Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Hurricane girls

Galveston, oh Galveston
I still hear your sea winds blowin'.

--Glen Campbell, "Galveston"

Yes, Hurricane Beryl hit Texas early yesterday morning, and today it's our turn.  The local weather is predicting a bootle of rain, which we don't need.  But the upside to a lot of rain in spring and summer means a pretty fall, so I'll button my lip.  Regarding dolly chatter, last year there was Idalia Gale, and now there's Beryl June.  I bought her when Hurricane Beryl was still in the Gulf.  Yep, I named a Cabbie "Beryl," though I took pity on her and did not name her "Beryl Tempest."  The dress is an Etsy number, surprise, surprise. 

Brunette double popcorn, #10 head, P tag, 1989 signature...I think.  Her signature is pretty faded, but it looks pink.  But it could also be 1986; the popcorn hair makes more sense for a Kid from '86.

Beryl has a gripping hand like Idalia does, but she's right-handed.  I need another Cabbage Patch Kid like I need a second rear end, and I paid more than I should have for her, but I wanted a double popcorn.  As is my usual MO, Beryl has a head, a hair color, and a factory mark that I didn't yet have, and when the seller marked her down I went for her.  True, Beryl came naked (Idalia at least had a diaper), and she has some marks and scuffs here and there...

...but no one took a pen to her cheek like they did with Idalia.

Dolls from the P factories could get pox, so that's the main thing I'm concerned about.  Beryl gets a clean bill of health there.  Thank God, I've lucked out big time with pox.  None of my dolls have it, not even my little bean-butt.  Now let's look at my popcorn girls together.  Idalia Gale gets along with everyone in the Patch, but I think she's glad to have another popcorn to talk to.

I joked to a friend on Failbook that I like my popcorn girls the way I like my Doctors:  ten and eleven!  LOL, in truth I just took what I got regarding heads; they could've been #9 and #15 and I'd have gone for 'em hook, line, and sinker.  Indeed, the #15 head is one of my favorites.

Now that that's outta the way, I'm gonna sit at my workstation and pray we don't have any tornadoes today.  Such a thing is a very real problem when tropical cyclones come ashore.  We've already had a lot of rain, so thank God we don't have far to go to get to work.

EDIT, 7/18/24:  I learned a couple'a days ago that Cabbies with gripping hands are marked "L" and "R" on their body tags.  Predictably, "L" signifies a southpaw and "R" is for right-handed Cabbies.  Beryl June's tag is a bit faded, but one can still see the "R" under the P mark.

Idalia Gale's tag is more legible, and sure enuff, it's got an "L."

It's a piddlin' little detail, but I happen to like piddlin' little details like this.

Windy love,


  1. I saw the Weather(tm) went straight over y'all up there - hope everyone came out okay. We got some rain out of it (FINALLY!) despite being removed from the Cone a while back. Looking at the storm tracks, it was amusing to see the sharp right hook Beryl took as soon as it left Texas.

    1. We got a lot of rain. It would pour, and then the sun would peep out, and then it would pour again. Thankfully the tornadoes were north and east of us, though I don't want it for them either. Here's hoping y'all get some more rain; my area has gotten too much.

  2. Gad! I hope you stay tornado free! With hair like Beryl's Ivy would have called it 'meatball' hair. One of her favourite Kelly dolls was a little girl with two blobs of curly ponytails, who she named Meatball.

    1. LOL, sounds like a Sailor Moon reference! The tornadoes stayed to our east and north, thankfully, though I heard a couple'a towns in Indiana got hit pretty hard.
