Saturday, August 13, 2022

Rita Cheryl meets another baby

This one was pretty different from Mirabel, but she's no less cute.

"Sandra," named by her mommy on the spur of the moment, is one of those vinyl-and-cloth jobs that one can get from Wally World for a fiver or so.  She's got a cute little face and quite pretty eyes.
Not bad for a cheapie!  I think that with a few adjustments she could wear Bitty Baby clothes, but what caught Sandra's mommy's eye was Rita Cheryl's necklace.  It's your average charm-keeper necklace that American Girl released for their dolls about ten years back, but Sandra's mommy liked it...and wanted it.  LOL, I think she was hoping that I'd just take my necklace off Rita Cheryl and hand it over!  Not likely, little one, but now I know what to get this little girl for Hanukkah (her family celebrates Hanukkah over Christmas for commercialization reasons).

And yet...still no Nellie!  The wait continues...


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