Thursday, July 7, 2022

AG Spotlight: Amanda Faraday

The Moon Girl's not had me a year yet!  But then that's true of several of us.
FULL NAME:  Amanda Nicole Faraday

NICKNAME:  Sometimes folks call me "'Mandy."  I'm not a huge fan of that, but it's not a mean nickname so I tolerate it.

WHERE I GOT MY NAME:  Moon Girl's high school best friend, and Michael Faraday.

JUST LIKE YOU NUMBER:  #16 with a hair cut

HOMETOWN:  Windsor, California

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Medium brown

EYE COLOR:  Dark brown; my right eye has both silver eye and bubble eye and hence has blinded me in that eye.  Moon knows she could have that repaired, but she and I both kind of like my short hair.  Getting my head replaced would mean long hair again.

FAVORITE COLORS:  Orange, purple, red, yellow, and earth tones

THINGS I LIKE:  Books, peace and quiet to read books, cuddling on winter nights (doesn't matter who with), cats, being a child at heart, clothes that are loose and comfortable, The Wizard of Oz (both the books and the movie), fireworks, gawking at flowers and wildlife 

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Nonsensical, nonstop blather, having scoliosis, being blind in one eye, being mistaken for Molly (sometimes that does happen), and I hate-hate-HATE heights!!!

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  Anything that Yo-Yo Ma plays.  

PET:  Jeeves, a tuxedo cat.
BEST FRIENDS:  Courtney and Samantha, because they're good listeners, and Julie and Joss, because they know sign language.  I'm not deaf, but it's nice to know sign language anyway.  You never know when you'll need it.  I'm also a member of the Four-Eyed Freaks.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  I don't dislike Lindsey and Molly, but they're both too chatty for me at times.  I'd also prefer to avoid Chatty Cathy for this reason.  

HOW I CAME HERE:  Another eBay find!  I'm a fixer-upper, so I was easy to get.

ABOUT ME:  I'm the quietest one of the bunch, except maybe for Samantha.  Unlike Samantha, my silence comes from thoughtfulness rather than depression.  I love to read, and I love to daydream about what she's read.  My favorite books are mostly juvenile fantasy, stuff like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.  I also like House of the Scorpion and the Oz books, and The Chronicles of Narnia.  Sometimes Samantha and I discuss the Oz books since the first two were fairly popular in her day.  Samantha tells me she's surprised that the series came as far as it did over the years

*Side note from Silver Bird:  Y'all do know that Dorothy Gale was a real little girl, right?  Only she didn't survive the tornado that hit her home.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  True story.  Or I think it's true...people did make things up for news stories back then, but it's possible that Dorothy Gale was real.  Irving, Kansas WAS real, but the folks there couldn't catch a break, before or after the 1879 tornado.

No, neither Samantha nor I have heard that story before.  Poor Dorothy, so she didn't make it?  That's sad!  No wonder L. Frank Baum wanted her to have a happy ending!  Anyway, I like the movie The Wizard of Oz as well, though not quite as much as I liked the books.  Dorothy is so darn whiny in the movie, though in her defense I'd probably be whiny too if I were in a strange land, being pursued by a witch, and in the company of a talking scarecrow, a sheet metal man with an axe, and an anthropomorphic lion.  Better to travel with a puddy tat than a bunch of sideshow escapees.  Like all cats, Jeeves is a big cat, almost as big as Kailey's dog Sandy.  That surprised both Kailey and me, but it's good for Jeeves since he loves to wrassle with dogs, and the size of the dog be danged.
If he had long hair I'd chalk his size up to him being a Maine coon (a breed known for being large), but he's got short hair so that's that.

*Side note from the Moon Girl:  LOL, I've known housecats that were big, but none of them were as big as the golden retriever Sandy is supposed to be!  My beloved Sampson (coincidentally also a tuxedo cat) weighed twenty-five pounds, and he was nowhere near as big as a goldie!

As established above, I have silver eye like Molly and Silver Bird, but I also have bubble eye, which is when the pupil of the eye separates from the plastic over it.  The end result looks like a soap bubble.
Silver eye is only an aesthetic problem for American Girls, but bubble eye blinds.  Neither the Moon Girl nor I are sure about sending me to the hospital, but maybe in the future it'll be for the best.  Having my eye repaired would certainly improve my ability to read.

Of course I do other things besides read, but since my mobility isn't great (even for an AG doll) I'm usually restricted to observing, like I did last Monday at the local fireworks show.
Yeah, the Moon Girl took a doll to the fireworks show.  Everyone knows she's a little nuts, LOL.  It was a very nice show, though the mosquitoes were something fierce...for Moon, not me, LOL again.  When twilight comes I like looking at fireflies and bats (just like Moon does), and I would like stargazing if lying on my back were more comfortable.  Wearing a back brace isn't the most fun in the world, kiddies.  Oh well, it is what it is, and I know I'm not the only one.

Good luck catching fireflies!  If that's your thing, that is.  If not...well, find some other way to make summer work for you.  Jeez, this heat is INSANE!!!

Amanda Faraday

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