Thursday, June 9, 2022

AG Spotlight: Molly McIntire

Good golly, I'm Little Miss Molly!

FULL NAME:  Molly Jean McIntire

NICKNAMES:  "Olly Molly," used by my dad, "Silver-Eye" and "Little Miss Molly," used by the Moon Girl.

BIRTHDAY:  April 22nd, one day after Felicity's.  Hey, I share a birthday with Blossom Flowerpot, that pink-haired loopy doll!

Us!  Three cheers for shared birthdays!

HOMETOWN:  Jefferson, Illinois

HEAD MOLD:  Classic

HAIR COLOR:  Medium brown

EYE COLOR:  Gray; my right eye has silvered

FAVORITE COLORS:  Red, white, and blue!

THINGS I LIKE:  Dancing (especially tap and highland), swing music, old-timey movies, roller-skating,'s not hard to please me, really!

THINGS I DISLIKE:  Turnips, math (the Moon Girl agrees), and my boring brown hair.

MY CHOICE OF MUSIC:  Glenn Miller, the Andrews Sisters, and Louis Armstrong.

BEST FRIENDS:  Courtney and Lindsey.  I also have a bond with Samantha, since we both ended up abandoned.  Lastly, since I wear glasses I'm a member of the Four-Eyed Freaks, a club Zoe started for folks who wear glasses.

SOMEONE I'D RATHER AVOID:  I don't really dislike anyone!

HOW I CAME HERE:  When the Moon Girl's sister gave up dolls she passed Samantha and me up.  Chatty Cathy says I should thank her for it, LOL.

ABOUT ME:  I haven't changed too much over the years.  I'm still a chatterbox, I still hate turnips and multiplication, and I still love to dance.  In the years that I've lived in the Moon House I've taken up highland dance and swing dance in addition to tap.  Too bad that American Girls aren't the most limber dolls in the world, and spoiler alert:  I won't be the only one to complain about that.  Oh well, doesn't stop me from at least trying to dance!

Yeah, yeah, I know that costume is Irish and my ancestry is Scots, but I don't care much.  I love the wig that comes with this costume, even though the band that holds it on is broken.  It covers my boring brown hair very nicely.

The Moon Girl warned me to take it easy on the ego, and that the last thing she needs is a mini-Michael Flatley tapping around her house.  She needn't worry; as I said above I'm not flexible enough to dance like he can.  Dancing aside...where was I?  Oh yeah, I still love to daydream and I still tend to be an idealist rather than a realist, but I don't let the real world bother me like I used to.  I just take changes as they come and if they're bad...that's just life, I guess.  It's not the end of the world.

When I'm not trying to dance I can usually be found outside on nice days, playing tag and make-believe with Kyle and Olivia Reese, though the two of them have me beat at climbing trees.  I also like to jump rope and roller skate; I'm not as fast as Joss and Lindsey are on their respective wheels, but I can hold my own.  When the weather isn't good enough to go outside I relax and talk with Lindsey.  Everything I've needed to know about the modern world, she's taught me, and I hope she knows I appreciate it.  Courtney and I also like to talk family matters, since we both miss our fathers.  Sometimes Samantha joins in...but she never really knew her mom and dad.  I always feel bad talking about my parents in front of her, even though she claims she doesn't mind.  I know it bothers her a little, but she always listens, just the same.  Samantha is a good listener.  I respect that, and I could learn a lesson from her, LOL!

Well, I'm off to (once again) attempt dancing to "Reel Around the Sun."  Don't wait up!

Molly Jean McIntire


  1. At least Molly doesn't have to worry about holding her arms at her sides while she dances. :) My mother really doesn't like dolls, but Molly would actually be just about my mother's age, since my mother was born in 1934. From the little she saw of the dolls, though, my mom seemed to identify with Kit better.

    Speaking of mothers, I hope that yours is doing better. It must have been so scary for you when she took a turn for the worse.

    1. It was more frustrating than scary, but thank God, she's doing better now. She's out of the hospital with two drains in her stomach, and she's feeling well enuff to complain about being bored. Last week there was some chatter about her retiring, but now she desperately wants to come back to work.
