Thursday, August 18, 2022

AG Spotlight: Kyle MacDonald

So far I'm the only boy.

FULL NAME:  Kyle Andrew MacDonald

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  I came with the name "Kyle," and the Moon Girl threw in a middle and last name.

CUSTOMIZED FROM:  An unknown Just Like You girl.  Somewhere along the line I got a new wig and a pair of Pleasant Company Samantha eyes.  Better than Bette Davis eyes, I guess.

HOMETOWN:  Inverness, Mississippi

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Light blonde

EYE COLOR:  Dark brown (I'm the third brown-eyed blonde that y'all have met, LOL)

FAVORITE COLOR:  Red, yellow, and green

THINGS I LIKE:  Playing basketball, tractors (especially John Deere tractors), climbing trees, being a country boy, playing make-believe, scavenger hunts, tornado history (my hometown took it on the chin once, just like Silver Bird's and Denise's did), the sciences (particularly earth science and medicine), dogs, comic books (The Amazing Spider-Man is my favorite), MARCH MADNESS!!!

THINGS I DISLIKES:  Cities, getting caught crying (hey, I'm human...well, humanish, sometimes I needs to cry too, but do I hate it it when someone catches me), people who don't have imaginations, unfairness and injustice, feeling useless

HIS CHOICE OF MUSIC:  John Mellencamp, preferably the songs "Paper in Fire" and "Small Town."

PETS:  Meatloaf, a bulldog, and Dixie, a young St. Bernard.

BEST FRIEND:  Julie and Kailey.  They're both brown-eyed blondes, and Julie loves basketball, just like I do.  It was my idea to start up the Dumb Blonde Society, so I'm pretty close to all my fellow blondes.  Kirsten is also kinda special since she'll sometimes cook something special just for me.  I like talking politics with Felicity too, and I like talking tornado history with Silver Bird.  

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Mainly Luciana.  I like talking the sciences with her, but she's WAY too serious at times.  Lindsey and Molly talk too much, but I like them better since they like to play outside.

HOW I CAME HERE:  Moon Girl's mama got me for her!  She got another boy doll too around the same time, a brown-eyed brunette pirate named Lucas, but poor Lucas never arrived and thus I'm the only boy.

ABOUT ME:  I love country life.  Inverness, where I once came from, is a small town, and so is my current home, Malden.  If you've lived in a small town all your life you don't know anything else, and I figure that city slickers probably feel the same way, but the closest I want to be to a city is Cape Girardeau.  You learn to entertain yourself when you grow up in the sticks.  You gawk at freight trains, you count airplanes, you turn over rocks and look at the insects underneath, you hunt toads, and if you have more than two people you play whiffle ball or Hide and Seek...unless it's raining, like it's done a lot this week.  Just as well, since July was unbearably hot.  I'm used to heat and humidity, but not inside, for crying out loud!  So the rain has been greatly appreciated and enjoyed, though the Moon Girl tells me the cotton farmers probably aren't loving it.  As an aside, Moon Girl's porch is perfect for basketball, funky blue light and all!  Too bad Julie and I don't have a hoop...or a ball.

Wait a minute...Silver Bird and Rita Cheryl both have balls for their respective sports, so how come we don't???

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Well why didn't you two say you wanted one???  I'm not a mind reader!

Oh yeah...well now you know, so...can we please have a basketball???

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Y'all have been good kids lately, so I'll see what I can find.  I've been wanting Julie's basketball uni for awhile anyway.

YES!!!  Julie's a pretty mean player, so I'm excited to see how I do against her this winter.  Since we don't have the proper equipment neither of us can really practice.  But the Moon Girl has been very good to us, so I know she'll make good on her promise.  We can always jerry-rig a hoop, but without the ball we're kinda outta luck.

And believe it or not, that's pretty much me in a nutshell.  Basketball is my favorite thing, though I do also love to climb trees.  I don't collect anything like some of the girls do...not yet, anyway.  But I do like Marvel Comics...and DC, I'm not picky.  I prefer Marvel, though, particularly Spider-Man.  He can climb far better than I ever could, and he helps people instead of fooling around, like I like to do.  The Moon Girl says I'll find my own way to help my friends, and I hope she's right.  Julie says that I always cheer her up when she's down, and I'm glad of that.  I'm glad I've got a friend like Julie.

The Moon Girl's mama says we look enough alike that we could be brother and sister.  Sometimes I pretend that we are!  For the record, I also enjoy Kailey's presence in my life, but she says it's too hard for her to move right now.  I understand what that's like; at my old home I had to have my strings tightened.  I promised her that when her strings are tightened we'll play more together.  And for that matter, Julie could probably do with a tightening, as she kept falling over during the pictures.  Oh well, she stays positive, and that's the most important thing.

Yours truly,
Kyle Andrew MacDonald

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