songs (Mustang Sally), and they all promptly died.  This time I went the Doctor Who route, naming my young rascal after one of the Doctor's more obnoxious comrades (and he's had plenty of those, LOL).  The real Adric ended up dying due to his own know-it-all behavior, so I hope his namesake won't end up the same way.  So far my little Adric appears healthy, but he is a pest, LOL.  I think I named him well.
Yes, shred my old pajamas.  Be my guest.  Like Mustang Sally, Adric came from a family down the street that apparently doesn't believe in spaying and neutering.   Seriously, there's ALWAYS kittens there.  Last time I counted there were four of them:  one black, one calico, one dilute calico, and this yellow chap that roamed a bit too far from home.  Since he came from the same house as Sally I figure Adric is either her younger brother or cousin, and I suspect that he may be related to Tommy as well since Tommy and Sally were so much alike.  Having previously been an outside cat Adric has a lot of spunk, but he also has been socialized.  His favorite things to do are tackle my arm and purr while digging his claws in.  Ouchie...LOL.

Welcome home, Adric.  Please stay healthy.  Don't leave me like Sally did!

Love and purrs,


  1. Here's to Adric having a long and healthy life. He's an interesting mix - there's obviously some Oriental there, but mixed with the ginger stripes. Hope that's not flea dirt in his ears. :(

    1. Yes, I noticed the Oriental build. The other kittens living at his old house don't appear to have that. Unfortunately the crap in his ears proved to be the doings of ear mites. I had him vetted yesterday and they gave me some medicine.

  2. Love the name Adric. But then, I was raised on PBS syndicated episodes of Doctor Who. My family were Whovians before most people in the USA knew what Doctor Who was.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. I'm just a fledgeling Whovian at the moment, and as far as I know I'm the only one in Malden. My mom just rolls her eyes when I bring it up, LOL, and Second Uncle is into James Bond and boxing. Do you have a favorite Doctor?

    2. Probably Sylvester McCoy. I never really got into 'New Who', as some people call the timeframe from Christopher Eccleston onwards.
      Signed, Treesa

    3. LOL, I actually cut my teeth on the New Who wave. As I've said, I'm just starting out, learning the various actors' names and such.
