Monday, July 4, 2022

Of dolls and bottle rockets

Behold!  Two species of bottle rocket have landed in my yard.

Kirsten is holding the smaller variety that my family always bought...I think the side of it said Moon Blasters or something like that.  Amanda has a larger variety called a Wild Goose, which I know nothing about.  I loathe bottle rockets, by the way; they're all noise and no show, and if something goes wrong then they're pretty dangerous...but then again, aren't all fireworks dangerous in the wrong hands?  Anyway, when I was sixteen Daddy loaded a bottle jam-packed with these damn things...and the bottle tipped over.  Pointing at us.  The resulting conversation went something like this:

<bottle falls over>
ME (casually):  Uh-oh...
SISTER (loudly):  RUN!!!!!!

And run we all did!  I ended up dodging behind a tree, but not before one of the rockets almost took my ear off.  No one was hurt, and no serious damage was done, but that killed any affection my family had for bottle rockets.  My mom didn't like any fireworks that flew anyway, because in her words, "They always come after me!!!"  Of course they didn't ALWAYS come after her, but we all know how unpredictable fireworks can be.  

I could fill a whole post full of Fourth of July memories, but then we'd be here all day and part of the night.  I'll just say that it was a special time of year for my family, and I really miss those days.  To the rest of y'all, be safe and have fun!  Drink beer, eat watermelon, shoot off bottle rockets, and keep your pets safe.

Happy Independence Day every day,


  1. Mr. BTEG and I had a nice holiday. We saw a fireworks display in my old hometown, which always puts on a good show. Memories made me a little melancholy myself, though. And alliterative, apparently. I hope that you and the Moon household enjoyed the day.

    1. Does EVERYONE have memories of Fourth of July that make them a little melancholy? I spent the day a little blue because I missed my father terribly. Fourth of July was HIS HOLIDAY and we always made a big deal of it. But otherwise we had fun. Mama and I spent a little time together and then about dark I went to the local fireworks show. It was nice; one of the local churches holds it and they use that as an opportunity to fellowship and try to reach folks that may be on the fence about Jesus. I liked listening to them sing before the fireworks started.
