Friday, June 3, 2022

The unobtainable becomes the obtainable

First and foremost, kudos to Crystallinetoybox for offering to find a Forever Doll for anyone who wants one.  That was a nice gesture, but having glanced over Forever Doll's website I don't think I'll be needing much help.  I revisited the website, and the mailing options include the United States and the United Kingdom in addition to Australia and New Zealand.  Back in February it was just Australia and New Zealand.  So...y'all probably know where I'm going with this!  I just don't know if I want my Forever doll to be edgy skater boy Axel or rainbow-haired Iris.

With shipping these dolls are...well, they're actually cheaper than a Create Your Own American Girl!  With bill-paying time just around the corner and two Gotz dolls on their way I won't be buying either Axel or Iris anytime soon, but it's good to know that I can buy one without having to rely on eBay or a third party.  Still, it was a kind gesture on Crystalline's part to offer.  Thanks a bunch, sweetie!

Rainbows and skateboards,


  1. I like Axel's hair and outfit, but his eyes look a bit um, startled. I thought maybe it was his hair, so I put my finger over it. But nope, for some reason they are made to look like he saw a ghost... on purpose. I love the other doll though, beautiful brown eyes that look realistic and that rainbow hair! I think they could have done a better job with her clothes (plain without making her look in an inmate or mental patient), but clothes can be changed. Its a toughie, I still like Axel, I just don't know that I could see him staring at me all the time with those eyes. LOL

    1. LOL, Iris is the exception to the rule, as all of these dolls look kinda startled. I live with Living Dead Dolls, so dolls that look a little freaked out are nothing to me. I agree that Iris's outfit is kinda bland, but I figure the designers did that so that nothing would clash with her hair. Rainbow hair is kinda hard to dress for, believe it or not.
