Sunday, May 31, 2020

Hello, goodbye

I've only had Sansa and Arya twenty-eight hours, and I've already had to say goodbye to poor Arya.  And yes, she is actively dying in this picture, though I didn't know it just then.  I thought she was just sick and was trying to comfort her.
The evening started off innocuously enough; the kittens ran to me when I got home, ready for food and chin scratches.  Arya managed to get gravy all over her fur and she needed a bath, which she took like a champ.  She cried when I took a shower because she didn't want to be away from me.  And when we all lay down in the bed she wanted to purr and nibble my fingers and be cute.  She was fine until about three this morning.  She screeched, arched her little head back, and went limp.  She lingered for an hour like that and then...she died.  I buried her with Sampson and Bentley, Hunger Games salute and all.

Arya was only half Sansa's size and didn't have the stamina that her sister did, so I s'pose she had some sort of congenital problem and it finally caught up with her.  Having fleas didn't help, though she'd been treated for those.  Thus is the life for someone who rescues animals; some of them just don't pull through.  I'm thankful to my two friends for rescuing Arya and Sansa, because they both would've died unloved and alone in that plastic bag.  

The good news is that Sansa is alive and thriving and settling in well.  I'm excited to have her along, and I'm looking forward to seeing how she looks as she grows.  For some reason she likes to chew on my hair.  Never had a kitten do that to me before, LOL.

Give your fur babies an extra hug tonight!  You never know when you'll lose them.

Joy to all,


  1. Oh no, poor little Arya! I’m so sorry to hear that she’s gone. My kitties are going to get an extra big cuddle tonight.

    1. It was worth it knowing I could give her a proper burial. I prefer that to her being flattened on the highway. Sansa is feeling the sting, though. I think she's lonely for someone her size.

    2. Poor little girl! Yeah, at least she was warm and safe.

  2. Oh! Poor baby kitty! That's really sad.

    1. It was, yeah. Unfortunate things happen like that, but you go on with life. Sansa is well, so that counts for something.

  3. Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your poor kitten. It’s so sad when animals die. I hope Sansa survives and thrives. My daughter’s beloved pet rabbit died last year. It took my daughter a long time to fully recover from that loss. She did eventually get two more bunnies, 5 chickens, and recently a hamster.

    1. Oh gosh, your poor daughter! Losing a pet is never easy, but I'm glad she's healing. I think Sansa is lonely; she meows a lot and tries to snuggle with the other cats. I'm considering finding another kitten to be her friend.

  4. I hope she'll learn to use the litter box! She prefers to crap in the floor.

  5. Oh no, poor little Arya! My heart broke as I read your post! Hugs to you. I had a similar thing happen in 1995. I had brought home two little sibling kittens from a rescue out of town. There was a little girl kitten who was obviously the runt of the litter and her bigger brother. I came home from work after having them only for 2 days and the little girls was very lethargic and not eating. So I took her to the emergency night vet and held her in my lap the entire way. When I picked her up from my lap after arriving at the vet, her head was hanging over my hand. My heart sank as I was pretty sure she was gone, but I asked the vet to try to revive her. Of course, there was nothing they could do. It broke my heart forever!

    1. I've had that happen to me twice now, once with a little chap named Nimbus, and again with Arya. I think it's called fading kitten syndrome, and once it strikes there's very little one can do except try to keep their blood sugar up. And that doesn't always work! I wonder if Arya was the runt of the litter too, since Sansa was so much bigger than her. That's life, I guess. We can only love them for as long as we have them. I'm sorry about your baby; that really is a disappointment and a heartbreak when that happens.

  6. Oh I'm so sorry, I wish that I'd read this before I commented on your last post. It still makes me mad that someone would abandon them like that but hopefully in the short period they were with you, Anya felt the love that she deserved. They break our hearts no matter how short a time we have them with us.
    Big hugs to you and little Sansa, and hopefully she will get a little friend soon ;)

    1. Arya spent her last night nestled in my arms, so I think she knew she was loved and safe. Yeah, my friends and I have all collectively wished all sorts of horrible things on the "person" who did this to Arya and Sansa. I'm relieved that Sansa is doing well.
