Thursday, July 14, 2022

AG Spotlight: Denise Goldberg

I was the Moon Girl's first custom job, but not the last!

FULL NAME:  Denise Samantha Goldberg

NICKNAME:  My Hebrew name is "Hannah."  I chose that name because Hannah was patient and faithful, just like I want to be.

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  One of Moon Girl's second cousins, and Samantha, and a common Jewish surname.

BIRTHDAY:  September 23rd

CUSTOMIZED FROM:  A Pleasant Company-era Samantha.  I don't remember who cut my hair or why, but it came out pretty darn good!

HOMETOWN:  Greensburg, Kansas

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown

EYE COLOR:  Dark brown


THINGS I LIKE:  Classic rock, dancing ballet (sometimes to old rock tunes, LOL), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, pineapple anything, fruit in general, frogs, ladybugs, baseball (the Cardinals and the Royals are my favorite teams), hockey (the Blues are my favorite team), springtime...except for the tornadoes that come with it!  Unlike Kyle and Silver Bird, I was actually there when Greensburg got hit, and it was terrifying.  

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Grabby, overenthusiastic kids, getting up early on weekends, injuring myself in ballet class (thankfully that doesn't happen often), jerks, tornadoes and thunderstorms in general, being impatient

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  The Who, KISS, and Deep Purple are my big three.  Roger Daltrey is a hottie!  Luciana and I like to tease each other about our respective blondes (she likes Robert Plant), though we both see eye-to-eye on David Lee Roth.

BEST FRIENDS:  Sadie and Xenia.  Sadie and I were on the welcoming committee when Xenia arrived, and we just sort of clicked.  I also like Samantha since I was a Samantha herself once (I don't remember much about that), and since I'm around Samantha a lot I subsequently know and like her boyfriend Justin pretty well.  I worship with Lindsey and I count her as another close friend, though we do sometimes tease each other about baseball (Lindsey is a Cubs fan, blah).

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  Molly can be a little clumsy when she dances.  I like her, but I don't always like to dance with her.  Doremi is a jerk to her brother a lot, so I do prefer to keep my distance from her.  I don't know what poor Justin ever did to her. 

HOW I CAME HERE:  Moon Girl's mother found me abandoned at the elementary school where she works and brought me home.

ABOUT ME:  I'm originally from Kansas and loved it there, but I love living in Missouri too!  This area of Missouri is almost as flat as the countryside around Greensburg, but not quite.  As Courtney and Julie (and probably Moon herself) have established, it's impossible for a seismic area to be completely flat.  It's certainly not flat enough to see a tornado for miles around, like it is in Kansas...not that that mattered much when Greensburg got hit.  Shudder...I don't want to talk about it, nor do I want to think about "the Big One," the huge earthquake that the Moon Girl predicts will eventually happen here.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  Hey, it happened once.  It can happen again.

Yeah, but I hope not while we're all alive!  Oh right, dolls can outlive humans by a good margin if our luck is right.  Sucks to be me, I guess.  Oh well, we could be wiped out by a meteor strike any minute too and you don't think about it until it happens.  Aaaanyway, I'm like Silver Bird in that I'm pretty fancy-free, though like her I do like to wear dresses sometimes.  This is my new dress; it's got...flowered fruits on it.

Moon says she saw that in the grab bag she got and knew it would be for me.  I do love my fruit!  My dearest wish is to try durian.  LOL, I hear it stinks, but I also hear it's delicious if eaten at the right time.  If they're unripe I hear they taste like rancid scrambled eggs, and Coyote Peterson apparently agrees.  Moon says that durian gets an unfair reputation among westerners as disgusting because people eat the unripe stuff.

Lemme see...earthquakes, Kansas, durians...I used to be an Oriental clothing enthusiast, but I had to stop that since SOMEONE griped about appropriation.  It wasn't anyone in Casa Del Luna, y'all; Ana Ming says she'd happily share if our measurements were the same, and Z says I fill out her hanbok better than she does.  Poor Z, she has the slimmer permapanties body...but then again I have the chubby Pleasant Company body!  But anyway, appropriation be danged, I'm not giving up my sombrero!  I only wear this during parties anyway, y'know, like how some folks end up with a lampshade on their head at the end of a party.  Or I wear it when I'm in a celebratory mood, like I was a few years ago when the Blues won the Stanley Cup.

Win or lose, the Blues are my team!  But oh, was I happy when they won that Stanley Cup.  They'd never won one. and fruit...I'm pretty boring, actually!  I don't chase tornadoes or walk on fence rails like Silver Bird.  I'm often most content with going to the playground to play.  Yesterday I even got Rita Cheryl to play with me.  
Rita Cheryl is pretty serious, and getting her to loosen up isn't easy, but I got the job done. 
Rita Cheryl told me that next time we should bring our own dolls and show them the playground.  She just got Gabriela, and I have Luciana. 
I live with a full-sized Luciana, and I never stopped to ask her if it's okay that I have a doll like her.  We belong to different friend groups, but I respect her intellect and her interest in space and the Earth sciences.  I guess I need to talk to her...LATER!!!
Hmmm...maybe I'm more like Silver Bird than I realized.  Oh well, nothing wrong with that!

Denise Goldberg

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