Hi, ladies and losers, it's RagingMoon1987. American Girl's World By Us line is a little old news now, but they're also super-cute and colorful and...well, modern, so I want to voice my opinions. There are three multiracial dolls so far, and they're all...well, since they're modern girls and American Girl wants to keep their sales up, all three characters are lefties. Sigh...I always wonder about children of that age, whether they genuinely believe what they're saying or if they're just repeating what they hear at home. I know I was that way when I was a kid, and I'm NOT a leftie! That's just...well, kids. If you love your parents, you tend to say what they say because you believe them and trust them. Oh well, I'll discuss each girl's cause when I come to it, because they've all apparently got good reasons for believing the way they do. As always, keep in mind that all opinions in this post are mine and mine alone.
WHAT I DON'T LIKE ABOUT HER: The name, first and foremost. For me it's too similar to McKenna, one of my least-favorite Girls of the Year. Maybe it's pronounced differently. Makena also comes with a new head mold, and I haven't seen it IRL, but in pictures it looks kinda babyish, like Nanea's head. I also wish she was something besides a fashionista, but then again...have we had a fashionista in the AG line? I can't quite remember.
WHAT I DO LIKE ABOUT HER: The mold may look babyish, but the paint is ah-maz-ing. Makena has big pretty lips, painted eyelashes, and big, realistic eyebrows. I'll admit that I think painted lashes look a little weird with sleep eyes, but that's not a problem unique to Makena. I love her hair, I love her sparkly outfit, and I just think she's a cute doll. I also like how she fights with racism in a creative way, by utilizing her design skills. I hope her two friends are equally creative...
BASIC INFO: Maritza is of Mexican and Bolivian decent, and because there's always got to be an athlete she's the athlete of the bunch. Her cause is immigration, particularly helping immigrant families stay together. I can name something that'll help that: come here LEGALLY. But then again...Rebecca's family came here legally and her aunt's branch of the family was separated. So there's probably more to that issue there.
WHAT I DON'T LIKE ABOUT HER: Of the three World By Us girls Maritza has the weakest meet outfit, though granted, it fits her sporty personality just fine. That's...really all I have against Maritza. I wish she had a jacket to break up that track suit a little...oh wait a minute, Maritza's personal accessories include a jacket. I guess I'll just shut up, LOL! By the way...do all three of these little girls wear clothes that Makena designed? That would be a cute touch if they did.
WHAT I DO LIKE ABOUT HER: I love the name "Maritza," first and foremost. It makes me think of "Mariska," and Mariska Hargitay. Maritza uses the Joss mold, and from what I can tell in stock photos it's painted beautifully (she has painted lashes again). I also like Maritza's other two outfits, since they come in bright, splashy colors but are a completely different color scheme from her meet outfit. This is a cute doll, y'all.
BASIC INFO: Evette is biracial, being half-black and half-white. She's the green geek of the bunch, preferring her clothes vintage. I guess that means Makena didn't design her outfit, unless she took an old one and redesigned it for Evette. That works. As long as Evette isn't as obnoxious as that little Swedish bitch then she and I will do just fine.
WHAT I DON'T LIKE ABOUT HER: Another friggin' Josefina face. I'm gonna admit it: the Josefina face is not my favorite AG head mold. I have Luciana, I have Marina, and I have Julie, and I have a hard time photographing them because I keep catching them in bad angles. Also, does Evette have a hobby? Makena and Maritza have both a cause and a hobby, but so far I only see a cause for Evette. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, my dear.
WHAT I DO LIKE ABOUT HER: Everything, LOL. I was expecting Makena to be my favorite doll in this line, but Evette hauled off and surprised me. She's got gray eyes and freckles, and her outfit is so stinkin' cute, and she likes vintage clothes...she's a cute doll, and she's eco-conscious in a way that all little girls can emulate. No striking from school (that I know of), no boycotting Barbie (that I know of), just upcycling and reusing. A good way to stop waste is to not waste at all, and Evette is doing just that. I would like to see something addressing the problem with bees in this country, but...didn't Blaire do that? Her dress had bees on it, after all. I dunno; I never read Blaire's book.
So that's my take on these new girls. They're all more political than I care for a doll line to be. Seriously, when anything, music, media, toys, books, what have you take a turn to the left it looks like a desperate move. It's almost like the companies are saying "Look at me! I'm hip! I'm woke! I follow the trendiest issues! I have no idea why, BUT I DO!!! Join me!" Granted, Makena's race issue is definitely still a problem in this country, and I love her idea of combating it. Designing may sound shallow, but when you want to send a message you can very easily with a line of T-shirts. I'm on the fence with the other two and their causes, especially Maritza's. Regarding the dolls themselves? DAYUM, THEY CUTE!!! Talolili asked me about a week ago which one was my favorite and I...can't remember if I gave her a straight answer, but having seen them all...well, Evette is my favorite, but there's really not a loser in the bunch. Will I be buying any of them? Not anytime soon, no. But Evette is a must-have, at the very least.
What say y'all? Hot or not? Do you think AG is on to something here, or do they seem a little desperate to reach out to their fanbase by sounding hip and woke? Do you have/want any of these? Do you hope there'll be more characters (I do)? Discuss.