Thursday, July 28, 2022

AG Spotlight: Lindsey Bergman

I'm the Moon Girl's first Girl of the Year, and also THE first Girl of the Year, the one and only Lindsey Bergman.

FULL NAME:  Lindsey Bergman 

NICKNAME:  I have a Hebrew name like Denise does.  I chose the name "Esther," because of Queen Esther.  Without her there might be no Jews.  Queen Esther was brave, faithful, and obedient, like I try hard to be.  Sometimes the "obedient" part is tough!

BIRTHDAY:  December 2nd (Moon made one up)

HOMETOWN:  Chicago, Illinois

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Dark auburn

EYE COLOR:  Light blue


FAVORITE COLOR:  Green, blue, red, I'm not picky!

THINGS I LIKE:  Cheering people up, helping people out, dogs (wiener dogs are my favorite), riding my scooter, baseball (the Cubs are my favorite team), teasing Denise about baseball, studying the Torah, sunshine, playing the trumpet

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Bullies, sadness, animal cruelty, getting into trouble, road rash

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  Millennial-era boy bands (N'SYNC is my favorite) and the Electric Light Orchestra.  "Mr. Blue Sky" is my favorite song.

PET:  Mr. Tiny, a dachshund.

BEST FRIENDS:  Molly, because she's a talker, and Denise, because we're both Jewish.  I also like to tease Denise about baseball because she's...dare I say it, a CARDINALS FAN.  I also like wheelin' it up with Z and Joss, but riding a skateboard is hard!  Also, I don't have my scooter yet.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  I actually like Samantha a lot, but she's so hard to cheer up!  Joss is also sometimes hard to talk to, but that's usually my fault.  I apparently talk too fast for her to read my lips!  I'm working on that.

HOW I CAME HERE:  Another eBay find!  The Moon Girl says she was shocked that she got me for as reasonable a price as she did.

ABOUT ME:  Moon admits that she initially had a tricky time bonding with me since I'm so loose!  Not loose as in slutty, mind you, get the idea!  If I'm posed at all I usually have to sit.

Good thing I love that avocado chair!  I have to share it with Joss since she loves avocados, but that's no big deal.  The Moon Girl did try restringing me last fall, but she couldn't get it done because she didn't have the right tools.  Rearranging my stuffing did help me stand a little better, though.

It didn't hurt a bit, being unstuffed!  As soon as the Moon Girl took my head off I was out like a light, and even that just tickled when she fumbled with my strings.  Whatever, I won't let temporary mobility issues dampen my outlook on life.  I love to talk, joke, and laugh, and I love making my friends laugh when they're sad.  I've learned to control my impulses for the most part, though I do still like to do goofy stuff like set people up on dates.  Justin probably wouldn't have had the courage to talk to Samantha if I hadn't talked him into it!  Of course it helped that Justin already had a thing for Samantha, and that both were single; I didn't make the mistake of setting a single person with an engaged one again!  Oh brother, that last time was a complete fiasco!  Anyway, I didn't try to force Justin and Samantha together.  I just encouraged them to talk to each other and be honest about their feelings, and it worked!  As for me, myself, I'm not looking for a boyfriend, which is just as well since my only option would be Kyle.  He and I are not each other's type.

Boy crazy, am I?  Well...not really.  Right now I'm currently studying for my bat mitzvah ceremony, so I don't have time for boys...or anything, really.  Denise is more traditional and isn't bothering with a bat mitzvah, but she's more than willing to help me practice, and I'm grateful to her for that.  Moon is trying to help too, but she says finding a Torah in our size is hard.  So far all she's found for us are Passover seder books...oh, and the cool little plates.
Oh well, at least we've got SOMETHING, and I love Passover!  We've got some odds and ends for Hanukkah too, so it's all good.  The Moon Girl is a Gentile and doesn't know everything she needs to know (she TOLD me to write that, I promise I'm not hatin'), but I think she does just fine.  She doesn't push us to celebrate Christmas like some Gentiles have done in the past.  I will admit that I think Christmas trees are beautiful, though.

In other news, it's hot as all get-out in the Moon House, as the air conditioner went out AGAIN.  The Moon Girl says she's gonna get a new one during the off-season, but she said that LAST YEAR and didn't do it.  One of Moon's tornado authors describes the summers in Chicago as opposed to downstate Illinois summers:

"Summers in Chicago are hot, but summers in Murphysboro are infernal."

I'm further south now than Murphysboro, even, and we're having a heat wave to boot.  It was over a hundred degrees all week last week, and Moon's AC is on the blink.  But this week we've thankfully got some relief, in the form of glorious rain!  Samantha is the rain fan of us all, but in this case we're all pretty stoked.

Lindsey Bergman


  1. Lindsey is so adorable! I love her short curls. I was excited to get a Tenney Grant in the recent AG benefit sale, but she is still in the box. One of these days she will be let out to live with Julie, Kaya, and my two other AGs who are unnamed. In the meantime, I SO enjoy reading about and looking at yours!

    1. Oh gosh, I'm so glad you like these posts! I thought I was boring everyone to death with them. Congrats on Tenney; maybe she can help you name your other two!
