Friday, June 15, 2018

The results of the pink slip

No Freya today, though I think she may turn up in the mail very soon.  She cleared St. Louis and made it to Malden early this morning, so she'll be making her debut here before too long.  No, today's package came from one of my favorite ball-jointed doll vendors.
Ah yes, I love me some Fatiao.  I usually buy shoes from there, but on this particular occasion I needed some other things.  I have five lolita dresses that reside on tottery old tea bottles, and to rid myself of the bottles I bought these little hangers.  They come in bunches of ten and are made of metal and wood.
Now I need to get a clothes wrack, which Etsy also has.  In addition to that I got a wig cap (size 7-8)...
...and what good is a wig cap without a wig???
This wig doesn't look like much when it's off of Johanna, but when I put it on her it looks pretty darn good.  I did have to cut her bangs, and the overall style will have to be brushed, but it looks alright.
It's certainly better than the piece of crap she WAS wearing!  She reminds me a little of George Harrison in this wig.
George was and still is my favorite of the Beatles, but I don't want Johanna to look like him.  I would recommend that those of you with ball-jointed dolls not buy these wigs as they are not as pictured.  They fit okay, but they don't LOOK okay.  The bangs are blunt-cut and stick out at kooky angles, and they're just not very nice...unless I want to muss them a bit and put them on Alistair!  Any tacky-looking wig is fair game for Alistair, as he knows no shame and has no reservations about wearing a Beatle wig...OR a wig that looks vaguely like Andy Warhol's hair.  Fun fact:  Warhol's ridiculous hair was a wig.  Maybe some of y'all knew that, but I didn't.  Anyway, here's how Alistair looks in the two wigs that did NOT look good on Johanna.
I can dig that.  At least those poorly cut wigs won't be a complete waste of money.  Maybe I can even chalk the blonde one and give it some streaks...but that might not be the brightest idea since the chalk might get on Alistair's resin.

Johanna and her half-sister Guinevere are still obviously floating heads, by the way.
I was hoping to get a body for them with my tax return,  Moony didn't get a tax return this year, so there's that idea out the window.  Maybe next year, when I don't need a new air conditioner...or a new washer and drier...or health insurance.  Sigh...thus why I play with dolls at my age.  Adulting can really bite whale bubbles sometimes, especially when bills and surprise expenses come calling.  At least the local repairman was able to put a Band-Aid on my current AC; it's now very nice in my house, as opposed to how it was on Monday.  Seriously, the heat in the house was part of the reason why I blew off a full review this week.  I had one planned, but it was too hot to do a lot of moving around and I simply wasn't in the mood to bake while I took pictures of a pair of dolls in clothing that is best suited for fall or early spring.
Good news!  I was typing up this review earlier today (when I SHOULD have been working), and during that time Freya turned up.  Here she is, sans face-up, eyes, and clothes.  Eyes are on the way and I have a dress she can wear, so those problems won't last forever.
Being the kind folks that they are, Junky Spot also sent some candy along.  It wasn't my cup of tea, but I always love it when businesses do little things like this.
I'll be reviewing Freya in weeks to come.  Though she is a Hujoo like Ju-hwang, she's got some critical differences that are worth showing.  For now though, she's going to hang out at my work station with Usaggie.
I promise these two are not distracting me.  I took them out when we had a slow moment, and then after that they went back under my desk.  I can still see them, so they won't be forgotten at the end of the day, but they're still out of the way for the time being.

Hugs and kisses,

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