Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Patient redheads, and impatient Moony

"Waiting...waiting, waiting."  Thus begins a brief video of the 2011 Lambert Airport tornado.  Yes, lately I feel like I've done nothing but wait.  Wait for Mama to recover, then wait to hear from the hospital, then wait for the surgery to be over, then wait for Mama to recover again.  In case y'all were wondering, Mama never did fully bounce back from the initial gallbladder surgery, and as the weeks passed she grew more and more confused.  Yesterday when she went back for a routine checkup she didn't remember what year it was, or who the president was before Sleepy Joe took office, or ANYTHING!!!  So now she's back at Southeast Hospital in Cape Girardeau with a UTI and an infection around the initial incision.  The doctors are opening her up again around the noon hour to put her drain back in, and I presume that they'll clean her out a little as well.  So my future consists of more six-day workweeks, more taking care of two households of pets, and more listening to Second Uncle whine about how bad he's got it.  Never mind that Mama is in the hospital and Sister, Brother-in-Law, First Uncle, and I are all worried sick.  Second Uncle cares only about Second Uncle.  

Oh well, I'm thirty-four, and six-day weeks are no serious issue.  On the other hand, Coworker A is eighty-five, and six-day weeks are kinda tough, especially when she usually only works two days a week.  She'll be getting a day off this week so that eases it up a little for her.  Coworker A has been a complete rock star, by the way.  She's picked up the slack for Mama and hardly complained, and both Mama and I are at a loss for how to repay her.

To keep this post from being nothing but whining, here's my two new girls.  They too are waiting.

Far, far away I can hear a tall brunette man in a long brown duster moaning "Awwww, I wanna be ginger! It's never been ginger!"  Well...so do I, LOL.  My hair has never been red, nor will it ever be, because what's the point of a dye job when you've gotta do a ton of maintenance?  Anyway, the ginger on the left is Julia, an early-model Gotz Precious Day doll, and her sister is Amelia, a later-model Precious Day.  Truth be told, they're probably BOTH Julia dolls, but I didn't want to leave them with the same name.  I hadn't had either of them a full twenty-four hours when I took this picture, and when I looked at them through the car window I pictured two little siblings, weary from several days on the road and ready to go home.  Kinda how I felt right then, LOL.

Spleen vented, dolls shown...I think that will just about do it for now.  Unless something good, bad, or ugly comes up the next post will be Molly's spotlight.  I hope it'll be more popular than Samantha's.

Nanu nanu,


  1. I am so sorry about your mother. My Mom has tons of health issues so I am always worrying about her. Its tough when they start gong downhill on you. I am sure you have been told, but know that UTI's and infections can cause confusion in older people. So don't despair, she should be doing better once the antibiotics kick in. Your dolls are really cute and they do look more like sisters than the same doll at two different years. One even appears younger with the hairstyle and clothing. And unfortunately, we all have a second uncle of our own. Although mine was second aunt and she died from COVID last year. I do know how you feel though.

    1. LOL, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has a Second Uncle! Yes, I'm aware of what UTIs can do to people; when my grandmother was declining she was out of her mind on one infection or another. When she was lucid she was the sweetest lady ever, but when she was infected she was raving mad. It was a horrible thing to see. Luckily Mama felt good enuff to be mad about losing her glasses this morning, so that's a good sign. I'm glad Julia and Amelia make convincing sisters; I was a little concerned about that.
