Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Today was...

Today was, to put it bluntly, a slice of hell.  Mama's air conditioner went blooey for the third time this summer, Coworker B got bad news at her doctor's visit, one of my puppies destroyed her harness (making it much harder for me to take her potty), and work itself was nuts.  This person wanted to check in a jillion books and then check out a jillion more, that person wanted a fax sent RIGHT THEN and never mind the other patrons, another pair couldn't shut up long enough for me to answer their questions, and still another little kid thought it would be fun to pick up Freya and start tossing her around.  Yes, Freya.  I thought I kept her and Usaggie out of reach, but I guess I didn't.

Okay, the day wasn't all that bad.  One of our local animal rescuers brought in this kitten, which she'd plucked off the parking lot of a local car dealership.  He's still in his cage here; his rescuer needed to print off some flyers before she took him home for fostering.
Ain't he cute?!  If I didn't have five of my own I'd have happily taken him.  He was scared at first, but when we started poking our fingers through the cage he calmed down and started purring.

To keep this post from being totally un-dolly, here's Freya with her old friend Usaggie and her new friend Riley.  Freya is made of ABS plastic and thus made it through her ordeal unscathed.  Notice though that she still doesn't have any eyes; those are coming from Russia so God only knows when they'll be here.
Riley is one of a new line of dolls that I'll be reviewing in the coming month.  Yes, month.  I need some time to chillax and unwind, if y'all can believe that.  My own AC was out for part of the summer, I got heat exhaustion, and a week and a half later I'm still getting my strength back.  I'm such a wussy, LOL.  Anyway, Riley is up for review along with Freya and Arklu's Lottie, and then...well, I'm not really sure what I'll do, but I'll think of something.  Maybe I could try making some of the neat things that Froggy makes on her YouTube channel and discuss the ease or difficulty with which I made them.  Or I could wire all my ball-jointed dolls and discuss the ease or difficulty of that.  I don't know who needs wiring worse, Johnny or Alistair, but they ALL need it.

Oh yes, I got some interesting news via e-mail this morning.  PetWorks will e-mail out information about new releases if one signs up for it, and one of this summer's new releases apparently will indeed be the panda-colored Kuma-bolo that I find so adorable.  I like that Jossie too, and I had plans to get her as well until I saw advertisements for a character I've never heard of called Momo-bolo.  I don't know if Momo has ever been released before, but this one is certainly cute with her button eyes.  She'll make a nice contrast to both Usaggie and Kuma...if I can manage to snag both Kuma and Momo, AND if I can avoid any nasty surprise expenses in between now and their release dates.  Whatever goes down, I'll keep y'all posted.

Now I'm off to YouTube, to relax with some music.  Paul Mauriat is calling my name!

Yours somewhat-tiredly,


  1. Sounds like a rough day at work! Your posts always crack me up and I love your writing style. The kitten is very cute. We only have 1 cat, he's almost 15, but I love cats in general and since we live on a farm we can enjoy the barn cats as well. :) I hope he finds a home! Heat exhaustion is no joke. It got to 90 here on Monday and we're soo not used to it, but I definitely felt weird!

    1. LOL, I try to keep the style here casual no matter what happens so I'm glad you like. Speaking of Mr. Kitten, I think I drove my mother crazy wondering how he's doing. He's in good hands, that much is certain, but I still am wondering how the little goober is settling in. Don't YOU go getting heat exhaustion; it definitely is no joke. Thank God it cooled down some here. Keep up the good work on your blog; those new Barbie dolls are glorious.

    2. I'm good now, lol. I knew when to get out of the heat! And thank you for your compliment on my had been so long since I posted, it was hard to get started again! :)
