Thursday, September 5, 2024

Time to gripe: same ol' situation...on steroids

Y'all may or may not remember how I had some issues with slow mail back in April.  The doll I ordered then did eventually arrive, but oh nelly, it took a lot longer than it should've. least I got the stuff.  Mama and I both went on a bit of a spending spree, mainly for Cabbage Patch clothes, though I did buy another doll.  Yep, another doll.  She requires some explaining of her own.  Anyway, I did get the My Twinn doll I wanted, but the dollhouse miniatures I was also waiting for then never got here.  Y'all with me so far?  Fast-forward to this past weekend, when four of my tracking numbers show they'll be here September 3rd.  Well September 3rd came and went, all four tracking numbers registered "delivered" (at eight p.m., no less)...but my mailbox was empty.  Yesterday morning I checked again and my mailbox was STILL empty.  A phone call to the post office revealed...that their dumb new hire put my stuff at the wrong address.  I left them my phone number and never heard back.  Two dresses, a pair of shoes, and a sack of beads, gone...or so I thought.

So there I was in the midafternoon, chatting with Coworker A and secretly still seething about my missing stuff, when a woman I'd never seen came in...WITH MY STUFF!!!  She lived a street over from me and didn't recognize my full name, but her neighbor did.  Long story short, I got my stuff back.  This is it; what a relief.

Elisabeth Clara will get the blue dress and red tights, while the yellow shoes are for Beryl June.  Barefoot season is just about over, folks!  Anyway, the panda dress ties in with the doll that isn't mine.  The sack of beads is a sack of alphabet beads, for Cabbie name bracelets.

I know that not receiving items isn't the end of the world...but dammit, I PAID FOR THAT STUFF AND WANTED IT!!!  All's well that ends well, but killecrankie, I miss my old mail carrier!  She dropped a hunting rifle butt first onto her right big toe and broke the crap out of said toe, and because of the boot she's wearing she can't drive.  She wouldn't have made that kinda mistake, delivering my stuff to someone else...but then again she and I have been friends since childhood so she knows where to find me.

Based on the fiasco on Tuesday I was worried about a repeat performance for Wednesday.  More was riding on Wednesday, as this time the Doll That Is Not For Me was on her way.  Luckily, all went well this time.  I'm nicknaming her "Precious," after the person she's for.

Those of y'all who have sent me gifts in the past have told me to pay it forward, and that's what I plan on doing with this poppet.  See, I have a friend at the library who often admires my Cabbage Patch Kids.  She's a young woman of color, and in her youth her family put together a large collection of Cabbies.  They too were of color, and she remembered at least one with popcorn curls like Idalia Gale's and Beryl June's.  Then she grew up, as people will do, and she donated her dolls to charity, just like I did with my My Little Pony collection.  She regrets that now, of course.  She has seen and held both Idalia Gale and Beryl June, and she loves the picture I took of Nathan, Matt, and Esmond together, soooooo...I got her her own little Cabbage Patch Kid.  The panda dress is an extra, because my friend loves panda bears.  I don't know why I remember that, and it shocked her when I did remember...but I remembered.  Hey, panda bears are cool!  Here's a better look at the dress.

It's just irritating that our local mail has gotten that sloppy.  I know it happens all the time, but that doesn't mean it's any fun for the person whose mail got boogered up.  All I can say is I hope the rest of our stuff gets here in one piece, and if y'all have mail coming I hope you get your things too.  



  1. What a thoughtful gift for your friend. I know from experience that there's nothing quite like the feeling of coming across something and just knowing it would be perfect for someone special, then seeing their reaction when you give it to them. Let's hear it for 'just because', unexpected acts of kindness, both big and small.
    Signed, Treesa

    1. Yeah, I love "just because" gifts! Love giving 'em, love getting 'em...and I'm glad this one arrived in one piece! I don't know when my friend will be in again, but I'll let y'all know what she said!

  2. What a sweet thing to do, Moon! Your friend will think of you whenever she looks at her pretty Cabbie! I believe in karma (good and bad), and yours will be overflowing with positive energy!

    1. I'm just excited to see her again. She always makes such a fuss over my dolls, so she deserves one of her own!

  3. We just received someone else's mail today! None of seemed important, but it happens a lot here. I'm not sure if it makes it better or worse, that we share a larger mailbox with about 11 other homes, all of the condos on our side of the street. I love "just because" gifts too. Gift giving is probably my main love language. I'm sure your friend will love her new Cabbie.

    1. I know everyone receives the wrong mail from time to time, but Killecrankie, is it frustrating! I hope my friend likes her friend; I'll let y'all know when I finally get to give it to her.
