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Sunday, May 19, 2024

My Child drops in

It's been awhile since I did anything with my My Child doll, so Morgan decided to pop in and say hello.
Morgan used to be one of my favorite dolls, so shame on me for not doing anything with her in God knows how long.  When Lina showed up I remembered that Morgan was/is wearing a coordinating dress, so I dug her out of my doll room.  They make quite a pair, I must say!
I guess one could say that Morgan and Lina are cousins, as they're both soft-bodied Mattel dolls and some makes can share clothes.  Heck, some Magic Nursery dolls even wear shoes like the ones Morgan's got.
Or the shoes were the same mold, rather.  Miss Emily's Magic Nursery dolls had red and lilac shoes, but as far as I know My Child shoes were always white.  Still, the mold is the same for the girls.  Having never handled either a male My Child doll or a male Magic Nursery doll, I can't say if they shared a mold.

I went back to look at my original post about Morgan, and...sigh, my picture-taking abilities have improved somewhat since 2016, though I'm still no Ansel Adams.  Ansel Adams is like Ken's friend Allan:  there's only one.  At least Morgan is in focus, if a hair overexposed.
Morgan is pale anyway, so it's easy to overexpose her.  These dolls came in four skin tones, and Morgan's is the palest...with the darkest hair and the darkest eyes.  She needs a Snow White costume!

Since 2016 my favorite My Child reference site has gone the way of the dodo, though Kewpie83, Tam, and Barb the Evil Genius do have nice posts of their own about these dolls.  Diana's Patch also briefly discusses My Child, but that site is largely for the Cabbage Patch.  Anyway, while I was browsing Barb's post I discovered that these dolls had paperwork just like Cabbage Patch Kids and Magic Nursery did.  Cabbies have adoption papers and birth certificates, Magic Nursery dolls had activity books, and apparently My Child had a slip one could fill out to send in for a locket.  That's okay on its own, but when I looked more closely at the papers I saw that there was an option for the child to fill in "mother" or "father."  The picture in question can be found HERE.  I make a big note of that because Miss Emily saw similar wording on a Magic Nursery box.  Doll boxes don't say that now, as far as I'm aware, and that's kinda a shame.  Daddies love their babies too, and some little boys like dolls.

Barb mentions that her little doll has saggy face "skin," and my Morgan does too.  When I photograph her without a flash she looks like she just watched her friends get taken by weeping angels. 
Here's the same position with the flash.
Depending on various factors Morgan can look either devastated or furious.  There are ways to fix this, but I haven't tried 'em yet because I don't want to do permanent damage.  Tam's doll looked spectacular in 2019, by the way; some of these dolls get wrinkles and some don't.  How's your pet doing now, Tam?  Still bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, I hope?

So that's it...no, Hugo Jack wanted a quick photo op with these Cabbie competitors. 
I've got a nice collection of Cabbage Patch Kids, and I plan on amassing a small group of carefully selected Magic Nursery dolls, but for now now Morgan remains my only My Child doll.  My Child is highly collectible, with examples in pristine condition going for two hundred bucks or more.  And these are out-of-box examples we're talking about!  I've seen out-of-box Cabbage Patch Kids go for equal prices, but not often, and out-of-box Magic Nursery dolls don't sell for much at all.  Don't get me wrong, Lina is a fantastic little doll, but collectors seem to value Magic Nursery only for their intact surprises.  Shame, because Lina is great.  Anyway...where am I going with this???  There was a point, I swear.  Oh yeah, My Child is too expensive for me to build a huge collection right now, but that's okay.  I like Morgan just fine on her own.



  1. I haven't seen My Child in a long time. (That sounds terrible.) With so many dolls, they can't all be displayed at once without a designated doll room. So she has been in a tub. Hopefully she'll emerge into the daylight soon. She probably went to storage with the stuff from the Room of Water. That's worrying me, because the heat in there will be bad for so many of the dolls and things. I rescued my Ideal Tammy house, but my Barbie New Dreamhouse seems to have gone to the bottom of the stacks because the tub was huge. I'm going to have to excavate and get it out of there!

    1. At least she wasn't burned. That was my main concern there. I know you've still got a mess on your hands, as do I. Mold would be my dominant concern with your bunch, since it's been hot and wet.

  2. I just picked up a pack of Cabbage Patch Kids accessories at a local flea market from a line of all-vinyl Cabbies called Fun Bubble Baby. There's a diving mask with an attached snorkel that you can put bubble solution in to make bubbles come out of the snorkel, and there was an intact, girl Cabbie birth certificate with the accessories. Unfortunately, I think the bottle of bubble solution may have leaked, because there ended up being moisture inside the packaging when I opened it and, let's just say that moisture in an enclosed plastic packaging for who knows how long causes serious mustiness. I'm hoping that the paper items will air out, and I scrubbed down the plastic accessories with dish soap and hot water. I may try diluted bleach if the odor doesn't go away, though I'm hoping to avoid that. I'm mentioning this because I wanted to know if you have any suggestions for other things to try, maybe direct sunlight on a hot day or baking soda?
    Signed, Treesa

    1. I'll talk to my buddies on Failbook and get back to you. I've met a bunch of folks who know Cabbage Patch Kids forwards and backwards, and if they can help they will.

  3. Thanks for the link! Morgan and Lina do make an adorable pair. It's too bad about our girls' saggy skin, but I still love my doll. I adore sailor suits, too, and my doll looks so cute in hers. I think I'm going to have to (re)name her, to make her easier to talk about. At least Morgan can't blink, so she's safe!

    1. LOL, yeah, don't blink! We saw how well that went for Amy and Rory.

      I like the sailor suits too; I'd like to find one for Morgan, but dayum, they pricey! Yeah, I think that NOT monkeying with these dolls' faces is the best way to go; they both still photograph well.
